And Putin is the bad guy?
Edited by swampman ()
Edited by swampman ()
gyrofry posted:Burkina Faso
Holy shit. Keep your shirt on. I accidentally checked the box and cant edit my OP. The admins are going to have to show up to fix this castraphophe, until then, Burkina Faso and every other muddy ditch with a cave-religion, a guy with a bad mustache and a beret factory is going to have to wait in line like the americans waited patiently in line at Ellis island for their shot at happiness.
Didn't we have something to do with El Salvador and Argentina as well?
animedad posted:let's queer this
I. Literally. Can't. Edit. The. OP. I am seriously hyperventilating right now. I am being scapegoated for a mistake that I didn't even make on purpose and it's making things really hard to deal with right now. I am going to go on posting, but just because I triggered others unintentionally, doesn't give anyone else the right to trigger me intentionally, and I think you know who you are. What is this supposed to be? A Montevideo college of torture run by Dan Mitrione in the years before the 1973 coup d'etat in Uruguay?
fuckboys up to somethin
getfiscal posted:canada had a conservative prime minister named diefenbaker (1957 - 1963) who was sort of skeptical of american power and the US essentially orchestrated the collapse of his government because he wouldn't commit to stationing nuclear weapons in the north. they threatened to kick us out of NATO... we ended up recalling our ambassador.... wild times folks. this ended up starting the new liberal consensus where we pretend to be somewhat autonomous of america but then just quietly do whatever they want.
the diefenbunker was the highlight of my ninth grade civics class
lol j/k
stegosaurus posted:down with the illegal coup
all my debts are domestic unfortunately
then the americans (through NATO) asked us to take a leading combat role in afghanistan. and over time we ramped up and were doing some of the dumbest sort of jobs available in afghanistan, like driving around the southern regions and getting blown up. and for a few years (under harper) we did that until parts of our bureaucracy basically admitted that it was unsustainable by any measure. like canada didn't have the capacity to tool around a few thousand troops in southern afghanistan indefinitely since like.... you need to replace them with fresh troops etc plus canadian mood had shifted a lot on the issue. eventually harper also reached a "fuck it" moment and gave up, like he started cutting defence spending, bailing on a lot of planned vehicle purchases, cutting veterans budgets, and would only commit to a limited training mission. the latter was timed in a funny way too because the liberal leader at the time (in 2010 or so i guess) made this big presentation about how the NDP was too radical for calling for troops out and the conservatives were too radical for calling for permanent war and how he was the smart guy in the middle calling for training and institutional aid, then days later harper came out and said yeah we're ending combat operations. that whole area of southern afghanistan we were occupying is mostly heavily contested by taliban again now too.
which is literally, historically accurately, the raison d'etre of canada. we're so cool. try the maple donuts