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dank_xiaopeng posted:

good luck, much respect for enduring that. i briefly considered med school but decided that family, friends, and free time were cool concepts and only masochists or the insane would decide that becoming an MD was a good idea.

i'll prob work at the bedside for a few years and become an NP when i get tired of doo doo though

it might be a better idea to go to PA school after the BSN because a few PA to DO bridge programs are out now and even more are in the works afaik. it won't be long until a PA to MD bridge gets built somewhere i'm sure. there really is no progress past the NP level wrt independent practice.

idk, my only experience with NPs are with the ones that sit in the emergency department doing MSEs all day long, so my opinion might be a little skewed; but, the way I see it, might as well keep the option for advancement open.

also, you would probably get accepted to PA school instantly with all the clinical experience you have.

Edited by Peelzebub ()

i was talking to this guy the other day that said something about nurse anesthetists making BANK, im talking MONEY my man $$

its also in demand, because why pay for 1 anesthesiologist when you can have 5 nurse anesthetists.

he told me $200k/year but i really think thats an exaggeration

edit: also what rotation(s) are you doing atm? just curious
Are all those guys salaried because it seems to me like it'd be pretty easy to make a shit load of money as a nurse if you arent
i know for sure that emergency department PAs and NPs who perform medical screening examinations are salaried. no idea about other stuff, but im sure it varies immensely.

RNs are all going to be hourly afaik.
i kept having panic attacks this week which meant i had to reschedule everything. that sort of sucks because i was doing really well until now. i think what caused it though was that i was trying to sort of sit down and do all my work at once instead of being more realistic and parceling it out carefully ahead of time. so i'm going to try to see how that goes. i got A+ on my first paper though which is cool.
school is so fucking needlessly torturous and stressful. fuck.

stegosaurus posted:

school is so fucking needlessly torturous and stressful. fuck.

the paper i have to write is about how capitalism affects a specific development project, and it will actually be pretty easy to write because you have to reference david harvey on spatial fixes and such which is all intuitive to me. the problem is just the actual sitting down and grinding through it, like carefully making notes and then building them into an academic paper instead of just blowing hard. and the fact is that if i just ramble i'll get a pretty good mark but then I Won't Fucking Learn lol.

im going to some local tedx thing tomorrow. i feel really dirty.

at least im not speaking. im sure i'll one day soon have the opportunity, the question would become to self-righteously snub or go and give a talk on the failure of global capitalism off script
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You can train yourself to fall asleep quickly on command using a similar technique. Seems like its partly about flooding your working memory which can really only juggle 7-10 items at most. You should consider to try harder math and a more difficult recitation than happy birthday. Plastic surgery sounds fun tho

conec posted:

i think i`m going to write an essay about cold war conflicts in Africa soon


getfiscal posted:

i kept having panic attacks this week which meant i had to reschedule everything. that sort of sucks because i was doing really well until now. i think what caused it though was that i was trying to sort of sit down and do all my work at once instead of being more realistic and parceling it out carefully ahead of time. so i'm going to try to see how that goes. i got A+ on my first paper though which is cool.

You should try being inspired by the revolutionary science of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong thought. This will cure your bourgeois afflictions.

Hello, Conec. I do techniques sort of like that which work okay, thank you.

Peace be with you
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swampman posted:

Evidence that NoFreeWill is crazy and needs to be careful not to do something self destructive in xher dangerously new, dangerously manic state:
1. In a relationship - WTF
2. Communicates with others, contributes to threads
3. Expresses happiness instead of cynicism, anger and bad posts
4. Evidence that suddenly does things & talks to people, this has NEVER BEEN A PROBLEM BEFORE
5. Wants to move out of parents house
6. Cleaned up bedroom, "getting rid" of things
7. Probably wants to commit suicide, I know I do!

shoutouts to sanity, also i just learned to ride a motorcycle, have a gig tryna be a fashion background painter, and may even have a jewelry repair/manufacture apprenticeship

1. i proposed to my ex at the airport and was rejected, but im gonna get stacks of models, maybe a accountant who works for city of LA and has money on money, and well, international DJ/video game developer is codeword for fucks 3 at once
3. yeah
4. tryna convince dumb white liberals like my parents about bernie, meanwhile maybe hanging with pissle/homeless/every worker i talk to helps me out, im a union of one
5. they might go on vacation and discover all my stuff is gone to a foreclosed house/punk/dance club i own
6. you want more books?
7. im a walking slow revolutionary anti-suicide war-participant protesting y'alls cynicism

