stegosaurus posted: already onto this shit
its beautiful
stegosaurus posted: onto this shit
what'd they say? the tweet doesn't show up for me
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:I just spent 70 dollars on super skinny jeans but theyre a little baggy so im gonna get the next tighter one
Klein leggings
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:I just spent 70 dollars on super skinny jeans but theyre a little baggy so im gonna get the next tighter one
why dont you just eat more you doof
stegosaurus posted: onto this shit
are there really that many unpleasant, weird amerikkkan communists or are they just spawning online?
Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()
you should familiarize yourself with gabor mate's works on the environmental and societal components of addiction, and its existence as a predatory enforcement of class and racial stratification that preys on the vulnerable. it might help with your mourning.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:actually i think that if you actually interact with junkies or listen to a word they say, you will find that they are terrible terrible assholes who destroyed their own lives because they are massively stupid, pathetic and belligerent
you can be mad at a person for being shitty without ignoring or denying the structural factors that contributed to how they turned out. to do otherwise is massively stupid, pathetic and belligerent
shriekingviolet posted:le_nelson_mandela_face posted:actually i think that if you actually interact with junkies or listen to a word they say, you will find that they are terrible terrible assholes who destroyed their own lives because they are massively stupid, pathetic and belligerent
you can be mad at a person for being shitty without ignoring or denying the structural factors that contributed to how they turned out. to do otherwise is massively stupid, pathetic and belligerent
*looks quizzically at can labeled "structural factors that contributed to how they turned out"*
*peels back label*
*original label reads "everybody's done got some demons they're fighting"*

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:Friends, let's not remember him as the homeless junkie idiot criminal who pissed away every advantage in the world. Let's remember him as he was: the obnoxious arrogant bully you could never count on.
how would people remember you?
i am sure we would keep you as honorary mod of faily planet and repost the various memes related to you occasionally
im quitting pretty soon tho and while i think what i want to do is pretty pathetic, at least its not an eternally inward facing spiral of complete horseshit
there is nothing separating this fantasy from base primitvism tho. its not marxist, consistently erases class you know the deal. its just the only way i can see myself living with being a direct link in the consumerist garbage cycle that has encapsulated my entire life. buying and breaking toys, trying to suck sustenance from plastic. i cant find the strength to resist so ill aim to separate. Boldly going on the most gutless journey haha

e: its just like, i worked an entire year and not once did i talk to my coworkers and say basic things like "we'd probably be treated better if we had a union" "Ya'know, by definition we're paid less than the value of our work" "Stalin was right". not because i began to think those things were wrong, but that in that environment i simply let myself forget them. it was pathetic

Edited by Scrree ()