let's look at them

Trump Report - 50 pages of media narratives, 100 pages in total on his career and dirt OC - Rehost

Donors List - i wonder who some of these people are? some of yall must be as curious as i am
Doc 1 OC - Rehost
Doc 2 OC - Rehost
Prospect List OC - Rehost
Friends of HRC Giving History OC - Rehost

Commitment Sheet 1 OC - Rehost
Commitment Sheet 2 OC - Rehost

file from SecState days? OC - Rehost

National Security Transition OC - Rehost

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i suspect if someone wanted they may be able to connect these donors together somehow, some interesting things will come out. i hadnt taken a look through all of the files when i posted it, but more things will be released from wikileaks.

Urbandale posted:

more things will be released from wikileaks.

yeah this is the potentially interesting part, assuming this is one of the times j. 'not rapist' assange actually follows through.

*opens HIlly Clint report* - huh, thats wierd, its just 50 pages of the words "mass murderer" printed over and over
I went through the donor lists because I'd read that the Koch brothers were on there, but i couldn't find them. The only names i recognized were Morgan Freeman, Steven Spielberg, and Terry McAuliffe. Some of those people donated absurdly large amounts of money tho.

Imo the most interesting thing to come out of this leak so far is the memo from the Clinton camp talking about working with the media off the record to undermine the other candidates and "muddy the waters" around ethics and campaign finance. There's also a part in the trump file where they talk about his dick apparently, which is kind of funny i guess.

Hopefully the full release will have more interesting stuff.
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tpaine posted:

morgan fuckin' freeman

well don't forget that morgan freeman did that counter-documentary to cosmos which was basically a "we don't have all the answers!!! god still could've done it!!" christian apologia piece.

To be fair, though, we don't have all the answers, and God still could have done it.
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