8. also i just learned to ride a motorcycle
9. also i just learned to ride a motorcycle
10. also i just learned to ride a motorcycle

anyways sign up for my social club Play & Ecology if u want to donate to a bad cause


conec posted:

conec i support whatever but plastic surgery, um, really...

anyways paris/berlin are great places to be
fuck the UK (independence for Scotland)

also im gonna be travelling at some point but rn im doing good shit in LA instead,

also the way i dealt with depression was to get pills that gave me anxiety but cured my depression, now i just do shit and have a kickass therapist.

also i do martial arts moves while thinking about how hot maoist guerrilas must be when crossing deserts

or how cold a war is

that we thought we won it

ima upload some backyard stick-fighting vids of me fighting imaginary enemies soon
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swampman posted:

You can train yourself to fall asleep quickly on command using a similar technique. Seems like its partly about flooding your working memory which can really only juggle 7-10 items at most. You should consider to try harder math and a more difficult recitation than happy birthday. Plastic surgery sounds fun tho

i think the number youre referring to is 7 +/- 3. its the average persons short term memory item buffer. brains are neat

Sadbrains thread up in hurr

conec posted:

some autist who scrobbles detroit techno

...., ah fuck

Sad people are noobs.
Some people might say that, it's important that people with brain problems don't feel alone and can talk to other people who are going what they're going through. As for myself, I feel that the noob must be crushed... This is the purpose of the noob.
i'm sane as hell and i love communism

Peelzebub posted:

dank_xiaopeng posted:

good luck, much respect for enduring that. i briefly considered med school but decided that family, friends, and free time were cool concepts and only masochists or the insane would decide that becoming an MD was a good idea.

i'll prob work at the bedside for a few years and become an NP when i get tired of doo doo though

it might be a better idea to go to PA school after the BSN because a few PA to DO bridge programs are out now and even more are in the works afaik. it won't be long until a PA to MD bridge gets built somewhere i'm sure. there really is no progress past the NP level wrt independent practice.

idk, my only experience with NPs are with the ones that sit in the emergency department doing MSEs all day long, so my opinion might be a little skewed; but, the way I see it, might as well keep the option for advancement open.

also, you would probably get accepted to PA school instantly with all the clinical experience you have.

nah NPs have a shitload of opportunities for advancement, it just depends on the certs you get. acute/critical care NPs can get jobs at any hospital unit and practice @ p much the same level as the MDs do. even FNPs are moving up in terms of amount of responsibilities since there's such a shortage of primary providers now-- not uncommon to have practices with 2 MDs and 4-5 NPs and a few PAs to be the cabin boys. most hospitals in this area pay NP hospitalists 175k starting. PAs get paid less and have a lot less to do, thye basically run around doing assessments all day and are doctors' slaves, looks boring as Heck

MSN-level NPs are going to be superseded by doctorate-level degrees (DNPs) in the next ten years, the ANA is already pushing for it but the state boards of nursing are slow to catch up. once the big schools get their programs set up there's not going to be much of a difference between having a DNP and a DO anymore, except for specialists


Peelzebub posted:

i was talking to this guy the other day that said something about nurse anesthetists making BANK, im talking MONEY my man $$

its also in demand, because why pay for 1 anesthesiologist when you can have 5 nurse anesthetists.

he told me $200k/year but i really think thats an exaggeration

edit: also what rotation(s) are you doing atm? just curious

yeah nurse anesthetists make mad ducats but i think i'd get bored pretty quickly doing that.

i'm doing my psych and second med/surg rotations now, it's fun

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right as conec came back and started to be a good poster she tells us she wants to run a puppy mill.
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conec posted:

listen to me dumbass, breeding dogs is not the same as running a puppy mill.
and i was always a good poster - need I remind you I created the last megathread this god forsaken forum has ever seen? only for it to be deleted by a haraam ass hater... how tf can you be openly sleeping with random men, smoking, drinking, and listening to vaporwave yet also be a muslim? riddle me this..

is that haraam-ass hater or haraam ass-hater?

if vaporwaves haram i dont wanna be halal!!