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The committee is majority women but what specifically is wrong with a guy agreeing with feminist and socialist tenants?
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Are you in a party?
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conec posted:

men are rapists, not feminists

Paging cycloneman

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Lol I live in San Diego. I dunno why everyone thinks SF and LA are representative of this whole state but it's pretty ignorant tbh. The largest employer here is the US military and the largest industry is military hardware. This is a garrison town and has been since the Spanish-American War.

Besides, Florida has multiple commie parties in it, I don't see what the point you're trying to make here is
Go be a clinic escort, its pretty fun. I did that for about a year. You live in an open carry state so it's doubly so. I had to concealed carry.
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Do you have an argument here besides 'your bad' or is that it
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Yea fuck you urbandale you pig
If any australian comrades are reading this, please consider joining/supporting the CPA in the leadup to the coming federal election. Even the murdoch press is taking notice lol http://www.news.com.au/national/politics/the-communist-party-of-australia-plans-to-fly-the-red-flag-at-the-federal-election/news-story/92db3f5e7ebb16a0b4cc853e893128b1

The CPA is the direct descendant of the Socialist Party of Australia, an antirevisionist ML group that split from the original CPA in the early 90s when it turned socdem. Some time after the original CPA dissolved they decided to reclaim the name.

They are currently doing good work supporting the CFMEU and other 'militant' unions which are facing an existential threat under the current government. Their policies are excellent and their publication is good if pedestrian http://www.cpa.org.au/guardian/

conec posted:

tell me which communist parties there are in florida that have had any success or who do anything important?

Freedom Road got in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants

Edited by Urbandale ()

feminism is clearly incompatible with communism. cast ur lots p`g sh`d fuckres

Urbandale posted:

Freedom Road got in-state tuition for immigrants

Probably to get more young brown women to go to college and join their student org so they can try and sleep w them tho

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Because you're racist af
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conec posted:

still... men joining a feminist party? that`s nebulous. it`s if i were in some LGBT thing or BLM thing even though i am white, and straight, and subconsciously a t.e.r.f.
i really don`t think men, especially young men, have any purpose participating in a feminist/socialist party. you`re a guy.. what are you doing? you don`t understand women`s issues whatsoever. join a different party, regurgitating someone else`s rhetoric is shameful.

have you ever spoken with an LGBT, or anti-racist, or even feminist, organizer... ever? cisgender/straight/etc white men are welcomed to help and participate in organizations all the time, there are totally legitimate situations where they are not welcome, and that is fine, but to extend that to "should never help with anything, ever, forever," is so obviously ridiculous that i'm genuinely confused here.

conec it is kind of interesting to me that you consistently oppose and belittle any attempts by anyone to do anything productive, and parrot long refuted and decrepit straw talking points to do so.

all-women feminist organizations play an important role in community and activism, but i've never heard of anyone meaningfully objecting to a large scale broad scope organization like a party attesting to a feminist program, which requires significant amounts of people to operate. objecting to male allies under all circumstances on the grounds that it is not feminist practice, well, I haven't heard of anything like that since...

that time when the CIA started paying "feminist" authors through the Ford Foundation in the 70s to schism white academic feminism away from black nationalism, anti-poverty, anti-war, and anti-imperialist activism...

hold the phone folks: none of you people protesting the genocide of the palestinian people are actually from palestine. i'm afraid i'm going to have to shut this march down. everyone go home. what's that? you in the back? oh, you're from gaza? well cool, you can keep marching, alone. have fun.
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conec posted:

have you ever spoken with an LGBT, or anti-racist, or even feminist, organizer... ever?


yeah that was snippy of me. and I don't mean that you're a spook, I mean that we should put on the brakes when the things we say align with known suppression tactics. the fact that cointelpro disruption targets small local activities shows us that they are a genuine threat to the dominant power structure, and so we should value them even as we struggle with finding ways to make them more effective and translate them into greater mass action.

i'm not gonna ask you to change your mind on any of this, i know we're all glib and angry here and that's fine, i could probably be taken to task for shitting on people too. i would just prefer it if when folks are talking about real world work they could be spared the usual reflexive vitriol.

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thanks. i guess i should probably point out publicly in case there's any confusion that i'm male

EmanuelaBrolandi posted:

Urbandale posted:

Freedom Road got in-state tuition for immigrants

Probably to get more young brown women to go to college and join their student org so they can try and sleep w them tho

fuck this post tbh

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i've only had two avatars, the one because it has a good sneer and this one because Internet Murder Revenge Fantasy. i apologize if you or anyone else was misled, it wasn't my intention (although I did historically avoid mentioning personal details incl gender back when I was dumb enough to think I could hide anything)
oh wait, also i was yanis varoufakis at halloween and mentioned that i bear a resemblance
I also want to state for the record that I am male
Just so there's no confusion: How I identify is my business and nobody elses, thank you.