im working for this landscaping company right now. we were shoveling compost all day into a spreader and it was really warm stuff. it was raining a little bit and you could see the steam rising off of it, especially after you took out a shovelfull.

we had it delivered from a local company that gets their compost from municpal waste processing facilities, and they constantly measure and document their compost and basically have it down to a science.

soil science man. that's the shit.
[account deactivated]
i admit i shoved my hand in it and made the weirdest face probably (it was mostly involuntary) and then i said something like "hrnhhrnhrhrnhhrnrhrnnnnggngngnghngnn".

it was cool though. everyone just smiled and nodded.
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[account deactivated]
"art is anal" - tpaine, 2016

tpaine posted:

how many times a day do you people use the word 'artisanal'

i actually had to google that word to be able spell it correctly and i was like "nuh uh"


tpaine posted:

how many times a day do you people use the word 'artisanal'

don't mistake hipsters for misanthropes, they are 2 distinct classes of society.


short video on Novorossia collective farm from last year, i wonder how things are going there now

i'd also like to find how ordinary russian people farm, i think they grow most of their own food needs

its cool that in the past they had plans for large scale ecological transformation


presently i am incubating seeds in a greenhouse but i dont know where i will plant them, suppose i'll have to find an allotment somewhere
Planted a load of early raspberries to complement the late ones so we can eat delicious raspberries July-November. Fruit bushes own, gardening owns, plants own
[account deactivated]
that's beaver ass hole you're thinking of, tapine
it's goony to have likes and dislikes. i'm familiar with such things as a Something Awful web forums "goon"

This is my raised bed. Top left is Sea Kale, Bottom Left is mint and a bunch of bitter greens, bottom right is borage and a bunch of asparagus that hasn't come up yet, and top right is bunch of walking onions and carrots that haven't come up.

This goji berry plant died last year and a whole bunch of new suckers came back up from the root system and it's looking at lot better.

This is the 2 year old kholrabi plant that wont die. I've been using it to make a lot of steamed greens along with the sea kale.

My pomegranate tree is doing really well.This is it's third year and it's beginning to adapt.

Here are a bunch of my worm bins, I'm starting a new garden in this spot (Figs, blackberries, lemonbalm squash) and I'm using the worm bins to help get the area started.

A closer picture showing the blackberry cutting and lemonbalm taking off. (I just put a bunch of lemon balm I trimmed under the pot when I first arranged the bins)

This is the main berry patch, there's another Pomegranate in there too but it's only 1 year old (it's doing nicer than the first tree did it's first year)

My fig trees are starting to grow out particularly in their canopies, I think it's the way I've been trimming them. They look nifty though.

noice garden, careful with the mint tho
Yeah it just kinda popped up in there. I clip it regularly for making tea anyways. I'm trying to trim it in a way that encourages it to tap instead of run. It it becomes a problem though I can just rip it out.

The sea kale isn't nearly as bug bitten this year with the mint growing near it though, which may be due to other factors such as weather and stuff.
[account deactivated]
nice kohlrabi, comrade
mint spreads through....rhizomes
its fucked up to me that other people have flourishing gardens getting going while i'm still waiting for snow to finish melting, for the ground to thaw, to stop getting hard frosts, and to not expect a spring blizzard any day now

can't wait until global warming sinks the west coast and turns my region into a temperate paradise

shriekingviolet posted:

its fucked up to me that other people have flourishing gardens getting going while i'm still waiting for snow to finish melting, for the ground to thaw, to stop getting hard frosts, and to not expect a spring blizzard any day now

can't wait until global warming sinks the west coast and turns my region into a temperate paradise

if you really wanna be hardcore you can set up a greenhouse with pvc pipe and transparent plastic tarp that you get from home depot.


tpaine posted:

tsinava posted:

This is it's third year and it's beginning to adapt.

(it's doing nicer than the first tree did it's first year)

maybe you should plant a fucking grammar tree, dude. Mods?

it's it's it's it's

We're starting a mealworm farm... exciting stuff. Lots of mealworm meat incoming. We are gonna do mealworm eugenics, we're gonna try to flavor mealworms, we're going to use mealworm shit as fertilizer, then we feed the mealworms to the dogs, the people, whatever. I remain very excited about this mealworm opportunity
I have a friend who did audio for a documentary on eating bugs and he has the hook-up for dried crickets and we've been taking about starting to try and sell chocolate covered crickets
eat your own shit every day
send the worms into the dog to fight the other worms. This is what Stalin would do
mealworms and bugs.
goD DAMN it it's been in the 60s for weeks and now it's gonna go down to 25 degrees tonight. my BABIES are gonna fREEZE and i dunno if floating row cover will save them

dank_xiaopeng posted:

goD DAMN it it's been in the 60s for weeks and now it's gonna go down to 25 degrees tonight. my BABIES are gonna fREEZE and i dunno if floating row cover will save them

if you don't have well sealed fancy row covers (jesus christ the commercial stuff can be expensive,) we use staked down old blankets, or a couple layers of old beat up bedsheets, its pretty effective overnight. pain in the ass to set up/take down over and over again though.

[account deactivated]
perennials hugging the warm foundations of the house are coming up nicely. need to think about what to plant in the few beds I have this year. regretting not transplanting peonies in the fall, they currently sit on the side of the house where no one will ever see them and would enjoy the front yard more.
[account deactivated]
i rent a basement room because its cheaper than an apartment. furthermore,
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not only do i have dirt in which to plant things, i probably will be too lazy to even make constructive use of the little dirt i have
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settle down clarence
[account deactivated]
lol, you labor to do what? eat food and high five your comrades? why do that when you can post on the rhizzone? when i post I'm treated to a vast array of fail aids that leads to hours of entertainment. furthermore,