i'm writing something for this place & you should too
here's an excerpt:

I don’t know how iconic something can be if almost no one knows about it, including nerds.


conec posted:

i need my wisdom teeth pulled -_-+

here's a cool wisdom teeth story: in high school i was a hot shit long distance runner. when I went to get my wisdom teeth pulled, the dental surgeon asked if I wanted local anesthetic or to be put under, he estimated it was going to take more than an hour so I figured what the hell, I might as well be unconscious if its going to be that long of a period of boredom and discomfort.

when I came to, it turned out I had nearly drowned in my own blood. dude was a total butcher. i could only take the shallowest of tiny breaths for a month, and it took a few years for my lung capacity & strength to fully recover. my track career was over, and now instead of being a rich & handsome jock I post about Stalin on an internet forum.

Maybe I'll do some work on that great depression effortpost I abandoned during the summer.
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when i had my wisdom teeth removed i felt the first incision. i remember looking up at the dude with pain in my eyes and he plowed right the fuck along haha

conec posted:

i started an effortpost but its so shit that i cant post it and i dont want to revise it. its about the congo crisis

post it, it cant possibly be more shameful then what i dropped in the dialectics thread

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I try not to encourage effort posts because I am trying to shut down this forum through tricks.
fyi it's not a trick to get babyfinland to skype me constantly asking for a new account, he does that every 3-4 days without your endorsement.
why does he need so many new accounts?
this guy wants one, as well, for whoever is in charge of that: http://twitter.com/corruptedbysin/status/702915079264665601
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conec posted:

i was mean to a girl at school today so i sent an e-mail via our student e-mail saying i was sorry. -_-+ i hate real life

that's a kind thing to do. (nice cheburashka)

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Got promoted today. Can't go any higher without changing unions.
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If you intend to buy a tower later, get a refurbished notebook laptop for now
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use $1000 to buy a laptop that converts into a tower.
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