First, we need to maintain the United States’ fiscal strength by reforming entitlements. There’s no example of a nation continuing as a great power if its fiscal strength is lost. Anyone, whether Republican or Democrat, who has studied our entitlement programs and can do basic math knows they are unsustainable in their present form. If not fixed soon, they threaten our nation with a debt burden that would undermine the retirement security of young Americans and future generations. It doesn’t surprise me when a socialist such as Bernie Sanders sees no need to fix our entitlement programs. But I find it particularly appalling that Trump, a businessman, tells us he won’t touch Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:a guy said that john mccain isn't a war hero because vietnam was a moral atrocity and nobody even argued the point. they just went "wow.", "pull up", "this isn't the hill to die on", and later he was banned
they can't even see something happening across a goddamn ocean as not being about them
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:i made the mistake of visiting the SA election forum today. i'll give them this: they've done a great job keeping it from turning into another LF, i.e, funny, even slightly radical, populated at least partially by something other than useless fucking shitbirds
d&d mods do drive-by bans all the time and it is very bad overall, yes.
HenryKrinkle posted:le_nelson_mandela_face posted:a guy said that john mccain isn't a war hero because vietnam was a moral atrocity and nobody even argued the point. they just went "wow.", "pull up", "this isn't the hill to die on", and later he was banned
yup. they purged that place good.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:guyovich why are you in the SA hillary thread defending hillary clinton
this is news to me
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:sorry guyovich i had to hack ur acct to make some hillary posts sorry i was gonna tell u but i forgot
damn, can't believe all my bad posts were the work of hackers...

Guyovich posted:le_nelson_mandela_face posted:guyovich why are you in the SA hillary thread defending hillary clinton
this is news to me
you're dismissing her criminality with mockery of its importance
thirdplace posted:her criminality deserved to be mocked as trivial so long as it done in conjunction with condemnation of her role in destroying entire countries through perfectly legal channels
ya. the standard reply they pull out is some variation on "libya/honduras/haiti had it coming." but repetition is useful nonetheless