The Macallan 18
[account deactivated]
manhattans. lemon twist garnish because you don't put candy in yer drinks.
i got roped into going to some super fancy jerkoff bar in london and so i was like welp, ok, time to order my favourite fancy drink, i ordered a sazerac and the jerkoff guy who dragged us there was all ooh oh what um damn you are a hard man *tugs collar* the same for me of course garcon!!!

he did not actually say garcon, at least, but i still constantly wanted to throttle his vapid tanned trust fund neck. but i was being polite with friends so i did not.
[account deactivated]
everclear owns but lab grade ethanol is the best.
jack daniels, washed down with tramadol, damn im comfy
Molson, while posting by myself at a bar
i trolled a barman by asking for a made up and not real cocktail called the "South Pacific". you put vodka, gin and blue curacao into a highball glass, add syrup and ice then very carefully pour lemonade over the whole thing so the blue crap stays at the bottom. i literally made it up as i went along and it actually turned out quite nice
High life drinking by myself at a bar but I had about 7 Lonestars between 3 and 8 at other bars
ive decided that i like the gin buck. i wanna try ordering one with mint the next time i go to a bar, which will probably be over a month from now
I'm trying to stop drinking coora because of the death squad money. Gonna try and not buy any Coors in April. Will keep y'all posted.
La Fin du Monde
^^^ unibroue is the fuckin shit, good choice

tuppins you can get 12 packs of molson dry 10.1 in cans now. ii thoguht of you but forgot to take a picture

torch posted:

La Fin du Monde

the canadian rhizzone drink of champions.

tonight: some kind of fucked up negroni variant. gin, red vermouth, white vermouth, generous dash orange blossom water and small dash bitters. its pretty good.

[account deactivated]
speyburn? or something like that i think. its not terrible
I bought a box of 12 fancy wines from one of those curator websites that first make you sample em. my Saturn returns is ending and I'm planning on having guests over this year *crosses fingers*
tonight i am drinking the blood of the
I'm all for drinking above my class
drinking the shittiest cheapest beer available here in finland and popping cheap rc benzos. shits sweet and fine and im cool as ice

troolari posted:

drinking the shittiest cheapest beer available here in finland and popping cheap rc benzos. shits sweet and fine and im cool as ice

free beer (courtesy of a bougious landowner)

The boulevardier cocktail is similar to the Negroni, replacing the Negroni's gin component with bourbon whiskey or rye whiskey. Some boulevardier recipes call for 1 1/2 parts rather than 1 part whiskey.

Ingredients: 1 oz (1 part) Campari, 1 oz (1 part) to 1.5 oz (1.5 parts) rye whisky or bourbon, 1 oz (1 part) Sweet red vermouth

[account deactivated]
hail satin

camera_obscura posted:

The boulevardier cocktail is similar to the Negroni, replacing the Negroni's gin component with bourbon whiskey or rye whiskey. Some boulevardier recipes call for 1 1/2 parts rather than 1 part whiskey.

Ingredients: 1 oz (1 part) Campari, 1 oz (1 part) to 1.5 oz (1.5 parts) rye whisky or bourbon, 1 oz (1 part) Sweet red vermouth

damn i'll have to try one of them

I bought coors again bc the other 1.50 price point 24 oz beer options are like busch or bud ice so i cant handle it
welcome to the o W n z o n E
a friend's homebrew batch didn't turn out so tonight I got to bust out my still

the distilling column is capped off with a lime. gives a nice zesty twist to the 'shine. candy thermometer goes down through the lime and into the column to monitor the vapour temperature. at this altitude we want around 89-90c for the pure ethanol, I kept from up to 91c for a bit of the nicer tasting tails to give it a little zip. The wash is heavily salted to raise the boiling point of the water content, that way we get far less water vapour and more of the good stuff.

From left to right: mostly Methanol with minute amounts acetone and ethyl acetate (carried some nice flavours but gives one hell of a hangover,) Ethanol (the good shit,) Propanols and more ethanol (a little rank, if this were a serious big batch we could distill this a second time to salvage the ethanol but there's not enough here to be anywhere near worth it,) and then the tall glass is a dribble of late tails I kept just to show off their nastiness to my friends.
During column distilling your different alcohols will start and stop in noticeable spurts as the temperature transition happens, so you don't even really need a thermometer if you know what you're doing, but I haven't done this in a while so wanted to be careful. This was a very small batch so I got less than 200ml of drinkable moonshine, and the other runoff was negligible.

The dog moved out of frame as I was taking this. Half a shot of moonshine chilled by two big ice cubes, sip just enough to wet your lips and taste that sweet fire. Delectable. Drink up, comrades.
don't drink methanol. imo.

gyrofry posted:

don't drink methanol. imo.

oh, word?


shriekingviolet posted:

gyrofry posted:

don't drink methanol. imo.

oh, word?

it's blindingly obvious

this is actually an interesting question of Rules interpretation. Does wood alcohol fall under the term "Alcohol" in the clause "nor any proselytizing on the dangers of Alcohol will be tolerated by the Administration. "? i posit that "yes" is consistant with both the neoadminstrative intent and the policy goals of this subforam and therefore Gyrofry must be sent to IFAP
Way to fail booze college SV
"Methanol gives a nasty hangover" was a joke.

A lot of people underestimate the danger of the very small amount of methanol you get out of distilling, as little as an ounce can do a lot of damage. This is also why you never get blitzed on just homebrew.

Guess I should have specified that you only actually keep the ethanol but it seemed too obvs?