this bicycle goes far slower than the flaming death wagon heading downhill towards a cliff, i dont see why we should have to accept reductions in speed.

gross productivity divided by the number of laborers per captia in agriculture is not the only metric when it comes to actually feeding people. if the russians manage to produce sufficient food to feed their people while not killing their bees and deadening their seas they are not failures

tsinava posted:

American agriculture is the worst system of food production in existence. So that's a pretty easy choice Swampman.

Except for every other one that's been tried. Lol, I'm just joshin ya. I think that both of you are getting too bogged down in the science of production. I think we need to be more concerned with material conditions. How many Russians are hungry compared to America? What is the rate of malnutrition? What percentage of a Russian's budget is spent on food? How exhaustive is their method of farming to the soil? I think "labor saving" in agriculture can become a pointless obsession. Labor intensive methods that result in sustainable and secure food production are obviously preferable to labor-saving methods that lead eventually to famine. It wouldn't bother me if Russian agriculture was more labor intensive for less yield if the effective result is a well-fed Russia with a "positive" outlook on the agricultural future (as positive that can be had at the close of the holocene anyway)

I'm going to take care to say that the American Agriculture System, at the expense of many other things, successfully produces food, and quite a bit of it. Compared to other production systems, it's one of the worst though. I mean it's fucking huge, but it's terrible. like america itself
[account deactivated]
i for one can't wait till i'm kapo of my cell block of JDPON Autonomous Integrated Permaculture Death Camp #42069 and get to drive other members of the cracker plague race to harvest jerusalem artichokes from the companion-plant beds faster
I believe you mean Al Quds artichokes
[account deactivated]
all good rosefriend!!

my garden is doing great ant the spring harvest is going strong! i finally got around to taking some pictures. forgive my terrible phone's camera.

swiss chard, sugar snap peas in the background.

corn. i planted three varieties this year: bloody butcher, a red dent corn for roasting and grinding into meal; cherokee gourdseed for hominy and nixtamal, and a multicolored popcorn.


onions (left, center) and garlic (right)

fava beans

peas with intercropped lettuce

that harvest, son. butternut squash seedlings in the top of the frame.

the peas have been insanely prolific. we've been picking way more than we can eat, and even though they're delicious we're kinda getting tired of them. there were about 1 1/2 gallons of peas in the photo above, i froze most of them.

I don't know if you're telling it what but whatever that stuff is in the second picture it's NOT corn. Looks like rhubarb or maybe cauliflower.
lol what
do not try to gardensplain me
after consulting several agronomist friends, I have prepared the following diagram for EB's education
wikked plot m8
[account deactivated]
everyone post pix of their plants
ill do it tomorrow it's too dark now. my blackberries are fruiting though. i hope it keeps raining so the freakin birds dont eat them
[account deactivated]
That's clearly a cauliflower bush u wrote "corn" over
[account deactivated]

The shelves are not in correct order while we wait for more beetles to hatch, but this is the tower