piss posted:skylark is right
piss posted:skylark is right
I'm sorry but Skylark is wrong. This is not about Social Justice. The term "Justice" implies a form or sense of retribution for the perpetrator or some sort of crime or injury. I don't think that the person who misgendered me did so out of malice. In fact, I'm pretty sure that she(?) was just as embarrassed about the whole thing I as was.
Gibbonstrength posted:Skylark can potentially be both correct, and also a pathetic narcissist who looks on every one of you as if you were a bug
how did you get that from her posts
goats_ebooks posted:the last time I was misgendered was on Friday by my boss, in front of a large group of people that I have to work with in future. so long as I don't disclose myself, I 'pass' as a fairly ugly + gawky woman, but after he stood up on the stage at a conference and outed me they now look at me like I'm an alien and a couple have openly said that they feel uncomfortable working with me and would prefer it if I relayed comments and emails indirectly through their co-workers, making it incredibly hard to do my job because of his comments.
quoth my boss when I commented on this, he can't/doesn't have to get it right because he is autistic and 'not wired that way'; if I say it to him in private it has literally no effect, and if I correct him in public he doesn't get angry with me so much as start to sulk and be non-communicative, meaning I a) have to take over for him and b) risk job insecurity because I'm on a quasi-zero-hours contract and lol if non-teaching academic staff have much in the way of HR support. trying to move to a different department but it's slow.
it's weird because he uses male pronouns/terms along with really creepy sexist condescension/harassment - so you get the uncomfortable outing from someone who 'doesn't respect your identity' (which would be one thing - but he's a pig, and so I don't care /that/ much - but comes with a whole lot of material impacts), but then you also get the gendered harassment targeted as a (trans) woman.
i will be sure to post in this thread the next time I am misgendered in public.
that does not sound fun, sorry to hear it
are you keeping records of these people behaving in this way towards you?
that guy HidingFromGoro seemed to have good advice for situations like this, if you ever read other-LF spinoffs
c_man posted:who could have guessed that the male crackers of rhizzone are arbitrarily hostile to trans people? me, i could have
can you quote me some hostility from this thread please
conec posted:i have never been misgendered in my life... i was thinking about this the other day: if i transitioned, no girls would ever like me cos i`m 152 cm tall. maybe a gay guy would like me tho...
Edit: nvm, you said cm not feet
Skylark posted:It isn't pronounced, no one says it in real life, people only ever say it to 'parody' trans people.
is this like when weird al parodies a song that's already funny
Superabound posted:Skylark posted:Yeah and it's funny because misgendering is what the insane social justice people say, and you're saying it even though there's no danger or harm in you being misgendered. The thing that this, and sarcastically calling someone a bigot over a minor thing, and the insincere uses of the zany pronoun xhe have in common is that they make light of things that hurt real people. I don't think these jokes are extremely offensive in that regard but I guarantee every trans person has seen them invoked a billion times to invalidate them. My main issue is that they're just super played things to say.
I dont understand why you think being misgendered as a non-trans person is any less harmful than being misgendered as a transgender person. If anything, it is even more psychologically wounding because there's no mutually understandable material grounds for the confusion. I have been misgendered literally countless times throughout my life, just because I am a fairly graceful man of slight build who for a large percentage of his existence has chosen to have long, luxurious hair. Which, as previously noted, I immediately cut off to better adhere to the proscribed gender norms of society re: my own internalized sense of gender. Which, were I not cis scum, would be seen as Brave and Heroic, rather than Cowardly and Pathetic, which I am. Sorry for making this thread in an attempt to ameliorate my own gender insecurities through shared humor.
there's no excuse for having long hair as a man unless you are both in a metal band and can bench press at least 300 pounds
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:there's no excuse for having long hair as a man unless you are both in a metal band and can bench press at least 300 pounds
i grew it out hoping it would get caught in a machine at work so i could either die or live off workers comp for the rest of my life
Superabound posted:i grew it out hoping it would get caught in a machine at work so i could either die or live off workers comp for the rest of my life
if you keep your head up you know you'll be fine. you've got to keep fighting until you get there, and when you're down and you feel like giving up you may want to whip your hair back and forth
no one will get this joke