would i kill someone for 150k taxfree? uh...n..nno. no. I would not.
More like no girlfriend.txt
you should make some webisodes of a show about life in NYC like broad city did and then get someone to pay you to remake them into an original series for hulu or whatever. you could base all the characters on people you know online. you could get jonah hill to play me if he's fat enough at the time.
Ill start working on the pilot now
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i have no clue how this species survived when our young scream like banshees in the night for no fucking reason. surely predation or caveman rage should have solved that problem by now

gyrofry posted:


Humans: Born Bad, this fall on AMC


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i have no clue how this species survived when our young scream like banshees in the night for no fucking reason. surely predation or caveman rage should have solved that problem by now

they didn't until the industrial revolution, but no one thought to write down "babies are pretty much fine and mostly happy and quiet" in any historical text

Babies yell because we make them sleep in different rooms than us and they don't like it. However, I do not give a shit what a baby does or does not like. I've got my own stuff going on right now, babies.
Let Keven have his space, babies.
Thank u.

drwhat posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i have no clue how this species survived when our young scream like banshees in the night for no fucking reason. surely predation or caveman rage should have solved that problem by now

they didn't until the industrial revolution, but no one thought to write down "babies are pretty much fine and mostly happy and quiet" in any historical text

I don't think this is true OP

[account deactivated]

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

drwhat posted:
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:
i have no clue how this species survived when our young scream like banshees in the night for no fucking reason. surely predation or caveman rage should have solved that problem by now
they didn't until the industrial revolution, but no one thought to write down "babies are pretty much fine and mostly happy and quiet" in any historical text

I don't think this is true OP

it could be. when was the last time you asked a baby what it was like before they were alienated from their parents immediately and permanently. I bet you will find they are none to happy about it


Keven posted:

I met a guy there who was a high up corporate guy for I think wall mart whos really bad at improv but will like fly to chicago and air b&b for 2 months just to take some random improv class because he retired at age 35. In the biz of pro wrestling that's called a "money mark"

I keep imagining this guy showing up at Second City with a briefcase full of cash telling them to teach him to be funny and the receptionist picks up the phone and is like get me Jon yes Lovitz yes the comedian

also im writing a revolutionary eco-dystopian utopian-communist poem on twitter based on being in love now

and i got 2 or 3 gigs/jobs

and maybe eventually a real verso book if those assholes even publish novels/novellas/bardic verse.

i may be working on a vr film... and heres my idiot drought protest danceskate video (trying to get it to rain today)

my parents slept with me and i would never shut up. thats some psychological psychology Fail right there

NoFreeWill posted:

also im writing a revolutionary eco-dystopian utopian-communist poem on twitter based on being in love now

and i got 2 or 3 gigs/jobs

and maybe eventually a real verso book if those assholes even publish novels/novellas/bardic verse.

i may be working on a vr film... and heres my idiot drought protest danceskate video (trying to get it to rain today)


are you okay? your posts have started to read like a person suffering from a psychotic break

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

yeah i wondered why they all of a sudden got better

im finally taking a course in human physiology and im doing really well in it. while it is much more molecular than practical at this point, i find that i can explain the concepts really easily to others, regardless of their science backgrounds. i think that is important for a physician to be able to do, so that's cool.

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i have no clue how this species survived when our young scream like banshees in the night for no fucking reason. surely predation or caveman rage should have solved that problem by now

my son just bit his tongue and now he's cackling maniacally and blowing raspberries because he realized he can spray blood on people now.


Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i have no clue how this species survived when our young scream like banshees in the night for no fucking reason. surely predation or caveman rage should have solved that problem by now

my son just bit his tongue and now he's cackling maniacally and blowing raspberries because he realized he can spray blood on people now.

and at 21 he should know better

my metal band logo for my old band was made from my nosebleeds lol
if that isn't metal as fuck idk what is
im pretty sure i took that picture while it was still drying
i am enjoying school but after essentially being out of real school for a decade i increasingly believe that academia sucks and that i want to fulfill my dream of getting a gosplan-style bureaucratic job as soon as possible. so i'm thinking of transfering into the public administration program (for management) and doing a work placement. i'd still get a minor in politics though.
[account deactivated]
i found out that my school has two business programs. one is the normal business school. but there is another program called bachelor of admin studies which is in my faculty and therefore more proletarian. and they have all the same sorts of programs but just less prestigious. i don't even know how that works because schools aren't supposed to do that. it's sort of merged with public admin which is interesting for me because i can take part of the core over the next year or so. but in that case i could look at taking more finance and accounting courses too. it'd be nice to be able to work towards something more concrete than "guy who knows a bit about communism".

