yeah, actually having someone else in the group who knows Capital makes it a lot easier. we have one semi-regular attendee who has a pretty good grip on Marx and the discussions are a lot better when they're around

dank_xiaopeng posted:

chickeon posted:
that rules, you're doing the lorde's work

ty. it's definitely been a lesson in the ins and outs of organizing. the hardest part was when a fairly intelligent albeit socially awkward member of the group had a full-blown pink ninja-style psychotic meltdown and started saying flatly inappropriate and offensive stuff during meetings... it got so bad that after we had to ask him to leave he started waiting outside the library space where we meet and doing some other stalker-type stuff. I don't think he would have tried anything violent, but some of the members of the group who had been singled out wound up taking out a restraining order and he eventually got committed. it was pretty fucked up and we lost some really good people because of it.

it's pretty impressive that you pulled through that kind of fuckery and the group came out intact and solid on the other side, nice work


dank_xiaopeng posted:

chickeon posted:

that rules, you're doing the lorde's work

ty. it's definitely been a lesson in the ins and outs of organizing. the hardest part was when a fairly intelligent albeit socially awkward member of the group had a full-blown pink ninja-style psychotic meltdown and started saying flatly inappropriate and offensive stuff during meetings... it got so bad that after we had to ask him to leave he started waiting outside the library space where we meet and doing some other stalker-type stuff. I don't think he would have tried anything violent, but some of the members of the group who had been singled out wound up taking out a restraining order and he eventually got committed. it was pretty fucked up and we lost some really good people because of it.

ok which one of you was this

alternatively: get this man an account!


drwhat posted:

it's pretty impressive that you pulled through that kind of fuckery and the group came out intact and solid on the other side, nice work

eh i guess. we lost about ten people over the whole debacle, a lot of the sds kiddies thought him getting sent to the state hospital was some sort of targeted, planned thing and left in protest. luckily they were pretty passive-aggressive about the whole deal and didn't bring it to a head publicly. it was pretty ugly but we're recovering now.


dank_xiaopeng posted:

a lot of the sds kiddies thought him getting sent to the state hospital was some sort of targeted, planned thing and left in protest.


anyway good work mate, the group sounds worthwhile as heck and im also impressed youve been able to deal with all that shit to keep it going

Sds kiddies can fuck off Imo
good on you for keeping the group together in spite of (unintentional) wrecker behavior.
i hope ap lant gets the mental care he needs
thats a lot of people interested in reading capital! im in a college town and our volume 2 discussion was like 5 people
hmm interesting that a disorganized consensus anarchism with a lack of hierarchy in education and setting rules is actually fascist pedagogy, currently in the form of petty-bourgeois lifestylists, rather than actual leftism. almost like anyone who gets off the computer and goes outside learns this automatically and the Graebers of the world have to keep beating themselves in the head to forget it.
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conec posted:

i did a lot of sh`d just to live this here lifestyle...


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conec posted:

petrol u made a point about my opinion, and it being incorrect, and that point was that i am white. u are from australia? are u black??... cos i assumed u are white. famous rappers from australia... ohh... iggy azalea... that`s legit. dude kanye`s new album is so dope =]]

yes i'm white. i said your opinion is incorrect for other reasons, but that as a white person it pays to be more careful when expressing opinions about minority cultures.

meanwhile: yes, australian rap is shit; i explicitly said i wasnt defending kanye but you also claimed i called you a silly little girl so why stop now with the putting words in my mouth; i disagree with your opinion on david lynch but you're entitled to it.

[account deactivated]

Petrol posted:

i disagree with your opinion ... but you're entitled to it.

You two should take it to private messaging

conec posted:

lmao. if u didnt say the exact words "little girl" you implied it when you said i was a white teenage stupid idiot who is not well read. u said all of those fings. go the fuck away bro or else (yes thats a threat)

hello i'm not a mod so i'm not going to mod you but look. petrol is not attacking you as a person and you are pointlessly posting things like "yes thats a threat" (pro tip you can't actually do anything to other internet users), and "nvm petrol pls don`t answer i don`t like responding to u". if you don't want petrol to answer don't post. if you reconsider a post then there's an edit button. and if you find yourself non-sarcastically writing "go the fuck away bro or else" then you could also just not post instead because you're wasting everyone's time including your own.

this is not because you are a woman. it is because you are posting utterly empty noise. people post a lot of sarcastic bullshit here but generally the posts are actually worth reading. these posts are not.

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drwhat posted:

conec posted:

lmao. if u didnt say the exact words "little girl" you implied it when you said i was a white teenage stupid idiot who is not well read. u said all of those fings. go the fuck away bro or else (yes thats a threat)

hello i'm not a mod so i'm not going to mod you but look. petrol is not attacking you as a person and you are pointlessly posting things like "yes thats a threat" (pro tip you can't actually do anything to other internet users), and "nvm petrol pls don`t answer i don`t like responding to u". if you don't want petrol to answer don't post. if you reconsider a post then there's an edit button. and if you find yourself non-sarcastically writing "go the fuck away bro or else" then you could also just not post instead because you're wasting everyone's time including your own.

this is not because you are a woman. it is because you are posting utterly empty noise. people post a lot of sarcastic bullshit here but generally the posts are actually worth reading. these posts are not.

stop manspreading fool

I don't get this thread, Meltdown March is still 2 weeks away?

babyhueypnewton posted:

hmm interesting that a disorganized consensus anarchism with a lack of hierarchy in education and setting rules is actually fascist pedagogy, currently in the form of petty-bourgeois lifestylists, rather than actual leftism. almost like anyone who gets off the computer and goes outside learns this automatically and the Graebers of the world have to keep beating themselves in the head to forget it.

i don't think it had much to do with the dazzle fingering consensus ideology, just that the SDS members who left were mostly poseurs who did it to look cool.

There are still several SDS members who come to our meetings and they're awesome young comrades who will probably go far as activists. its easy to hate on the SDS but it's often young people's first exposure to radical thought in any form so it's not surprising that you get stupid behavior and bad opinions.

SDS chapters vary pretty widely and we're lucky that there's currently a pretty strong socialist streak in this one, so that helps


babyhueypnewton posted:

the dazzle fingering consensus

sounds hot

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Wow... sounds like your getting owned. Cheers.
I have mono atm
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tpaine posted:

i pretty much only can help you with two things since like 2011:

  • getting a shitty job to keep yourself from dying
  • beer

anything else and i'm out of my element

tpaine getting the tax return like