Keven posted:shitty university improv team I have to do improv with
(student mimes opening door) Kayla: Hello, Doctor, I'm here to get the results from my test.
Keven: I'm not a doctor.
Kayla: You're not?
Keven: (stares into space for fifteen seconds)
Kayla: Oh no, one of the mental patients got loose!
Keven: Not really. I'm actually an AIDS patient. The gay kind. (looks over at Pete) Not that it's an immoral crime anymore!
Marcus (Keven's friend who flew to Chicago to do improv training, via Skype): Guys, quick note here for Keven. Keven, you're like if George Carlin and Bill Hicks had a baby and named it Keven.
Keven: Marcus, I'm hearing you say that being controversial works for me, and I'm taking that praise and putting it in my pocket for when a bit doesn't work.
Marcus: I appreciate you reflecting back that comment, Keven.
Kayla: The student number you gave me isn't even real.
methlabretriever posted:this kony thing is interesting. it's the first time that i remember the ruling class using social media web 2.0 as imperialist propaganda and having such a large reaction. i think its becoming more and more well known now that kony is a fraud, which should have some terrible consequences to how the Western ruling class views the Internet.
Peelzebub posted:unbelievable
if anyone's looking for, you know, just throwing this out there, but like friend stuff or a sig crew or something. uh anyway I get my groceries delivered now so i have even more time for, well whatever really, if there was something
babyhueypnewton posted:le reddit
my last post on there was replying to a guy who wrote "You see, the USSR developed a colonial relationship with Cuba where the Soviets would buy sugar at above market-rate prices then sell them cheap oil" and I was all "What other colonial relationships had the metropole buy goods from it's colony at artifically inflated prices, while exporting it's valuable domestic resources to said colony at a loss?" then he deleted his comment lol reddit
TheIneff posted:babyhueypnewton posted:le reddit
"What other colonial relationships had the metropole buy goods from it's colony at artifically inflated prices, while exporting it's valuable domestic resources to said colony at a loss?"
USA and Israel. blah blah blah posted:"More than half the cases in the military justice system involve child victims of sex assault, according to an investigation by Associated Press. This has raised questions about the transparency of military courts.
With information obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, AP uncovered that out of the 1,233 inmates in US military prisons, 61 percent were convicted of sex crimes. Children were the victims in more than half of those cases, making their abusers the largest group of criminals in the US military prison system. In 2015 alone, service members victimized children in 133 of 301 sex crime convictions.
"In civilian courts, there are minimum sentences that are mandated by the federal government for sex crimes. This includes 15 years for child sex trafficking, or 30 years for engaging in a sex act with a child under the age of 12. Military courts do not do not impose any such mandatory minimum sentences for those crimes.
Even after serving time, service members are given a level of privacy that those convicted in civilian courts do not receive. While the Department of Justice maintains a federal registry for civilians that can be viewed by the public, and many similar systems exist on the state level, there is no equivalent database documenting the sex crimes of service members.
Exacerbating these transparency problems is the fact that child sex crimes do not receive the same amount of attention as sex crimes with adult victims, which Congress and the Department of Defense have focused on preventing and prosecuting.
Department of Defense officials, however, said that such a high proportion of military prisoners are child sex abusers because judges and juries view the crimes as particularly heinous and impose longer sentences. They also said that military prosecutors pursue cases that civil prosecutors would never take to court, and the startlingly high number of convicted pedophiles in the military reflects this."
Peelzebub posted:methlabretriever posted:i really don't know you peelzebub. as time goes on we'll see. friendships just happen, ya know?
sorry peelzebub. we can be posting bros if you want... make a sig like all the cool kids...Hiel Yeah
HenryKrinkle posted:pretending to be a newbie. on the rhizzone. what possible incentive could there be.
i haven't posted on forums in years
getfiscal posted:TheIneff posted:babyhueypnewton posted:le reddit
"What other colonial relationships had the metropole buy goods from it's colony at artifically inflated prices, while exporting it's valuable domestic resources to said colony at a loss?"
USA and Israel.
I think I understand now. Israeli settler state is oppressed by the USSR. Case closed.