Just wanted to say I look forward to discipline's new poverty tourism book, and I hope it sells real well. I know I want a couple copies myself!
[account deactivated]
only a portion of employers background check
could we please ifap the dude who, if he isn't just mustang, must have something wrong with them anyway because they are constantly posting weird annoying non-sequiters in every thread, which would be entertaining, if they weren't devoid of humor as well

aerdil posted:

could we please ifap the dude who, if he isn't just mustang, must have something wrong with them anyway because they are constantly posting weird annoying non-sequiters in every thread, which would be entertaining, if they weren't devoid of humor as well

[account deactivated]
pst phone number and address for jools and also UNREALTOURNAMENTWARRIOR if you dfont mind 12g
Jools. of you dont ban this mother father. I'm going to flickin find u, and Im going to ban your brain out on a sidewalk, the heliotrope and cerise noodles hued up to where the credible threat meter of your own personal national security should be at right now. You've been foretold.
Why doesnt anyone battle me anymore... just because Im the only one left who's got away with words, that I dont horibly squander at twitter.... Its lonely being fuckin god of all chat forums, let me tell @ u..
i'm tired and i'm allowed to be tired
i'm researching a plan to move to colorado

cars posted:

i'm tired and i'm allowed to be tired

Quoted for posterity

swampman all your custom colors are shit. They're shit!!!! i hope this has been enlightening for you,peace.
swampman walks dogs which is maybe an unfulfilling job for some people. his posts are too long for twitter so he posts here where no one reads or cares.
Ill get you a good one for nye baby
Nye Baby is my favorite fetish fan-fiction character
swampman proclaims his ability to stunt and moans that no one will take him on. Gallant posts fat lady pictures of william corgen and shines on the front page.
i'm happier single

methlabretriever posted:

i'm researching a plan to move to colorado

Sorry it's all full up

One thing that I thought was funny when I met daddyholes irl. They live in a normal house except... living room... no floor. Just a big busted out hole and like, the crawlspace. The kinect and tv pointing down into the hole and like, lots of trash. Lots of empty sunny D, yes the make 3 gallon containers of it, they apparently mass produce the 3 gallon containers, at a much larger scale than I suspected. Anyway daddyholes rolled their eyes at me and said "this is temporary until we get some things reorganized" and apparently that was the full explanation. Very odd behavior from this poster.
[account deactivated]
dude do you literally believe this stuff?

tpaine posted:

terry if you lay one finger on jools you will answer to me baby. that's right. i will sidle up to you haltingly and my protestations will be both fierce and hesitant. i will chide you for what you have done and kind of sort of agree with what you did by the end of my diatribe. i might pee myself and go stand in the corner. can you handle that??

Im going to lay one finger of cyanide in their ricearoni nosebag

its like 14-year old Boy-humor
my head may be like a hole but my living room is 100% free of mummified under-couch dog turds serving as the only remaining witnesses to pets killed through bizarre & angry experiments with their diets designed solely to one-up swampman's secret life hero, cesar millan
[account deactivated]
what about the libertarian puppies

shriekingviolet posted:

I dont feel empathy for chickens, but I generally do feel empathy for mothers

can't believe thi s is still happenign in 20156

dont let the bastards grind u down chickon

cars posted:

swampman all your custom colors are shit. They're shit!!!! i hope this has been enlightening for you,peace.

After a short amount of research I came across this https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File_talk:Flag_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China.svg#Right_Color:_Red which gives a pretty clear idea of the ideologically correct custom colors, which MarxUltor maybe is already implemeting. Anyway, any posters who believe in the communist stuff like me, should probably change their custom colors in solitairity.


Flappo posted:

poverty tourism

woa did a petty bourgeois teenager time traveler arrive here from 2009??? Tthats amazing,, What is this weird, stupid language youre using?..? It seems pre-scientific.. Ffassinating...

get an account dude
mods please coercively assign the meth guy an avatar of a crudely drawn mythical nipponese assassin dressed in pink
dude. she's preggers
[account deactivated]
*all chill* dude... i am here... to help...
Yo meth lab retriever do me a favor and stop posting. Thx
The first time I read a goatstein post it was about ten years ago. He was unmarried. Little did I know it would be a few years later on that exact date that BHPN would, in vacation in Thailand, meet a woman who would change his life forever. At the time Getfiscal was a card carrying member of the Canadian Republican Party and his avatar was a picture of Paul Martin that said FAGGOT under it in big red letters.
[account deactivated]