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RBC posted:

i come from an upper class background and decided to be a mailman after graduating university because that's cool

RBC posted:

easily the most anarchist, wildcat workplace in the country.


c_man posted:

im going to talk to some college students about imperialism next week

Good luck, have fun, don't die.

[account deactivated]

shriekingviolet posted:

c_man posted:

im going to talk to some college students about imperialism next week

Good luck, have fun, don't die.

thank u. i will try

[account deactivated]
Hey all I'm going to talk to some college students today. This is more common than you'd think for me, as I've been in college for almost 7 years now and currently still am. I hope these youth respond to my talk about how gay it is to love pumpkin spice products or whatever.

c_man posted:

im going to talk to some college students about imperialism next week

tell them it stinks!!!!


shriekingviolet posted:

RBC posted:
i come from an upper class background and decided to be a mailman after graduating university because that's cool

RBC posted:
easily the most anarchist, wildcat workplace in the country.

What's the problem. I don't choose what family I'm born into. I can choose what I want to do with my life in accordance with my own values.

im over 30 and my friends' dating advice is always "go check out the bar near the college". to be fair i live in a town where everyone over 20 has at least one kid and at least one face tattoo
and by that i mean a tattoo on their face, not a tattoo of a face
[account deactivated]
i am about 3/4 of the way through nursing school and am this || close to being paid large sums to wipe asses. i like the work and the job market's good here so chears to careers. i'm also doing some fun work with pizzle and Joining And Org has been a cool, soplid, excellent and thoroughly lugubrious move and i will recommend it to everyone. im also drinking coors tallboys to celebrate getting an A on a particularly hard test so thats good too. shit is goog
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ty tpaine
the prospect of a long life spent immersing myself in the unspeakable horrors of the human body is cool and good
[account deactivated]
yeah but ill be getting paid

dank_xiaopeng posted:

the prospect of a long life spent immersing myself in the unspeakable horrors of the human body is cool and good

agreed. this is why i'm attending italian medical school for the rest of my twenties

good luck, much respect for enduring that. i briefly considered med school but decided that family, friends, and free time were cool concepts and only masochists or the insane would decide that becoming an MD was a good idea.

i'll prob work at the bedside for a few years and become an NP when i get tired of doo doo though
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mama mia
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there's tons of hammer and sickle and red star graffiti on the walls here, plus random stuff abt how my university (la statale) is antifascist and how some minister (rotelli?) is profiting off the backs of workers. is kind of cool
[account deactivated]
im moving out my 'rents house finally for good and probably to klanada eventually
please don't make any long-term life decisions right now pink ninja

dank_xiaopeng posted:

please don't make any long-term life decisions right now pink ninja

How about you make a short term death decision

i talked to college students about imperialism and finance and none of them even left before i finished!
[account deactivated]
Evidence that NoFreeWill is crazy and needs to be careful not to do something self destructive in xher dangerously new, dangerously manic state:
1. In a relationship - WTF
2. Communicates with others, contributes to threads
3. Expresses happiness instead of cynicism, anger and bad posts
4. Evidence that suddenly does things & talks to people, this has NEVER BEEN A PROBLEM BEFORE
5. Wants to move out of parents house
6. Cleaned up bedroom, "getting rid" of things
7. Probably wants to commit suicide, I know I do!
Today I ordered 2 posters from Amazon dot com. One is a commercial poster by umberto boccioni. I wanted one of the Campari ones by depero but I couldn't find the one I liked and picked this one instead. The second one is a flyer for the 1964 worlds fair in Queens featuring the "unisphere" a big globe sculpture that I could see from my apartment in New York. I'm going to put these posters in my work cube. My cube is next to my bosses cube, who put swinging saloon doors on his cube. It's harder to find good posters than I thought it would be. Can't you just put literally anything on a poster now. Why am I looking at batman and pink Floyd butt poster.
sounds like yoiure really dressin up your cube well, keven
This job is fucked bc half the year you're in the field with basically no oversight living in a trailer driving a truck around all day doing engineering and half the year you're in a cube farm with 50 other people and management doing memos.
1x months ago I was management on a 20 million dollar project today I can't make font choices and have to fight for chairs.
keven's day at work

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hows the wife