AmericanNazbro posted:
holding the nazis in the highest esteem and trying to emulate them is really the wrong way to go about being a fascist. smh
that's a traditional bodybuilding pose, n00b
futurewidow posted:
I like the fat it makes him a pretty solid guy
futurewidow posted:AmericanNazbro posted:
holding the nazis in the highest esteem and trying to emulate them is really the wrong way to go about being a fascist. smhthat's a traditional bodybuilding pose, n00b
yeah for the third reich!
tpaine posted:Meursault posted:I've had a mustache for a while but I think I'm growing a beard now too... it's all gross and patchy :tongue:
whenever i see a guy with a patchbeard my immaculate full beard speaks to me and tells him to "slap that chode to the sidewalk" and then "get ripe on some real fine juice"
Edited by Crow ()
tpaine posted:AmericanNazbro posted:futurewidow posted:
I like the fat it makes him a pretty solid guyimg:that goon who turns himself into a frog
futurewidow posted:
my fascist ex bf sent me a pretty sweet pic of his guns
haha well i'd hate men too if that was that
tpaine posted:ha ha ha...i want to die... ha ha ha
futurewidow posted:
my fascist ex bf sent me a pretty sweet pic of his guns
wht would you brag about 'dating' a homosexual??
Edited by soicowboy ()
-John "impper" Christy
anyways, the topic of appetite suppressants came up a lot in conversations recently, and it was mostly along the lines of "hey man, i've got no willpower tell me what drugs to take" and so EGCG, a catechin found primarily in green tea, was suggested because it is a naturally occurring substance [read: so i'm not recommending RX drugs & i don't have i guilt on my conscious when some dumby messes it up], that occurs in relatively low quantities in teas, but nonetheless has a powerful effect on appetite suppression and increased mitochondrial activity.
A 50% decrease in food intake was seen by the second day of treatment with 80 mg EGCG/kg BW. The EGCG effect on food intake was not dependent on an intact leptin receptor, as the leptin receptor-defective obese Zucker rats also responded to EGCG. - Modulation of Endocrine Systems and Food Intake by Green Tea Epigallocatechin Gallate, Yung-Hsi Kao, Endocrinology Vol. 141, No. 3 980-987 2001
the article then goes on to say that they measured other hormone levels, before and after administration [of EGCG], and that they remained unchanged. though not all of the hormones specific to feelings of satiety were checked.
my opinion, while not very technical and mostly conjecture based on personal anecdote, is that: the given rise in satiation is due in large part to the increased oxidation of triglycerides/lipids/free fatty acids by the mitochrondia. from experience and based upon what i've read on EGCG it seems like the satiation is primarily thus, and while it may be biphasic, with a more immediate suppression of hunger through an antagonism or agonism of hormones specific to feelings of "hunger" the 1 day delay in satiation as well as increased oxidation of bodyfat lends me to believe EGCG's satiety effect works primarily by increasing fatty acid oxidation at the mitochondrial levels, as this effect does invariably reduce appetite and increase feelings of satiation. i don't know the mechanism of this specific to EGCG, or if it occurs in specific cells or not because there aren't a lot of detailed studies done on "why" but rather studies simply confirming that this stuff, EGCG, works.
Healthy young men underwent three 24-h testing periods in a metabolic chamber to examine whether 2 capsules of a green tea extract containing 50 mg caffeine and 90 mg EGCG, taken 3 times/d, stimulated thermogenesis to a greater extent than did caffeine alone or placebo. Twenty-four-hour EE (energy expenditure) with green tea extract treatment was greater than that with caffeine and placebo—9867 kJ (2360.5 kcal) and 9599 (2296.4 kcal) and 9538 kJ (2281.8 kcal), respectively—which corresponds to an increase of 2.8% and 3.5% over the EE with caffeine and placebo, respectively. The 24-h respiratory quotient with green tea extract treatment was lower than that with caffeine and placebo—0.852 compared with 0.873 and 0.881, respectively—which is indicative of greater fat oxidation with green tea extract treatment. It was concluded that oral administration of a green tea extract stimulated thermogenesis and fat oxidation and, therefore, that green tea extract has the potential to influence body weight and body composition - Efficacy of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans, Dulloo, AG, Am J Clin Nutr 1999;70:1040–5
and another study regarding the efficacy of EGCG in appetite suppression
Dulloo et al (33) also confirmed the mechanism of action of the green tea extract in an in vitro experiment. This experiment showed that the green tea extract significantly increased the rate of intrascapular brown adipose tissue oxygen uptake, but caffeine alone did not. The authors concluded that the green tea extract was a more effective potentiator of sympathetically mediated thermogenesis than was caffeine alone. In humans, this green tea extract was also found to reduce body weight by 4.6% and waist circumference by 4.5% when 2 capsules were taken twice daily for 12 wk as part of a regular, self-selected diet (34). Each capsule contained 375 mg catechins, including 270 mg EGCG. - Recent findings of green tea extract AR25 (Exolise) and its activity for the treatment of obesity, Chantre P, Phytomedicine 2002;9:3–8
ideally, EGCG should be taken in the form of a pill/capsule supplement, because the EGCG content within tea is insufficient (unless drank it by the gallon) @ only 30mg/cup in regular store-bought green tea, and considering the allometric conversion for dosage listed in the first study gives a human equivalent of 7.4gr of EGCG for a 100kg person per day - a lot. that is excessive, and probably unhealthy, however 1.2gr - 0.8gr of EGCG is sufficient for purposes of appetite suppression, especially when caffeine or another beta adrenal receptor agonist is used concomitantly. it also should be taken on an empty stomach or before protein dense meals are consumed as the protein interferes with absorption.