getfiscal posted:

it'd be nice to be able to work towards something more concrete than "guy who knows a bit about communism".

guy who knows a LOT about communism

Edited by 88888 ()


getfiscal posted:

i am enjoying school but after essentially being out of real school for a decade i increasingly believe that academia sucks and that i want to fulfill my dream of getting a gosplan-style bureaucratic job as soon as possible. so i'm thinking of transfering into the public administration program (for management) and doing a work placement. i'd still get a minor in politics though.

you should work for the new ministry of sunny ways and positive change planning

one thing that was weird when i was in high school and early university is that everyone had really clear pictures of where they thought other students stood and what they would do in careers. and within my cohort basically any field had tiers and schools had specific ranks. i remember when people said they were going to my current school i would be like alright so you want to live at home and you have okay marks but not great, you are fine with being a middle-manager one day and you're going to take a retail or restaurant job while you study. it was like extreme and simplistic determinism. some people would be like i'm going to be a doctor and you'd think about it for a second and be like yeah they are going to be a top doctor. and basically any health event or life problem was like getting hit by a landmine and you'd be like damn i guess that person won't be a doctor after all. and judgments were saved more for people who didn't understand their place than for people who were doing their path. like if someone said yeah i'm going to a shitty school for whatever and it fit them you'd be like yup that's cool. but if someone who had the 'potential' to be a doctor was like yeah i'm going to become a nurse's assistant you would ask them a bunch of questions to make sure they weren't confused and if they were just dead set on it they were probably crazy.

which is probably what class is about i guess. my parents were purestrain working class when i was young but my dad moved into sales (which is sort of petty-bourgeois) and they bought a house in the suburb. and i got funneled into a special program which sort of tracked me into being petty-bourgeois. i think a lot of anxiety and depression is made worse by ambiguous class positions. like when you feel like you're being cornered into a role you don't like then your brain can break. and normally that happens to petty-bourgeois people when they lose class status. and i think for me maybe two effects were there: real mental illness like psychosis and such combined with terror of being in a pointless life, which became ten times worse when i started losing all the markers that had made everything so certain to me. like when i stopped going to class for months it was obvious i wouldn't be able to get a top job.

i think one thing that has been helpful is slowly working through a lot of those bizarre assumptions, but then also accepting that a lot of things right now are just terrible and you have to accept that or just be really sad all the time. and also that you're allowed to enjoy things that you know are bullshit at some level. like if you only position yourself as critique of everything and don't like go to a baseball game or do a random job to earn money or something you're going to want to die. and also just being honest about class stuff, like if i'm petty-bourgeois then just living that in a half-respectful way and contributing where i can is better for my health than trying to become like communist ISIS or something.
i was just thinking about this yesterday. the myth of course is that class does not exist and is not determinative (i.e. the american dream) but obviously it is except for a brief blink in the 60s. and as you point out everyone knows it even as a child, but hasn't quite internalized it, so it can be observed completely overtly in school. the complaint that teens just invent this ex nihilo is really funny in retrospect (weird, where did these asshole kids come up with this crazy idea that there is some kind of hierarchy built into society???)

i won't bother with the freudo-marxist public self analysis but i think it can set up a difficult situation as an ignorant child when you are confused about your class position even though it is clear to you via school that the boundaries are not fuzzy at all in the case of most people and groups are defined and future lives mapped out based on things that seem like common sense.

it's too bad marxist psychoanalysis couldn't get popular. it would help a lot of people and also hugely raise class consciousness.

getfiscal posted:

if i'm petty-bourgeois then just living that in a half-respectful way and contributing where i can is better for my health than trying to become like communist ISIS or something.

otoh, this is how you "win" tpaine's video game

we had a thread in the oldendays where a bunch of people were praising the PFLP and hardcore sax came in and was like you nutbars they are just communist hamas. they talk about socialism and then suicide bomb someone. i feel like that was the moment he left us and became a normie, absorbed into the great flow of diarrhea that is human history.
i come from an upper class background and decided to be a mailman after graduating university because that's cool and i like doing it and i get to fight the class war every day on the streets and in the shop and nobody gives me any shit about it hth
like seriously you dont realize how eminently satisfying it is to be able to call your boss a piece of shit whose exploiting you to his face until yhou can do it every week until he just has to laugh nervously because hes fucking terrified of everyone that he's supposed to be in charge of
most posties are bratty labour aristocracy with garbage first worldist, self righteous white supremacy politics and when i see the postie crew at local parties i gag and prepare myself for painful, vigorous eyerolling

shriekingviolet posted:

gag and prepare for painful, vigorous eyerolling

but enough about my posting.