To be betrayed by beers... In this life, what could remain?
synthesis: the more quickly you drink it the more quickly you can crush it and throw it in the trash
what dilemma. if you'd happily piss on a dead soldier's memorial why not actually turn one into piss
The moral dilemma is reflected in the financial support in the bottom paragraph.
Synthesis: purchase so much of the beer that the McQueary family is ruined by sudden riches they aren't prepared to manage properly while all getting cocaine addiction, and in the end, causing them to forget their dead son
Whenever I see a young man in a wheelchair my first thought is always I wonder if he was a troop then I'll see they have no legs or whatever and I'm like yep an IED got 'em lmao there's actually this one troop I've seen on the train several times and he's also got no legs and every time he's wearing a suit and on that suit he's always got pinned like his military service awards and shit like so everyone who sees him can know what a real big hero and martyr he is shit he'd be a bigger hero if he had just laid his legs down on the tracks when the train comin and never even joined the army lol.
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please put that in the format of "synthesis: ______" as in "synthesis: steal it"
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Nashville, Indiana

I wonder how many people Thank Him For His Service each day, like do you tihnk it's a lot?
I thank my ass for its service after I take a big fat IED dump lol
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tpaine posted:

i've never stolen anything in my life. except my reserve.

if you steal from corporations it doesn't harm any actual human beings any more than they are already normally harmed by corporations existing. i recommend it

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