swampman posted:It's irritating that Mateen is now assumed to have been a "self-hating" homosexual. Until some man claims to have had a moment of actual intimacy with Mateen - not just a message on an app - I don't see why they can't have been a straight lunatic, obsessing over perversion or whatever. Self-psychologizing, self-run exposure therapies are prevalent in a society without basic mental health support for its citizens. Bigots are able to understand that others think of them as bigots and the reasons why,... I can see them being a straight guy who went to the club for years out of more complicated, crazier reasons having to do with tolerance ("I tried my best to befriend/understand them"), surveillance, plotting, and alcoholism...
My point is really not that they were possibly straight. I don't think this is necessarily more likely than Mateen being closeted. I'm trying to agree with bhpn by pointing out that the discussion of Mateen's identity is not actionable, it's endless... Mateen was a statistical likelihood for the year 2016, given x availability of AR-17s, y percentage of citizens working as military and paramilitary, z number of countries bombed this year, and so on...
I just heard his "last watched" onm netflix was american beauty
swampman posted:It's hard to tell if the media is actually doing the right thing and rejecting islamophobia or if that's just me cultivated twitter and news bubble talkin
Theyre conflicted as heck. Because im a masochist ive been watching a bit of CNN over the past couple days. On one hand they are anti-islamophobia when it comes to criticising trump and making hillary sound very good. But then theyll deal with the shooter's apparent gayness by getting some imperial ass kissing gay afghan-american to talk about how The Muslim Community need to stop hating the gays so this not happen again
camera_obscura posted:Of all the disasters covered by momentarily serious comedians and tearstruck news celebrities, this is by far the worst. Holy shit, my Facebook feed.
Your feed is in my prayers
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:Both his dad and ex wife say he was gay swampman
they both didnt say that. goatstein is part of the conspiracy
camera_obscura posted:Of all the disasters covered by momentarily serious comedians and tearstruck news celebrities, this is by far the worst. Holy shit, my Facebook feed.
all the gun control must happen, so sayeth my facebook feed. Guess my next time out drinking with left-liberal friends will be turning into a struggle sesh
babyhueypnewton posted:link his actions to imperialism, which is clearly what we should be doing
So it seems like 2 of the 3 biggest terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11 are also Mujaheddin related.
marimite posted:Thought I would re-post this as it seems relevant:
So it seems like 2 of the 3 biggest terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11 are also Mujaheddin related.
swirlsofhistory posted:can anyone zoom and enhance?
Ya I can. Any other questions?