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conec posted:

hey i live in florida and i have a one year lease for my apartment, even though i moved in last month and will be moving out at the end of april.. i googled how to break a lease in florida and i guess it is legal to break your lease if you are starting active military duty. the website i was looking at says you need to mail a letter to your landlord, informing them that you will be starting active military duty, and plan to move out. after they receive ur letter, u are obligated to pay at least another month of rent. soo... can i just lie and say i joined the military? so i can break the lease, no questions asked?

what say you? if it doesn`t work i could say that i`m going to try to be absolved by complaining about cockroach infestation, termites, plumbing that they neglect to fix (my toilet doesn`t flush properly and i have to leave my home to take a sh** or even piss most of the time) and whatever other sh`t i could possibly complain about.

just leave. it doesn't matter. it costs more for them to do anything in the court system than what they'd get from you.


conec posted:

ur getting on my nerves keven.. fuck around n get smoked buddy

Wow someone's going around and downvoting all your posts I wonder what that'd be like it must suck

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Edited by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia ()

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conec posted:

what say you? if it doesn`t work i could say that i`m going to try to be absolved by complaining about cockroach infestation, termites, plumbing that they neglect to fix (my toilet doesn`t flush properly and i have to leave my home to take a sh** or even piss most of the time) and whatever other sh`t i could possibly complain about.

You should notify your landlord in writing that these problems need to be fixed. Make sure you take pictures of the infestations and broken plumbing. Then when they don't fix anything, hire a professional plumber and exterminator yourself and deduct the cost from your rent. Then find a tenant to take your place in finishing the lease, call up your landlord and pretend like you have a family emergency or something and you wish you could stay; the landlord will accept the other tenant instead of fighting you.

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I actually bailed one time right after signing a lease and nothing ever happened. they would have to go thru formal eviction proceedings in IL. I'm sure I'm on some kind of evil shitlord list though
to evict they need to go thru formal eviction proceedings, but to hook you for the rent they might (have to hedge b/c landlord/tenant varies pretty wildly by state and even city) not need to do anything more than file in small claims and send notice to your last known address or at worst publish it in a newspaper, which, uh, hah

i'm helping a lady clear up a <100 debt to a no-longer-in-existance check cashing place right now (because its fucking up her benefits eligibility) and i'm going to have to go to fuckin court for it. this is gonna really shock and surprise some of you i'm sure but the american judicial system really bends over backwards to accommodate creditors
you're doing good work mang

thirdplace posted:

to evict they need to go thru formal eviction proceedings, but to hook you for the rent they might (have to hedge b/c landlord/tenant varies pretty wildly by state and even city) not need to do anything more than file in small claims and send notice to your last known address or at worst publish it in a newspaper, which, uh, hah

i'm helping a lady clear up a <100 debt to a no-longer-in-existance check cashing place right now (because its fucking up her benefits eligibility) and i'm going to have to go to fuckin court for it. this is gonna really shock and surprise some of you i'm sure but the american judicial system really bends over backwards to accommodate creditors

oh yeah i forgot america is insane. i guess they can problem garnish your wages or whatever? lol

sometimes i think things are kind of bad in canada for people and then something reminds me of everyday detail of the insane cyberpunk inhuman capitalist dystopia that america is. don't ever get injured or sick or ever not pay anyone anything

can and will. where i am, at least, you can block the garnishment if it'll put you below the poverty line, but that requires that you 1. know about the law and 2. know about about the case, which you won't unless you're at the same address or maybe if you are an avid reader of the legal notices section of your local newspaper

poor/young people really get fucked by the "last known address thing," it's not something you hear a lot about but it's really obvious when you practice regular people law
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dank_xiaopeng posted:

ty. it's definitely been a lesson in the ins and outs of organizing. the hardest part was when a fairly intelligent albeit socially awkward member of the group had a full-blown pink ninja-style psychotic meltdown and started saying flatly inappropriate and offensive stuff during meetings... it got so bad that after we had to ask him to leave he started waiting outside the library space where we meet and doing some other stalker-type stuff. I don't think he would have tried anything violent, but some of the members of the group who had been singled out wound up taking out a restraining order and he eventually got committed. it was pretty fucked up and we lost some really good people because of it.

I'm glad your group pulled through the crisis. Dealing with mental illness and stalking/harassment behaviors like that IRL is extremely difficult, and some people have totally unpragmatic and even harmful expectations about the kind of support a community can give, especially communities gathered for purposes entirely unrelated to supporting people who are unwell.

Its super cool that you are rising to the challenges presented to you and that you and your group are learning, growing. Thanks for sharing with us.

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conec posted:

petrol don`t post flashing gifs like that, someone here may have epilepsy.

you're right, i edited my post. i apologise to any epileptic lurkers out there, and recommend installing a browser extension to block animated gifs. just google "stop animated gifs" for options. namaste

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An animated gif is what killed tpaines epileptic wife
*seizes up*
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conec posted:

thank u kindly petrolina

i like this nickname bc then this can be my theme song

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Da me ma(s) - gimme more
Gasolina is rly gross also. Its like a capri sun w booze that they sell in pr
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I'm gonna be on the ballot for the peace and freedom party's central committee this election lol
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