sample based music is not Ḥarām,

and indeed vapourwave's purring loops call to mind the pious drones of the muaddin or a melodious nashīd far more intensely than any aspects of the decadent, many-instrumented muzicks so popular in the West....
so please read cyclonopedia....
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Retarded things can be fun. Not everything has to be as smart as Alfred Einstein.
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Y'all having a good time tonight?
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I'm hoping I can stay up late enough to catch Donald Trump on SNL. They get up to some wild stuff on that show, don't they? Haha. Anyway, I want to see if Donald Trump can laugh at himself. If he can laugh at himself and has a good sense of humor about it, I'll find him more relatable and thus feel a lot more comfortable writing up the front page article that Khamsek has assigned me to award him tHE rHizzonE's official presidential endorsement.
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conec posted:

philly represent. dude on my street keeps horses and chickens I used to hear his fucking rooster all the time.

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conec posted:

so i was paranoid that the weed would make them retarded


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fuck weed, thats the only drug i don't need. anyways im buying a klr650 a mosin and my friends pawnshopped katana and i might get my parents to let me take their dog who they don't feed/walk enouhg (i run her and feed her steak n shit)

i just made 3 rapdance videos last nite
a milli (the mixtape version b4 lil wayne cut a dudes verse)
dio tijdmachine mixtape (check the nederhop wiki for my edits where i give him props, shoutouts to FYAD for posting it up in my ears)

i'll post a link to the raw video file of my super serious poem about solar communism when its done puploading to my personal rifel-box

and im making an ecological space-drawing for my brother who just turned 21 with red, green, and yellow, the trois colours of communism:
blood, leaves, and piss.

also theres a spot in east la with a hammer & sickle graphitod onto it, just so you know i don't fuck around

also i forgot to use the word women in my poem sorry discipline/conec/roseweird

but i mentioned birth and struggle and im a corporalist masculinist play & ecology anarchocommunist of federated independent anti-mental body-states

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conec posted:

NoFreeWill posted:

serious poem about solar communism

I suggest you read The Solar Anus by Georges Bataille

NoFreeWill posted:

also i forgot to use the word women in my poem sorry discipline/conec/roseweird

i`m not transphobic but i no longer consider transgender MTF people to be women. as a woman, it is an affront to my femininity to be told that being a woman can be achieved through mutilating a penis and hormone replacement therapy.
i understand that transgender MTFs identify as women, and that they face much discrimination and other forms of adversity (including violence and high suicide rates) but those trials and tribulations are separate from those that biological women face.
for example, girls start bleeding often from elementary school and onward - the lining of our uterus literally sheds each month and forces blood out of our cervix. luckily, in our first world conditions, we have ample access to sanitation products - but in many parts of the world, girls are prevented from leaving their home, because they are leaking blood. there are several disorders associated with menstruation - some women have menorrhagia and bleed for several weeks in a row, causing serious iron loss and fatigue. passing big blood clots and experiencing abdominal pain will surely disrupt your regular life.
having uterine fibroids, on the other hand, can prevent you from employment (among other things), as it is difficult to explain to an employer why you need constant access to a toilet, and random days off.
or, we can suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease, which can easily leave us infertile - not to mention shivering, vomiting, unable to have sex, unable to urinate without pain, and cleaning discharge off our crotch.
when a woman learns that she is infertile, it is devastating - biologically, our purpose is to reproduce. it`s what our bodies were designed for - the inability to give birth can feel like a lifelong psychosocial disorder. "barrenness", shame.
for transgender "women", the decision to undergo surgery and hormone therapy was ultimately that: a decision. women don`t choose to be infertile, to have cervix cancer, to have breast cancer, to go through menopause.
transgender "women" leave behind their male privilege, only to take on our female identity without any of the pain or sickness.
for the issues of transgender women to be included in the field of women`s issues is absolutely absurd - centuries have passed where women have been oppressed, and have fought for their rights. suddenly transgender issues are more popular, more interesting, and have a higher priority over ours.

not to mention, the surgeries and drugs sought by transgender women can only be afforded by the middle class and above. the decision to mold their bodies to resemble something closer to ours is an exclusive mark of privilege. i`m not saying that they should not - i am not saying that they don`t deserve respect and equal treatment - but i do think they need to either be identified as men or as a third gender

Hmmm. Agreed.


conec posted:

TheIneff already downvoting me... TheIneff I hope you know that I`ve seen a photo of you before & U look like an assclown...... So f*ck u and the donkey u rode in on biaaatch.... I`m a mo fuggin` star, check out the rims on my car. I want to be the very best, like no one ever was.. Cos Pwning Rhizzone is my real task, and Allah is the cause... I will travel across the threads, posting far and wide..
Lmfaoooooooooo... Funny that I`ve seen his pic. I`ve also seen uhh... one of the Australian reddit teen`s pics. He f8cking blocked me on Twitter bcos I downvoted his gay Psych 101 paper post. This is childish of me but for this dumbass redditor to downvote me is pure treachery.
We can`t all be Chow Chow Pekingese hybrids though... Just me. I go to a school for doges where I learn how to do obstacle courses and special tricks... My best homie is a Rottweiler and he will f8ck yo ass up, old style!
The enemy advances, we retreat; the enemy camps, we harass; the enemy tires, we attack; the enemy retreats, we pursue. - Mao Tse`Tung

The enemy down votes, we refresh. The enemy posts, we harass; the enemy stops posting, we block on twitter. The enemy has a big dumb meltdown on an Internet forum, we lol - me, the gay Aussie mate teen