yeah they gave me skin cancer
getfiscal posted:wddp is cool, leave those people alone.
i feel like considering the kind of discourse at the ol' wddp they are probably all hillary supporters at this point
bikes, butts and bourgeois democracy

he is probably talking about your socialist prison service, a jail is a kind of refuge, in a way
you're in this jail where you can break the glass and leave
getfiscal posted:
dude the thing is you can leave at anytime. like you could literally book a ticket this morning and be here by the afternoon. you can actually do a lot you just have to want to do it/
like email for an account

how would they know?

FDR didn't nuke japan
ahh yes. the good ol days. *cries while rocking in LaZy Boy*
getfiscal posted:FDR didn't nuke japan
true, man
well, what can you do? back then the ai was yung and naive and thought thats how human relationships worked. now its all .... relationships.
truman never gets enough credit imo
More Than Likable Enough
I like Hillary Clinton. And I’m convinced that saying so can be a subversive act.
More Than Likable Enough
I like Hillary Clinton. And I’m convinced that saying so can be a subversive act.
liking the party's chosen candidate, primary frontrunner, former secretary of state and senator: A Subversive Act
it isn't that i like him, it's that he's the only one that has this shared overlap
hfs (holy friggin snap)
haha ron paul
Man this ronald reagan guy seems pretty smart and cool, we should elect him for president
electing a dumb idiot actor like ronald reagan who will be an incompetent adminstrator will swiftly ensure the downfall of the american empire and victory for soviet communism #accelerationism
sanders announced his banking plan today. the two main parts are splitting apart a few of the big banks and reinstating glass-steagall. i think this sort of gets things backwards though. the banks are consolidating in response to constant financial crises. the consolidation isn't generally driving the crises, it often papers over faults caused by other issues like speculation in other markets. like the reason there are three big banks in the US right now is because the government promoted that consolidation and expansion as part of trying to respond to the 2007/8 crisis. and that's only a fraction of the huge sums floating around in corporate treasuries and such. even if you nuked all formal hedge funds sorts of things there are still enormous amounts of money in all sorts of financial organizations, including offshore accounts. all of that is driven by profitability and power and not like size or shape of the businesses. you have to take them over to even begin to address the underlying problems.
Hello Don,
Seems like we'd need some sort of revolutionary dictatorship then. Thanks, I'll get started on systematizing it and have the slide deck to quality review by 8 AM Monday.
D.H. Carson
Laissez's Faire Rhizzone | +1-F-AIL-AIDS |
Seems like we'd need some sort of revolutionary dictatorship then. Thanks, I'll get started on systematizing it and have the slide deck to quality review by 8 AM Monday.
D.H. Carson
Laissez's Faire Rhizzone | +1-F-AIL-AIDS |
Someone needs to get this advice to Sanders' econkmic team ASAP so they can start revising their banking plan
health care in the united states has been a great way to make Democrats look absurd since 2008 for a lot of the same reasons. "We can still have private insurers & providers, it'll be like Europe", sure cool except that the u.s. has no guarantees for health care in its constitution and the supreme court would never even rhetorically enforce them without one, and the private insurers & providers run a collaborative nationwide criminal syndicate where prices are set by arbitrage so that they are 300+% different for different patients at the same location or 1000+% different for the same patient at different locations a few blocks apart, and all that money gets pumped directly into U.S. congressional office suites while Raymond Scott's "Powerhouse" plays through the intercom, and the federal government has to provide incentives for doctors in the U.S. to work outside of cosmetic surgery or accept most insurance at all nowadays but sure we'll try that.
the best part about having a plan under obamacare is that most doctors who accept the regular ppo will decline accepting the same plan if its through covered california because the reimbursement rates are slightly lower; but the insurance company completely hides this fact when looking at the plan and seeing which doctors are supposedly covered
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:Someone needs to get this advice to Sanders' econkmic team ASAP so they can start revising their banking plan
You bastard!!!
[account deactivated]
we got all the arthur c korn we could ever desire but whers a guy gotta go to get some michael j beverage around here?
i remember back when that arthur c korn pic first got found part of what was dfunny was his face but the other part was that the image was huge. seems like that might have been a symptom of us all having 600x800 resolution screens and that modern technology has caught up the ol yorba linda water district gang and theyre not so big now now are they?
[account deactivated]