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just finished "islam after communism" by adeeb khalid. a survey of religion in central asian societies during the soviet and post-soviet period. pretty strong argument that central asians are pretty thoroughly secular in their politics, and the least outwardly "islamic" people in the muslim world today. much lighter read than olivier roy's book on central asian nationalism, which is really excellent.
hey yall guess what book is on liberry nudes nowadays

Thats right

hey Baby Finland read this book and tell me if it's any good
i bought some foucault today and read it shirtless in the sunshine

blinkandwheeze posted:
hey Baby Finland read this book and tell me if it's any good

will do when i can find a copy

dudes translation of larouelle's future christ is on libnu, looks good, will read
[account deactivated]
erry time i post
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im that parrot irl
[account deactivated]
just bought all the wittgensteins
oi. yew lookin at me bird

1488 posted:
just bought all the wittgensteins

dont do that

we must practice sustainable wittgenstein harvesting
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

deadken posted:
i bought some foucault today and read it shirtless in the sunshine

lol fuck you cali bwoy. i just froze my ass off 2 nights in a row

every time i go to a bookstore i see that book "the jew is not my enemy" and i always think "then who is" and get mad for a second before i remember that only through christ we are redeemed.

Impper posted:

deadken posted:
i bought some foucault today and read it shirtless in the sunshine

lol fuck you cali bwoy. i just froze my ass off 2 nights in a row

0wn3d. the midwest lol. last night i watched fargo

that is prety much an accurate depiction of the daily life 'round here
ooh yah
i'm reading "socialist planning" by michael ellman (1989) which is one of the standard textbooks on the topic. it's cool if you are wonderin' about state socialist economies and shite.
i plan to read anything you read, since i am in love with you, even though i think the stuff you write here on this site is trash and embarrASSING

sosie posted:
i plan to read anything you read, since i am in love with you, even though i think the stuff you write here on this site is trash and embarrASSING

yeah most of what i write is just garbage of me thinking through something new, and i usually repudiate it within days. i don't know if i'll ever settle into an actual perspective. i've been trying to force myself by joining groups and shit lately. i haven't read enough or interacted with enough people to move from "dumb rambles about stuff i half-understand" to like "actual knowledge" or whatever. i sort of have faith that i'll eventually know what i'm talking about a bit though.

i don't buy your excuse(though i could easily "bye" it, as in, I would be pleased to stand upon the threshold, waving "goodbye" to the phase where you wrote dumb things...)

really, the point isn't that you are writing through garbage that you somehow need to get through to arrive at some final true position where you no longer need to subject innocent people to stupidnes: the fact is that you need to either be serious about this stuff or not; you either need to do it for real, where you can't just be retarded for fun, and need to prove yourself and back up your arguments...

sosie posted:
the fact is that you need to either be serious about this stuff or not; you either need to do it for real, where you can't just be retarded for fun, and need to prove yourself and back up your arguments...

i guess i have a core fear that if i take things too seriously that someone will show how i'm a fraud and it will reduce me to nothing and i'll just cry all day or something.

the other thing is that i buck up against authority so hard that i've never been successful (in some terms) in school or work and i don't know how to circle that square. like how do i get "better" enough to be able to "do shit for real" instead of floating around all day.

you don't need to ask about how you "do shit for real," because the truth is that you simply aren't intelligent enough. the highlight of your life is being clever on the internet. nice knowing you!

MOD CHECK: Bad Bully Behavior! Bad Boys Behaving Badly... ARGHH!!!!! Who let this bad basterd out? Badas. Now buoy out in the rough edge, bompkin. Hipcheck!

Edited by Crow ()


sosie posted:
you don't need to ask about how you "do shit for real," because the truth is that you simply aren't intelligent enough. the highlight of your life is being clever on the internet. nice knowing you!

i know i'm smart. i am afraid of failing though. of committing to a project and having it blow up on me. so i waste time. i guess that's not smart, of course.

the fact is that, if you're "smart," you prove it "on the field," by publishing papers or whatever, definitely not by writing a bunch of idiotic nonsence on the rhizzone - i think you might consider the possibility that you aren't, in fact, "smart enough," that you've wasted too much time being clever, and will never be able to claim a spot amongst those who at least were willing to sacrifice what was needed to be able to call themselves "thinkers," even if they were ultimately failrues... you, i think, are nothing more than a common imbecile, deserving nothing but malice and evil and ironic cat calls, though mine are real
i'm not going to spend my life being a colour

getfiscal posted:

sosie posted:
the fact is that you need to either be serious about this stuff or not; you either need to do it for real, where you can't just be retarded for fun, and need to prove yourself and back up your arguments...

i guess i have a core fear that if i take things too seriously that someone will show how i'm a fraud and it will reduce me to nothing and i'll just cry all day or something.

the other thing is that i buck up against authority so hard that i've never been successful (in some terms) in school or work and i don't know how to circle that square. like how do i get "better" enough to be able to "do shit for real" instead of floating around all day.

foster wallace used to talk about this a lot, particularly the fear that intelligent people have of being exposed as frauds. we're never good enough for ourselves. getfistal, you're probably one of the smartest guys i've come across ... despite everything


sosie posted:
the fact is that, if you're "smart," you prove it "on the field," by publishing papers or whatever, definitely not by writing a bunch of idiotic nonsence on the rhizzone - i think you might consider the possibility that you aren't, in fact, "smart enough," that you've wasted too much time being clever, and will never be able to claim a spot amongst those who at least were willing to sacrifice what was needed to be able to call themselves "thinkers," even if they were ultimately failrues... you, i think, are nothing more than a common imbecile, deserving nothing but malice and evil and ironic cat calls, though mine are real

or whatever


sosie posted:
the fact is that, if you're "smart," you prove it "on the field," by publishing papers or whatever, definitely not by writing a bunch of idiotic nonsence on the rhizzone - i think you might consider the possibility that you aren't, in fact, "smart enough," that you've wasted too much time being clever, and will never be able to claim a spot amongst those who at least were willing to sacrifice what was needed to be able to call themselves "thinkers," even if they were ultimately failrues... you, i think, are nothing more than a common imbecile, deserving nothing but malice and evil and ironic cat calls, though mine are real

i think it is true that i've frittered a lot of time away, and that i haven't really demonstrated my intelligence, but i don't think it ends there, i think i have the capacity to contribute. i think i have to find a way out of my depression though to be successful.

unfortunately that's just a nice lie we all like to tell ourselves. the truth, however, is that we're nothing, we have nothing to offer -- and this is true, it has been proven in actuality by our own work -- and, we are worthless and pathetic individuals who are not only not some secret reservior of some deep truth, but, worse, we're just a bunch or worthless imbeciles who wish they could get laid or be loved, niether of which will ever happen...
the joke should also be made that, whilst we, normals americans, wish to be immortalized by defending the lives of those our government officials murder as a matter of course, we, ourselves, not only would be better off being killed, but are basically dead already, in that we were nevere really alive
i guess if you set that high of a bar for yourself, in revealing some undefined deep truth or whatever, that you'll never meet it, because even most apparently deep truths are also pretty mundane in most cases. it's probably true that we aren't going to change the world. i never really fantasize about "solving" the whole problem, which is impossible in any case, but rather making a small contribution in a specific discipline. it's true that's probably beyond me, either in capacity or likelihood, and knowing that is probably why i'm so depressed. as in, i don't really fully buy my bullshit about getting better and solving problems and so on. but i think that there is a possible world where i actually do contribute something, so it's nice to think about sometimes.