
swampman posted:

The_Boourns_Identity posted:

it was just like 4 white guys talking about their 6 figure incomes (not joking), and patting themselves on e back for being the most progressive

literally an7y time i hang with my white friends this what we're discussing btw

Lol are theywithher also?

is there any reason to care about dnd? does it influence or affect anything?
My feelings
boourns when yourp robation ends go tell the bernie thread about carl marks and call them all "Sanders liberals"

The_Boourns_Identity posted:

so I'm combing through mein Kampf again


i have a 6 figure income when you count the cents
[account deactivated]
I think the only way to effectively way of communicating ideas to working class conservatives is that you need to relate to them. Of course this is pretty obvious. But maybe it isn’t because you’ll have people complaining how they can’t reach out to working class folk because they’re brainwashed, apathetic, dumb, drunk, redneck, whatever.

I’ve recently moved to one of the poorest provinces to start school in the trades. Everyone I know here is working class. And I’ve actually been pretty successful discussing leftist ideas. A lot probably has to do with the Irving family

The Irvings are an ominous group of companies that essentially control the province. They own everything. Businesses, journalism, land, politicians. Their main industry is in forestry and oil. You don’t have to drive far without seeing the scars of clear cutting. Their oil refinery sits on top of a hill that defines the landscape in the second largest city of Saint John. It won’t take long before a conversation about Saint John leads to a discussion about all the pollution the refinery has caused. Almost all of the print media is owned by the Irvings. The people of New Brunswick hate the Irvings.

It was so easy for me to discuss leftist ideas because the supervillain here was a direct product of a weak government. When you talk about the problem with all the environmental damage done by the Irvings, you talk about increased regulations. Irving Lay-offs, you need stronger unions. Irving Control of print, print shouldn’t be controlled by private companies. Irving stifling competition, huge accumulation of wealth shouldn’t be allowed. Etc.

It was awesome how often people were willing to listen to me about leftist ideas. I wish I knew more about communism, and about New Brunswick so I could be much more effective. But I’ve been working hard to learn the ropes so I’ll get there eventually. But for now it’s exciting that I can talk about these things at all, especially after coming from a bourgeoisie conservative office where I literally feared even giving them the slightest notion that I was a leftist.

Another aspect that helped me communicate ideas was that I related with them on a personal level. I’m slugging it in the trades with them. I understand the work they’re doing. I honestly can’t see any of these people being at all receptive to an academic. In fact there’s a lot of antagonism towards people in higher education. Ufuk_Surekli mentioned how the CPGB-ML consists mainly of working class.

And these people aren’t just an ear for my ideas. They are my friends now. I share a lot of hobbies with them. We can talk about a lot of things other than politics. We can just chill out.

My whole experience here has led to a lot of positive changes in my life. I’m no longer sitting idly by on the internet reading about leftism and hoping someone is going to do something. I now know I can be effective. I’m a working class leftist, and I’m going to use my position to my advantage. Unfortunately communism, activism, organising, writing etc. is all new to me in some respects so I have a lot to learn.
i think the thing is that discussion topics that have become coded as 'political' immediately engage all sorts of reaction mechanisms that have been carefully implanted by the lizard people. i personally think it's best to avoid that by talking about things in matter-of-fact terms similar to how you might explain other scientific concepts to people, rather than thinking about it as a persuasive/rhetorical endeavor.
I think Boourns Identity is a good poster. His writing puts me in a good mood and reminds me of this song.

The_Boourns_Identity posted:

I really believe Marxist theory could benefit from the kind spreading ethics of evangelical Christianity. Winning over hearts and minds , with a side threat of force, has kept the faith growing for two thousand years while Marxism has been reduced to a few hermit kingdoms, some Maoists in India and a bunch of white guys on the Internet.

Hmmm, no, I don't think that's what Marxism has been reduced to. But I'm glad to see enemy propaganda is working with you!


The_Boourns_Identity posted:

Perhaps it might help to understand why the Israelis are so quick to get TRIGGERED, if we put it in the context of them being the direct descendants of the FLIPPING HOLOCAUST, and that certain kinds of language such as "exterminate all jews" is perhaps less than ideal when confronted with an occupying force who have recently sustained such a horrifying trauma.

Alright, get out.

That isn't exactly unreasonable, all he's saying in that post is that the Palestinians need to figure out a way to bridge the gap of peoples like MLK did. Palestine is getting more attention lately and it's an opportunity they shouldn't waste like didn't Edward Said say something about how they needed to find a Mandela?
Hey, if that kind of emulation really works, Palestine needs to find a Kissinger.
that's what they're trying now. it isn't working.
he meant this Mandela not the shitty neutered white coopted Mandela