can i be renamed The Pink Ninja

also i will take a bit of a break from posting so i can sort out other shit, but i like posting here because otherwise i

will catch liberalism, the mental disease of my particular suburb

i gotta move out, catch 3 drifting tokyo racecars

and dammit

we going global or maybe never leaving LA

which contains whole worlds of communists

and i keep accidentally meeting construction workers, postal workers, union organizers, non-white people, the proletarian brothers im moving in with

and actually doing good honest things

i might be a politician even (what the fuck)

or have my own party of 1, tables for 666 badass metal motherfuckers

i may do contract "freedom" unpaid shit for the pissle

and the homoless and the well

we ride til we die, that's certain

in darkest nuits

in brightest solarities of eternal communism

in space and in adjustment disorder, only the death of capitalistsisms

always necessary, never deserved

no medicines necessary

but dogs licking my wounds

i do not own a dog

the wolves own my bones

thats ecosexual panarchistic


beyond which


does not even exist

but paradise

may be

contained in all the words

that are drawings

oracles, bones, scripts,

hell i may just be a poster

that's all we are


The Pink Ninja
rename to A Pink Ninja. there might be more than one
it would be nice to you to ban you
rename me to "Homo" please, as in the science name, not the sexuality
Name him "homo" but the gay kind please