In the absence of any better predictive method, i've been casting the runes and sacrificing a goat to determine the future of revolutionary Marxism-Leninism

Position 1 (centre) – General Theme
THE HEIROPHANT, dressed in proletariat red represents the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism, guiding light of the revolution. Its position as the 1st card drawn gives the overall theme of the reading, in this case the need to uphold Marxism-Leninism above all else.

Position 2 (left) – The Past
Next the X of SWORDS, a bleak card, note faceless prole draped in the red flag of communism and the swords stabbed into the back. The swords represent the forces of reaction and revisionism, the betrayal of the revolution and the covert assassinations and repressions of anti-marxist forces. The position to the left of centtre indicates its historical in nature, clearly referring to the betrayals of the past and the extreme forces directed against the peoples liberation. It is important to note that this position also refers to past events that still have an effect today and thus also serves as a warning for the future.

Position 3 (right) – The Future
IX of CUPS is generally considered one of the best cards to receive, signifying a wish, a dream fulfilled, a goal achieved. This is an excellent card to draw and clearly represents the goal of full communism, where we're going.

Position 4 (bottom) – The Reason behind the question
THE EMPEROR Crowned, male, white, enthroned, this card clearly represents the edifices of capitalism. This is the “reason” for revolution, the throne to be toppled, the emperor to be cast down to the gulag

Position 5 (top) – Potential
DEATH This card indicates a time of change and deep transformation. The casting out of the old and the establishment of the new. The card is the most DM in the pack, having connotations of synthesis, quality into quantity, and of contradiction in all things: a skeleton riding a horse is p contradictory. It shows both what will occur and also how the revolution will be acomplished (change, transformation, death and rebirth)

Taken as a whole this reading is very favourable and I pronounce the omens good for revolution. Your move 'z o n E
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tpaine posted:

you ever play ogre battle tears. fun srpg, gotta tarot card mechanic

no, but if it has tarot cards in it it probably owns

also please note this reading was not "rigged", i practice the most stringent ethics in tarot reading and would never stack a tarot deck.

[account deactivated]
I want to get a tattoo of St Clare but I'm afraid nerds and wiccans will think it's a queen of cups tattoo
E: wrong thread
Very nice reading OP. I'm going to craft a Chaos Spell Sigil to protect myself from cointelpro
[account deactivated]
tpaine the music to this game is cool, i have no idea how to actually play though, thanks comrade

[account deactivated]
someone once told me ogre battle had some sort of impact on the final fantasy series thoughts??
like they said FFX was half ogre battle or someting
she was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb inthe shape of an L on her forehead
[account deactivated]
its time for me to play vagrant story. ff12 is good but i can't remember a single thing about its story i just liked the little thing where you code your party's behavior
[account deactivated]
also that one thing that lets you reverse all items you use so you can insta kill almost every enemy lol
do you play the Dragon quest
[account deactivated]
they are ok imo but bad story
[account deactivated]
i liked dq8, i was just thinking about the crafting there which is cool. i played dq1 a lot as a kid that game was pretty dark because you were all alone, it had a good music thing too where the deeper you got in a bad place the pitch would shift down in the music
okay on the list thx
im playing through ff8 again i never finish it. not because its bad but because i play cards too much
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Terranigma owns
there's probably a decent masturbatory cultural studies article to write about the gnostic themes in jrpgs emerging as a response to the trauma of becoming a satellite state occupied by the monsters that nuked you.

looking forward to getting $$$paid$$$ when Video Gaems And Philosophy Volume XXIII: The Teleology of Dorito Dust becomes a bestseller

tears posted:

Position 4 (bottom) – The Reason behind the question
THE EMPEROR Crowned, male, white, enthroned, this card clearly represents the edifices of capitalism. This is the “reason” for revolution, the throne to be toppled, the emperor to be cast down to the gulag

but he's also wearing red

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