Thank you, Cars.
[account deactivated]
Thank you daddyholes
Father ButtHole Fuck woth some tim and eric shit! epic!
You know how we got jaded and mad when the demo primary ended in 2008 and obama went from talking about single payer and stuff to bombing Pakistan I wonder if there's people who will feel the same way when the repub primary ends and trump stops talking about brutally and insanely murdering immigrants and starts talking about like... how nafta is good or whatever.
in 2000 a liberal senator with broad left support was polling at about 30% against the incumbent vice president and it built the movement which made 2001 - 2011 the 'golden age in america'.
Keven posted:Father ButtHole Fuck woth some tim and eric shit! epic!
hating on brian posehn is like kicking a three legged dog. this man literally wrote a comic book.
Keven posted:Father ButtHole Fuck woth some tim and eric shit! epic!
blessed be
[account deactivated]
Crow posted:
this is fuckin intense
Keven posted:He's cool I'm having a laugh.
blessed be
clanzy posted:
han solo dies
good, i hate the space cowboy. he's too tall
he never leaves the racist caricature alone