
Keven posted:

Maybe you can like art without altering your entire life and thoughts around it..?

I cannot, but that's the curse of oversensitivity

Last nite after work i had an argument w some coworkers where 2 of my co-workers were literally yelling at me and another dude about how they couldn't believe we didn't think 9/11 was an inside job

Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()

Fidel Castro now follows Sam Kriss on twitter.
9/11 *was* an inside job . . .
Also, Jared Fogle follows McCaine.
[account deactivated]
where boring is a verb

Keven posted:

Maybe you can like art without altering your entire life and thoughts around it..?

you can't, though. you can pretend that you can, you can tell yourself that, but everything that enters your brain contributes to its constant rewiring. your understanding of reality is constantly shifting to make your perception the new normal, in a sense, so consuming shitty art makes you yourself shitty.

this is why i exclusively masturbate to simpsons porn.

drwhat posted:

this is why i exclusively masturbate to simpsons porn.

This is illegal in my country


drwhat posted:

this is why i exclusively masturbate to simpsons porn.

my wife asked what Trotskyism is and why how it can be a thing post Stalin so much and I gave her a brief explanation of how it evolved post-Stalin w ppl in Western Europe and America not liking the USSR and throwing around words like state capitalism, and she thought for a second and said..."so they're people who like losing, basically?" my marriage is vindicated <3<3<3

littlegreenpills posted:

my wife asked what Trotskyism is and why how it can be a thing post Stalin so much and I gave her a brief explanation of how it evolved post-Stalin w ppl in Western Europe and America not liking the USSR and throwing around words like state capitalism, and she thought for a second and said..."so they're people who like losing, basically?" my marriage is vindicated <3<3<3

that would have made sense 30 years ago

the point lies in her conclusion not my poor explanation
but marxist-leninists also lost

Panopticon posted:

but marxist-leninists also lost

Thanksfully, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is doing just fine.


animedad posted:

9/11 *was* an inside job . . .

It was specifically the controlled demolition aspect that they were shocked we didn't believe


Panopticon posted:

but marxist-leninists also lost

were back baby

Marxism Leninism is back in a big way spring 2016.
i used to live near a co-op that sold "leninade" which was pretty tasty


Edited by c_woman ()

i used to love, as well, until it broke my heart
[account deactivated]
this good friday prayer read by pope francis came across my timeline today, thought i'd share with you all. blessed be
Got back from Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice a couple minutes ago. This is the way movies should be made. Serious thematic weight behind it-- no other comic book movie apart from maybe Watchmen comes close. Superman is basically a Jesus figure but without being a sexless weirdo, the Christian imagery almost becomes distracting, but it plays really well against Lex Luther's snarky antitheism and science-worship. Despite a cameo by Black Science Man himself, redditors are going to hate this movie. The Easter release was probably deliberate. Ben Affleck is also the best Batman yet.
my new coworkers are a lot better than my old ones

wake up sheep

swirlsofhistory posted:

Got back from Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice a couple minutes ago. This is the way movies should be made. Serious thematic weight behind it-- no other comic book movie apart from maybe Watchmen comes close. Superman is basically a Jesus figure but without being a sexless weirdo, the Christian imagery almost becomes distracting, but it plays really well against Lex Luther's snarky antitheism and science-worship. Despite a cameo by Black Science Man himself, redditors are going to hate this movie. The Easter release was probably deliberate. Ben Affleck is also the best Batman yet.

the movie was ultra-randian so good luck with that i guess.

if i ever go to anything other than a dive bar, like a fancier-type bar or club, people always ask me if i have coke to sell while i'm waiting in the line for the bathroom because apparently i look like the stereotypical coke dealer: a slightly scrubby dude trying to dress like a "normal" person but not quite capturing it
same, but with weed and they don't let me in
Same except they ask me for advice on how to live a good life because of how I look: like a good person who has things figured out.
Same tears and aerdil except I'm like "yeah 50 bux"
Our communist debate team is hosting Gloria La Riva talking about North Korea. We're looking into recording it
[account deactivated]
they just ask if i want to fuck because i am made of sex and money*

*note: this is not true and i am sick and in bed
they don't have a good bathroom to do coke in
[account deactivated]
Hello, I'm Marianne.

MarianneSadd posted:

Hello, I'm Marianne.

welcome, and good luck


MarianneSadd posted:

Hello, I'm Marianne.

weird place for you to end up, embodiment of the republique, but welcome