conec posted:sucker idiot pigs! the proof is in the fucking pudding!
i agree with this
stegosaurus posted:i need to call someone to write my next article and i have put it off for a month or so. i am not very good at this. on the plus side i have discovered a good book group.
grats on the book group!
conec posted:I`m very depressed. all I want to talk about is death and dying but if I do that to my real life people they will think I am annoying. so. I`ll just mope around here until I bored
aerdil posted:imagine if u were just a schizophrenic with like ten different personalities who are all cruel and bickering at each other and you had them argue with each other on the same internet forum about marxism. thats teh rhizzone, or the title of my next pomo screenplay
that's not what schizophrenia is motherfucker!!!!!
woof, a bit heavy for this forum but I see the above posts and can relate
conec posted:i especially hate when people act like art is whats important. im sorry but unless you are classically trained, youre able to produce fine art, or unless you are really a virtuoso then your art is boring and pointless.
My posting matters to me.