* renaming it the Draper
* Apologizing to the irish for centuries of cruel oppresion at the boot of &c
* Democracy has a shitload of overhead when u think about it
* Putting Gugu Mbatha-Raw and the word "phwoar" on the tenner
Gypsy self-deport thee
Refugee write your eulogy
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:sam kriss looks pretty asian in that clip. did he shoot cocaine into his tear ducts
Jews are Asian. Israel is in Asia. Hell, I'm Ukrainian, and I consider myself West Asian. "Europe" is a racist myth.
getfiscal posted:Lenin, like most historical political leaders, has a complete set of quotes where he comes down on both sides of most major issues. The main reason you should quote Lenin on an issue is to humiliate the part of the left that disagrees with you, or, if you're in a country that nominally supports socialism, so that your PhD dissertation on something like physics will be published at the national level.
true. i trolled the shit out of this forum with that essay he wrote against teaching children of different nationalities in their native tongues.
getfiscal posted:Hell, I'm Ukrainian
dont be so hard on yourself
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:getfiscal posted:Hell, I'm Ukrainian
dont be so hard on yourself
piss posted:a special thank you to our comrades on the left for advocating to leave the eu, and a special fuck u to the backwards racists who voted to leave the eu
the correct line.
also it's currently 52/48 to go so they gonna do the thing!
honestly though, anyone in this modern era that still has a monarchy and doesn't use them to as rodeo clowns in a bear pit never really belonged in a community of real countries to begin with.

tpaine posted:walkinginonit posted:This year I thought that the republican establishment would have successfully banded together against Trump. I also thought that Britain would have cowardly voted to stay in the EU. I guess what I underestimated was the strength of "pro-capitalist, anti-bourgeois" white people. White "populism" is on the rise. The EU is a horrible institution, but I doubt that it will be met by anything that's actually good.
cowardly isn't an adverb, bonzi buddy
bonzi buddy ain't my name, friend
tpaine posted:cowardly isn't an adverb, bonzi buddy
Uh, so how about that Florida school system folks?
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:Cowardly used to be an adverb but is in fact now an adjective
Holy shit
In conclusion, english is the garbage language of a garbage people, I am dumb, and here's to the UK and EU both unraveling.
Petrol posted:
Oh my god, is this fucking serious?
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:In old English adjectives and adverbs were interchangeable like German
Hahaha did you hear that? That's what I was doing.
Good luck with that, brits.

tpaine posted:wait whats happening in england
I think right wing old people just voted for ireland to reunite and leave the UK along with scotland