there is one last thing worthy of mention w/r/t EGCG and that is it being a 5-alpha reductase 1 inhibitor, though, not really something i feel like getting into at the moment because for most people it's going to be largely irrelevant and talking about all this shit made me hungry as hell.
this is simply one means of appetite suppression, as the effects of hunger are multifaceted, occurring for different reasons in different individuals. namely, hunger pangs are more closely associated with ghrelin and a circadian rhythm releasing ghrelin at certain points when meals are often had, or when food is thought/smelt and a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, a void, that needs to be filled with something, an object, anything - yet not necessarily alongside fullbody feelings of starvation. cravings, more specifically fullbody cravings and cravings for carbs are more associated with insulin resistance and cell starvation, which will persist once again merely a few hours after eating a meal as insulin levels begin to subside. alpha lipoic acid and a lowcarb diet alongside exercise is an effective means of combating the latter, while the former generally becomes nonexistent a day or two into the diet (especially with the aid of appetite suppressants).
//Party on Wayne, Party on Girth//
As concerns effects, 'Umar, may God be pleased with him, said: "avoid gluttony, for it is a burden in life and rot in death." Shaqiq al-Balkhi maintained that "worship is a craft; its form is solitude and its tools are hunger." Lugman the Wise told his son: "my son, when the stomach is filled, thinking falls asleep, wisdom is silenced, and the organs cease to perform acts of worship." AlFudayl ibn 'Iyad used to say to himself: "what do you fear? Are you afraid of being hungry? Do not fear it! You are less of a burden to God than it (is for you)." Muhammad (pbuh), also his companions, would go hungry as if it was being whispered to his Lord: "you caused me to go hungry but not naked; in the darkness of night you sat me down without a lantern; by what means did you teach what I learned from thee?"
Fath al-Musili would say when overtaken by illness and hunger, "my Lord, you have afflicted me with illness and hunger, thus do you treat your saints; by what deed may I thank you for that which you have bequeathed unto me?" Malik ibn Dinar related that he had said to Muhammad ibn Wasi` "O Abu `Abdallah, blessed is he who has an ardent desire to satisfy his need and to render him needless of people." He replied: "O Abu Yahya, blessed is he who goes to bed and wakes up hungry and is content with God." Al-Fudayl ibn lyad used to say: "my Lord, you caused me and my family to go hungry, and you left me in the darkness of night without a lantern; but that is how you treat your saints (lit., loyal followers); by what station (level of devotion) have I earned this (favor) from you?" Yahya ibn Mu adh declared: "the hunger of those who seek is theft; the hunger of the repentant is tribulation; the hunger of the one who strives is a blessing; the hunger of the patient one is an art (lit., cultivation), and the hunger of the ascetic is wisdom."
It is stated in the Torah: "Fear God; and if you should be satiated (with food) then remember the hungry.- Abu Sulayman said: "it is dearer for me to give up a portion of my supper than to stay up a whole night." He also said: "hunger is a store with God; He grants of it only to those who love Him."
Sahl ibn `Abdallahal-Tustar used to spend more than twenty nights without eating. One dirham satisfied his food requirements for a whole year. He would glorify hunger and exaggerate it, saying: "there is no deed worthy of the Resurrection like abandoning desire for food and emulating the eating habits of the Prophet (pbuh)." "To seek profit from anything besides hunger," he continued, "wisdom and knowledge were placed in hunger; defiance and ignorance, in satiation; there is no better way for the servant (of God) to oppose whim than to abandon that which is lawful."
It is related in the Traditions that "a third (of one's acts of devotion) is in food; he who exceeds this is surrendering (a portion of) his good deed(s)." When asked: "what constitutes excess?" he replied: "to exceed the level in eating when refraining is more preferable; and when one hungers for a night, he asks God to make it two (nights); that is when one knows the excess." He maintained that such a preference can be achieved by constraining the stomach and staying up at night observing silence and seclusion." He also said that "at the head of every pious act descending from heaven to earth is hunger while heading every licentious one is a full stomach." Furthermore, "he who allows himself to go hungry will be free of anxiety." He maintained furthermore that hunger, sickness, and affliction are visited upon the servant chosen by God. "Know ye," said he, "this is a time when no one will gain salvation except by deadening the (physical) self through hunger, staying awake at night, and striving." Moreover, "no one passes through this world drinking to fill without committing an act of defiance; and offer thanks to God filled with food."
A wise man was once asked, "how do I curb my self?" to which he replied: "bind it by hunger and thirst; humble it by stifling its vanity and restrain the penis and the self s trifles by placing it under the feet of those who have earned the Hereafter (Paradise). Curb it (the self) by forsaking the apparel of the affluent. Deliver yourself of its evils by always thinking ill of it and by opposing its whims."
babyfinland posted:hunger is a gift from god reminding you of your absolute dependence on him
it is no secret that god can be ultimately snuffed out through mescaline, and i'm glad the prophet moomoommad agrees
deadken posted:the best hunger suppressant is CIGARETTES
coke but meth works too.
nicotine has a cognitive stimulatory effect maybe thats why you so smart bro. light up for your health