I hope nazbro isnt really dead. Animedad is chicago joel still alive or did he od on xanax?
joel is alive. not sure about the very rare nazbro pokemon. he used to live in the midwest somewhere
i used to talk to him a fair bit.... haven't in a while though.
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If you've been drinking a lot even a little bit of xanax can do you in, and if you've taken a lot of xanax than it doesn't take a Lot of alcohol to push things to a fatal level either; with opiates plus benzos like xanax being probably hte single most dangerous drug combination you can take.But yes benzos on their own are almost impossible to fatally OD with
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this xanax is making me thirsty
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i'm posting from the gym. cheers.
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Hot dogs

conec posted:

easiest and best smoothie:

plain kefir
an ice cube
squeeze some lemon in

I'm at least a foot taller than you so maybe we have different scales for smoothies but one ice cube?

I've never tried kefir. it sounds like it should be gross, but I like pretty much every other milk thing. i will try your smoothie conec

Plain kefir is good if you like yogurt

EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

Plain kefir

is this your nickname down at the mosque

my post workout smoothie:

1.5 scoops chocolate protein powder (~45g)
milk (idk how much, i fill it to a certain line in my blender. maybe 4oz?)
orange juice (same as the milk, usually 1:1 ratio)
ice (5-6 cubes)
blueberries (maybe a dozen)
strawberries (3-4)
banana (1, unless theyre small. then 2)

idk what kefir is
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where do you all work out? my doc said I have no body fat and also that I have no muscle and sould put on some "lean muscle" and "I need to keep my bones strong for entering my 30s and beyond". I have blue cross insurance and they have a discount on la fitness with my card, is that an alright place or nah?
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I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
Ah, you dont prefer your drinks as cold as i do little lady? Probably my enormous body mass, see how when I flex my bicep warms up from the heat of internal friction? Thats why i need those super frosty smoothies i guess lol. Would prbably turn you into icicle
La fitness is fine, I think. Depending on where you live, they can get pretty crowded. I just toss some ear buds on and tune out my surroundings. My gym is also a crossfit box so it gets pretty bro-y in there
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To me chia seeds were for spreading on little statues and making like afros and such. I had no idea you could eat them until like 6 months ago
Work out on the bars next to the playscape for ex cons to do pullups on like a real man of the people
Sometimes when I'm in jail and waiting for them to bring my client out I do some pullups to build my jail rep

TG posted:

milk (idk how much, i fill it to a certain line in my blender. maybe 4oz?)
orange juice (same as the milk, usually 1:1 ratio)

this sounds like it would curdle the milk????

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c_man posted:

TG posted:

milk (idk how much, i fill it to a certain line in my blender. maybe 4oz?)
orange juice (same as the milk, usually 1:1 ratio)

this sounds like it would curdle the milk????

It's never been an issue. Either I drink it too fast or my taste buds are ruined by years of smoking

bonus ingredient: i made margaritas for a bbq yesterday, so tonights shakes had a little something extra to help me dmtd
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why wear them anywhere lol those things are useless
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