ilmdge posted:why are you talking about dissney
Take it to the cop shoot man megathread discussion thread please.
(6) The monitored telephone calls cited by the FBI as proof of Rahim’s plot are, at best, ambiguous. They quote Rahim as telling Wright: “Yeah, I’m going to be on vacation right here in Massachusetts,” about which the FBI affidavit says: “Based upon my training, experience, and involvement in this case, I believe that ‘going on vacation,’ a phrase used repeatedly in conversations between WRIGHT and RAHIM, refers to committing violent jihad.”

‘YouTube effect’ has left police officers under siege, law enforcement leaders say
Participants in the discussion were told that the meeting was closed to the news media, but the mayor of D.C. listed the event as public and a Washington Post reporter entered with her entourage and observed more than three hours of the discussion.
Could the root cause be drugs? Guns? Gangs? Perhaps a little of each, said Chuck Wexler, a former top officer in Boston and head of the Police Executive Research Forum.
Wexler tried to sum up the day-long discussion for Lynch, who arrived near the end. But there was another problem, he told her, one that hits closer to home for the nation’s top cop.
“Perhaps the most difficult to calibrate, but the most significant,” he said, “is this notion of a reduction in proactive policing.”
Police chiefs and elected leaders from Baltimore, Chicago, New York and St. Louis were more blunt:
“We have allowed our police department to get fetal and it is having a direct consequence,” Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel told Lynch. “They have pulled back from the ability to interdict … they don’t want to be a news story themselves, they don’t want their career ended early, and it’s having an impact.”
Agnus_Dei posted:Good news for murderers everywhere.
Ellis said her four- and eight-year-old girls opened the front door and their dog Patches ran out.
That is when, Ellis said, Officer Thomas took a step back and fired at the dog. Instead,the bullet hit Ava in the right leg, went through the front door and lodged in a cabinet in the house.
Attorney Michael Wright said Officer Thomas then retreated to his cruiser and did not help the injured girl.
“Instead of administering aid to Ava, witnesses state that Officer Thomas walked down the driveway, got in his car and drove off before an ambulance or any other help arrived.” Wright said.
On Tuesday, Van Dyke was indicted on first-degree murder charges in connection with the sixteen shots he fired at 17-year-old Laquan McDonald while responding to an Oct. 20, 2014 report of an armed man in the Burger King parking lot.
Chicago Police Officer Charged With Murder After Shooting a Black Teenager Sixteen Times
A Chicago police officer accused of shooting a black teenager sixteen times will be tried for…
Read more
The fatal incident was caught on Van Dyke’s dashcam, which became the subject of a protracted legal battle between the media and the police, who argued its release would “hamper ongoing investigations.” Last week a judge finally ordered the video—described by one witness as “an execution”—be released by Nov. 25.
But there may have been other footage the public will never see: According to a Burger King district manager, almost an hour-and-a-half of surveillance recordings disappeared the night of the shooting.
According to NBC, the restaurant—located at 4060 S Pulaski Rd—boasts a series of outdoor security cameras that ostensibly captured the lead up to the shooting (which may have actually concluded outside the range of the cameras.)
But an inexplicable gap emerged after cops examined the footage. Via NBC:
After the shooting, according to Jay Darshane, the District Manager for Burger King, four to five police officers wearing blue and white shirts entered the restaurant and asked to view the video and were given the password to the equipment. Three hours later they left, he said.
The next day, when an investigator from the Independent Police Review Authority asked to view the security footage, it was discovered that the 86 minutes of video was missing.
Darshane tells NBC the cameras and video recorder were “on and working properly” the night of the shooting.
“We had no idea they were going to sit there and delete files,” Darshane said. “I mean we were just trying to help the police officers.”
A spokesperson for the Independent Police Review Authority tells NBC in a statement, “We have no credible evidence at this time that would cause us to believe CPD purged or erased any surveillance video.”
The dashcam footage is expected to be released sometime on Wednesday.
drwhat posted:I was going to post the white supremacist MN crowd shooting in here and it took me until the last second to remember that they technically aren't cops
"Holding a firearm, that's a form of de-escalation," Forcillo said.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:
there's a bunch of protests in chicago over this however they largely liberal in nature
In the early afternoon of July 16, 2012, a frightened mother called the North Port Police Department to report that her 18-year-old son could be suicidal.
“My daughter ... found a noose hanging in the garage,” the working mother told the police dispatcher. “I’m afraid he might try to hurt himself.”
North Port responded by sending police K-9 handler Keith Bush, the current leader of a unit that has won regional and national awards at police dog contests, but that has also come under scrutiny at home for unleashing its dogs on juveniles, unarmed suspects and at least one suicidal citizen who was not charged with a crime.
On this day, before he or any other officer reached Jared Lemay’s home, Bush sent a message to fellow K-9 handler Michael Dietz: “COME GET UR BITE.”
Minutes later, records show, Bush messaged Dietz again: “IM GONNA TAKE UR BITE IF U DONT HURRY UP.”
Lemay, who was found unarmed and hiding in a trash can in his garage, was bitten in the face and back by Dietz’s dog, a Belgian Malinois named Cammo.
An 18-year-old received wounds to his face and back after a North Port police dog attacked him as he lay on his family's garage floor. Police responded to the young man's home after family members reported he was suicidal because of an active violation of probation warrant. He had no violent criminal history.
In police photographs, Lemay’s face is criss-crossed with streaks of blood. Deep puncture wounds mar his cheeks.
“I couldn’t even eat for a week after that because my face was so swollen,” Lemay said in a recent interview.
At the time of the attack, Lemay was wanted for violating his probation on a prior charge of unarmed burglary of an unoccupied structure and resisting an officer without violence. Lemay said he was depressed and considering suicide.
After Lemay was taken to the North Port emergency room, another North Port police officer messaged Dietz commending him on K-9 Cammo’s first bite.
“CONGRATS,” Officer William Carter wrote.
“Five years ago I would’ve told you that technology was hurting toys because kids were watching their iPads instead. Now I think it’s helping—even preschoolers are engaging with brands,” says NPD Group’s Juli Lennett.
Any issues we can discuss about the culture of violence determining police interactions with the public is insignificant compared to the power of the force.
NounsareVerbs posted:Just a reminder that for every life taken by a cop who felt threatened the average child of the working proletariat watched a hundred billion hours of the Disney channel, movies, and messages from the sponsors.
“Five years ago I would’ve told you that technology was hurting toys because kids were watching their iPads instead. Now I think it’s helping—even preschoolers are engaging with brands,” says NPD Group’s Juli Lennett.
Any issues we can discuss about the culture of violence determining police interactions with the public is insignificant compared to the power of the force.
Do you or any of you posters have any proposals for radicalizing the rank or file of the regiaonal law enforcement
NounsareVerbs posted:the power of the force.
it's only powerful if it provides
thirdplace posted:
they actually brought back slavery
vice did a piece about golfing with the guards
swampman posted:Do you or any of you posters have any proposals for radicalizing the rank or file of the regiaonal law enforcement
i don't think its possible until Things get really bad. like an extended period where Law and Order become meaningless. which may be here in a few years as material conditions continue to plummet. like where identifying as a Cop is outright dangerous. only then,
Also, if people are losing faith in the system, not because the system has a problem, but because they aren't getting the results they want, that isn't a problem with the system.