Keven posted:Don't worry... Don't worry... Whooooole crowd is going to get it tonight... Let's see... Sir, yes you in the Yankees hat. You look like an active participant in consumption-as-leisure. I'm kidding, I'm just kidding. Enjoy the show sir. Heeey look at shorts guy in the front here... Couldn't wear pants on your big night out? Zizek claimed that under conditions of modernity we become unable to feel shame and you're doing your best to undo his damaged reputation in some leftist circles... Ahhh I'm kidding you, I'm kidding you. And hey look at this guy. He's fat.

“He took fifty bullets, and he dipped them in pig’s blood,” Trump said. “And he had his men load his rifles and he lined up the fifty people, and they shot 49 of those people. And the fiftieth person he said ‘You go back to your people and you tell them what happened.’ And for 25 years there wasn’t a problem, okay?”
The story appears to be a hoax spread via e-mail forwards, according to rumor tracker, with no evidence it occurred.
aerdil posted:hey doing that sure worked for the british in india
nah we used pig fat for greasing cartridges
chickeon posted:Trump repeated – favorably – an apparent myth about how General John Pershing summarily executed dozens of Muslim prisoners in the Philippines with tainted ammunition during a guerilla war against the occupying United States.
“He took fifty bullets, and he dipped them in pig’s blood,” Trump said. “And he had his men load his rifles and he lined up the fifty people, and they shot 49 of those people. And the fiftieth person he said ‘You go back to your people and you tell them what happened.’ And for 25 years there wasn’t a problem, okay?”
The story appears to be a hoax spread via e-mail forwards, according to rumor tracker, with no evidence it occurred.
just because thats a myth doesnt make it a bad idea. for instance when the wall gets built, how about trump smear it with pig blood. then he just needs a time machine (built in the US to create job) and 1,000 bullets also smeared in pig blood and he can go back to nine eleven and sort out those ass holes in new jersey. and thats just his first day in office. trump 2016

soicowboy posted:i wont mind dying in the trump-holocaust if it means there will be an israel for communists
That only works if people don't think you're loathsome. Ask gypsies how that went for them.
soicowboy posted:i wont mind dying in the trump-holocaust if it means there will be an israel for communists
by this logic there should already be an israel for communists
i figure by the 23rd century we'll get around to acknowledging the nazi's eugenic massacres of people with disabilities, maybe by the 2800s popular media will manage to sympathetically address the genocide of the roma
from there its just a hop skip and a jump to 7 billion years from now: hollywood will finally teach us about the massacre of communists in the holocaust, just in time for the sun to blow up.
shriekingviolet posted:soicowboy posted:i wont mind dying in the trump-holocaust if it means there will be an israel for communists
by this logic there should already be an israel for communists
shriekingviolet posted:there's a moment in the oscar-bait film Remember where an elderly concentration camp survivor is mistaken for a jew, but it turns out he was in the camps because he is gay. its played up for maximum self-congratulatory impact. amazing, after only 70 years, we are willing to acknowledge this!
i figure by the 23rd century we'll get around to acknowledging the nazi's eugenic massacres of people with disabilities, maybe by the 2800s popular media will manage to sympathetically address the genocide of the roma
from there its just a hop skip and a jump to 7 billion years from now: hollywood will finally teach us about the massacre of communists in the holocaust, just in time for the sun to blow up.
The Holocaust did not exist as a discrete Jewish event - Sam "The Piss Miss" Kriss
genocide is not marxist and consistently erases class as per the U.N. definition of genocide - Sam "Samuel" Kriss
nah, imo, what it's really about is the end product of decades of associative sorting. trump discovered that the ideological orientation of the parties is a lie, but also that the old line about the two parties being the same is also a lie. they can barely be distinguished ideologically, but they can be distinguished culturally by any child. so trump walks in and with every breath affirms the fact that he's not culturally blue/dem and wins the nomination. it's nationalism for a nation that's sort of new, sort of a metastatis of the white supremacist south, but regardless one that is 110% willing and prepared to separate itself from the culture around mainstream urban liberalism.
getfiscal posted:telling liberals that fascists killed communists doesn't make them mad because to them it'd be like if they were sad that a dog shelter kills all the unwanted puppies and you chimed in that they also fumigated for bugs.
this is true, you can't expect to get any sympathy out of liberals because their understanding of the holocaust is entirely bonded to the propaganda narrative of western values and "progress." what's interesting is seeing groups previously excluded from that narrative being officially welcomed into the west's celebratory flagellation. like its not a coincidence that the introduction of (white, male) homosexuality into the western understanding of the holocaust coincides with its sudden use in other areas as a propaganda tool of xenophobia and imperialism.
being an enthusiastically celebrated victim of the holocaust (as opposed to ignored or begrudgingly acknowledged) is an official ceremony of induction into the self-righteous halls of Western Values, elevated from pariah status to be a tool to isolate and undermine some new external enemy figure, let us not forget that the united states government and other western powers were unapologetically antisemitic themselves until the cold war paradigm rolled around.
Donald Trump won a whopping 44 percent of Hispanic voters in the Republican Party's Nevada Caucus Tuesday night, a surprising share for a man who has made his campaign about building a great big border wall and deporting millions of immigrants living in the country illegally.
According to an entrance poll chart from ABC News, Trump did better among Latino voters than Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) combined.
soicowboy posted:i wont mind dying in the trump-holocaust if it means there will be an israel for communists
i'm putting this in my twitter profile description