i would have thought someone familiar with whom i'm familiar with would be aware of the futility, and, not just that, but the actual arrogant impotence of the foolish, supposed to be humble attitude of "well, gee willikers, i just hope to add somethin' , da-hermph- FART!" basically, fuck you. i hope you die. Die, please. you are worthless, and don't deserve to exist.
nobody is impressed by your patheticness. meanwhile, we have work to do. die, and fast! seriously, the sooner you die, the better.
marcuse's "essay on liberation"
bye the way, i am being literally. i honestly desire that you, whoever is reading this, take their own life, as in die forever, whether it be bullet or noose or whatever... by all means, and forever
do you think that life is intrinsically unlivable if you have integrity? like, can someone out there have a worthy life? or is it just because i'm too broken and dumb to do anything?
oh i see your other reply.
i think that live is intrinsically not-intrinsical, in other words that the cliche idiocy that :life is what you make of it" is exactly true, and that whatever is bothering you or stopping you from fully enjoying your life is a result of you being defective as a human being, and that by taking your own life, i.e. commiting suicide, you are relieiving the world of an impediment to happiness

sosie posted:
i'm not going to spend my life being a colour

speaking of, just picked up what color is the sacred by taussig


the first edition is on library.nu.

he draws parallels between Hegel and Cantor like Badiou.

This book is about a certain kind of limit; not the limits of physical endeavours like running a mile, but the limits of the mind. I will call them limits of thought, though 'thought', here, should be understood in its objective, Fregean, sense, as concerning the contents of our intensional states, not our subjective consciousness. One might also describe them as conceptual limits, since they concern the limits of our concepts. Whatever one calls them, by the end of the book I will have given a precise structural characterisation of the limits in question, in the shape of the Inclosure Schema. For the present, some examples will suffice to indicate what I have in mind: the limit of what can be expressed; the limit of what can be described or conceived; the limit of what can be known; the limit of iteration of some operation or other, the infinite in its mathematical sense.

Limits of this kind provide boundaries beyond which certain conceptual processes (describing, knowing, iterating, etc.) cannot go; a sort of conceptual ne plus ultra. The thesis of the book is that such limits are dialetheic; that is, that they are the subject, or locus, of true contradictions. The contradiction, in each case, is simply to the effect that the conceptual processes in question do cross these boundaries. Thus, the limits of thought are boundaries which cannot be crossed, but yet which are crossed.

In each of the cases, there is a totality (of all things expressible, describable, etc.) and an appropriate operation that generates an object that is both within and without the totality. I will call these situations Closure and Transcendence, respectively. In general, the arguments both for Closure and for Transcendence use some form of self-reference, a method that is both venerable and powerful. Closure is usually established by reflecting on the conceptual practice in question. In a polemical context this can appear as an ad hominem argument. Arguments for Transcendence are of more varied kinds; often they involve applying a theory to itself. Some of them are more technical; a paradigm of these is diagonalisation, a technique familiar from the logical paradoxes. This construction is precisely a boundary-tearing heuristic which, given any boundary of a suitable kind, can be applied to violate it.

see here and here for dialetheism. he goes from Aristotle to Berkeley, then Kant's noumena and antimonies leading into Hegel. from Hegel, he goes into Cantor, set theory, and the paradoxes. he ends with language by going from Frege to Wittgenstein and then Derrida.

the second edition has a little more

the swearing parrot should write a book
im starting behind the berlin wall by patrick major bc it seemed cool. i hope it is....
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lets all become trotskyists!

Frankly, Zizek is a complete charlatan. He was a high level Stalinist bureaucrat in his native Slovenia, and then when capitalist restoration was initiated, he became a leading member of a party that carried out IMF "shock therapy" i.e. austerity. This is a political record that Zizek, or his supporters in the pseudo-left milleau prefer not to discuss.

Zizek's theoretical work is eclectic and lazy. He has never grappled with the struggle of the Trotskyist movement against the Stalinist betrayal of socialist internationalism, and he continues to refer favourably such heros of Stalinism as Mao. Much of his work and aims to titilate, and play to the neuroses of his middle-class, academic audience. He ecletically draws on the traditions of philosophical irrationalism, and the "cultural theory/criticism" of the anti-Marxist Frankfurt School.

