don't listen to the peanut gallery and plant those peanuts! User was banned for this post for racism Scootsmagoo Scootsmagoo
My 2000 mealworms are safely interned in their bins. After searching the edges for an escape route they burrow into the oat bran and hunt down the chunks of carrot I've godily provided. The carrots shift around nervously as they're chewed into from underneath. We are gonna let the entire bunch pupate and take the first 1200 beetles that hatch and hopefully feed the other 800 pupaes to those beetles. So we are approximately six weeks to our first batch of mealworms.
How are you going to slaughter that many mealworms?
Straight into a food processor, some of them may be hunted by dogs for sport however. The 800 pupaes are just gonna get cannibalized by the beetles though.
damn thats fuckin metal. how do you sift em out?
They live in trays of ground bran, which they also eat. As they wriggle around in the bran they cause bits of it and their shit (called "frass" because people don't like the word "shit") to filter through the window screen bottoms into the tray below. Shit and feed gradually filter down the tower to a shit collection tray at the bottom. The mealworm shit has a 4-3-2 NPK ratio as do their castings. The worms pupate above the feed so the pupa can just be collected, and because they're self sifting you can just leave a tray alone for a week. You can also put a fruit chunk in, then pick up the chunk after a few minutes to move all the attached bugs to a new location.
[account deactivated]

dipshit420 posted:

lol, you labor to do what? eat food and high five your comrades? why do that when you can post on the rhizzone? when i post I'm treated to a vast array of fail aids that leads to hours of entertainment. furthermore,

Gardening is a great way to have fun, and enjoy things that are availible to you in life. Not only this, but the making of a garden is an art form - by planting, say, a tomato plant, you are treated to a grand fruit that is just overwhelmingly more fufilling than going out, fucking some chick, hi-fiving yourself and calling it a night.

[account deactivated]
so wait am i ment to have fuck the tomato or

I harvested and pickled the giant kholrabi bush today. I mostly just trimmed it, it's definitely still going though.

[account deactivated]
good lookin kholrabi. i've never had it pickled, might have to try it.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

yeah that's some hot kholrabi. i can see myself getting my knees dirty getting down there and plucking its tumescent bulblous stamen from the earth

*in silky phone sex voice*
you have to open pickling vegatables every day, to burp it and let it air out its gases before you reseal it and let it continue to ferment.

[account deactivated]
what would happen if you didn't burp a pickling jar. what if you happen to leave it oustide a police station. hypothetically, of course...
most likely nothing but it would maybe ooze out or even crack open and get everywhere and it would be really gross and smell like vinegar.
cool mandrake root brah

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

i need those knorhrabi pickles in my life.

they're real good

I infused some dove soap with some comfrey and aloe vera.

Sorry about the pigsty trash kitchen. I kind of did this impromptu. Also im a lazy slob., also i dont care

it smells the same but my skin feels just great, it also helps alleviate soreness and other booboos
[account deactivated]

What has been happening with the mealworms? Well by now I've built a tower of aluminum lined drawers. I have eradicated the large worms I bought initially and replaced them with much smaller worms, which breed more easily and are significantly lower percentage exoskeleton by body mass. I have been pumping kale into their oat bran hive in an effort to get them to pupate, but I've only collected 10 pupa while the rest of the worms just eat and act lazy. I blame the continued cool temperature, unfortunately these worms are not in the most climate controlled spot, but during the summer they should go bonkers at about 80 degrees indoor temperature.

So far, worms love kale; they enjoy kiwi, but they don't eat it fast enough and it gets moldy; they have trouble with bananas; they like melon and pineapple.

swampman posted:

What has been happening with the mealworms?


hey dudes! what's been happening with the mealworms?
i have some space for green things and will maybe actually try this??? gardening??? thing?? i don't know how it works.

i'm with tpaine, gardening is a bourgeois affectation, farming is the real shit. but i'm gonna bourgeoisly affectate anyway, mom always grew lots of tasty vegetables when we lived in the country

drwhat posted:

i have some space for green things and will maybe actually try this??? gardening??? thing?? i don't know how it works.

i'm with tpaine, gardening is a bourgeois affectation, farming is the real shit. but i'm gonna bourgeoisly affectate anyway, mom always grew lots of tasty vegetables when we lived in the country


anyshit, my garden is doing great, my peas and favas are like 4 feet tall and the lettuce and chard companion crops are comin' up gangbusters. the alliums, and potatoes are doign real well and i'm about to plant squash and melons. it helps that we've had like two straight weeks of rain here.

i planted six rows of corn for grinding into meal but the fukin crows are eating all of the shoots. i will have to sow a bunch in flats inside and transplant them out
plant six for the crows and six for you
[account deactivated]
this crow is a crow, named crow. he lives in a tree

drwhat posted:

gardening is a bourgeois affectation, farming is the real shit.

There is literally no distinction between the two except scale. 80% of the produce in Russia comes from private gardens. There are entire markets and grocer systems set up for it. Russia's agriculture system is actually pretty advanced right now. It's highly resilient and uses natural systems. (Thanks Soviet Union!)

Anyone going around talking about how " affordable hobbies are bourgeois" is being a divisive, lazy, whiny, pissy, shitbaby and should flush themselves down the toilet...immediately.

Ummm, flushable toilets that you can fit down are also a bourgeois affectation, have you considered telling people to climb into a dry composting commode instead?
I see bourgies....bourgies.... everywhere. This coffee pot is a bourgie. My refirgerator?! bourgie.

this toilet!! the biggest bourgie of all. feeding on peoples poops and pees while wasting all the water/ vile parasite.

these ramen noodles are even bourgie.

not my lovely crockpot though. my crockpot is nice and prole
[account deactivated]
I think it's 80 percent of domestic consumption, all the potatoes and berries and most of the veg Russians eat cone from dachas; field scale export crops are from big farms.

You can find a few studies if u Google
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I read briefly that Putin is offering free 2.5 hectare plots in Siberia for Russians and maybe foreigners?

Worth looking into