In his more candid moments, he admits that he is thinks "liberal capitalist democract" can resolve the crisis...He doesn't even countenance that possibility of the international working class intervening in political life, and advancing a revolutionary, socialist solution to the breakdown of capitalism. I would suggest you read:

A right-wing rant against British youth from Slavoj ‌Zi‌zek http://wsws.org/articles/2011/aug2011/zize-a27.shtml

Zizek in Manhattan: An intellectual charlatan masquerading as “left” http://wsws.org/articles/2010/nov2010/zize-n12.shtml
let's not
doesnt almost any writing play to the not-lower class
lol high level stalinist bureaucrat, that's a new one
wasn't he a traveling academic or something haha. i guess a guy that goes on sojourns and reads books is now a high level stalinist bureaucrat
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hahaha in a stalinist nation, a janitor IS a high level bureaucrat! Oh what a free and equal state we lost..
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Crow posted:
hahaha in a stalinist nation, a janitor IS a high level bureaucrat! Oh what a free and equal state we lost..

hahah in a trotskyite nation, the one who is decreed Trotsky Incarnate by Trotsky's descendants is the most powerful of the land

(Alan Woods) is a close friend of Trotsky's grandson Vsievolod Platonovich "Esteban" Volkov, who regards Woods' work as closest to Trotsky's theories.

lmao. that all i got to say. lmao
i have clicked the green + arrow about 50 times now, it does not work -_-
im going through trotsky's descendants list and i'm crackin up


e: http://www.forward.com/articles/129231/ lollll

If only Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky could see what has become of his great-grandson, David Axelrod.

The 49-year-old Russian émigré to Israel has adorned his modest living room with a singular-framed photograph: a bird’s-eye view of Jerusalem with the Dome of the Rock — Islam’s third-holiest shrine — digitally replaced with an image of an imagined Third Jewish Temple.

He named his 10-year-old son, Baruch Meir, after two of Israel’s most notorious Jewish figures: Baruch Goldstein, who gunned down 29 Muslims at prayers in Hebron in 1994, and Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose ultra-nationalist political party was outlawed by Israel some years prior.

And he has served three terms in jail, he said, on counts of attacking Arabs and setting fire to a mosque, charges that he denies.


“Let’s put it this way: Every time I was arrested, I didn’t do it. Whenever I violated a law, nothing happened and nobody arrested me. I did things, but they never got close to me,” Axelrod said with a grin, sitting on the porch swing outside his house in this small hilltop settlement of about 150 families, adjusting his large skullcap and chewing on the ends of his beard.

In a case of mistaken identity 20 years ago, Israeli police mistook Axelrod for yet another David Axelrod, from the same settlement, who was a suspect in the killing of two Palestinians the morning after Kahane was assassinated in Manhattan.


“Trotsky — he wasn’t really smart,” Axelrod said with a shrug. He called his relation to Trotsky a gimmick and said that Trotsky cared only about his career and didn’t really practice what he preached. For Axelrod, who has dedicated his life to the settlement enterprise, living what you believe matters.


Whatever had really happened between her and Trotsky, there is no doubt that afterwards Trotsky still maintained excellent relations with Frida's husband, the renowned leftwing muralist Diego Rivera, who had successfully lobbied to win asylum for Trotsky in Mexico. When the two men did finally fall out it was because of political differences, Volkov insists.


But however cautious he was, Trotsky and those around him were in danger from Stalin's agents. In May 1940, a year after young Volkov's arrival in Mexico, there was a massive nighttime assault on the house. Volkov attributes his survival to a rapid decision to dive under the bed. A large group of Mexican communists, under orders from Moscow (lol) and led by the artist David Siqueiros (double lol), fired their Thompson machine guns into his bedroom and that of Trotsky and Natalia. All three miraculously survived, with only Volkov slightly hurt in the foot. For the moment there was elation fed by relief, but for the 60-year old revolutionary it was a reprieve of just three months.

In August, Ramon Mercader, an NKVD agent of Spanish origin, murdered the "Old Man", as he was known in the embattled household. The killer used an ice pick, striking Trotsky's head while he sat at his desk, reading an article about which Mercader pretended to want his opinion.


After the traumas of his early years, Volkov led a relatively normal life with a family; a middle-class professional doing interesting work synthesing hormones in the pharmaceutical industry. He has stayed unswervingly faithful to the memory of his grandfather. This has not taken the form of political activity,

i bet a majority of the people who met Trotsky wanted to kill him

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discipline posted:
I went to the grave of Karl Marx and this creepy old dude came up to me and started showing me pictures of his great granddaughter, pictures he had cut out from newspapers and kept in his wallet

karl marx's? could it by chance be the guy who wrote this? http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2005/2/24/173151.shtml

its really funny

e: oh boy, the guy who wrote this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev_Navrozov

Edited by Crow ()

hahahaha all of that is beautiful. shine on you beautiful trotsky
also the artists' assault on the compound ahahahha
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aerdil is like a trotskyist except hes a zizekist. completely indistinguishable otherwise
Babyfinland is a liberal trot conservative islamostalinist