It is intolerable that Cavaco Silva imply, as he strongly hinted, an attitude of pressure and blackmail on the MPs and the choices they should make.
In this context and given the now announced decision, the President of the Republic becomes responsible for the position of confrontation with the Constitution, for the instability it creates and the political and institutional consequences therein resulting.
On the part of the PCP, Cavaco Silva’s decision to nominate Passos Coelho to form government will founder in the Assembly of the Republic with the approval of a motion to reject the government programme that may be presented by PSD and CDS.
Thus lies open the possibility of giving expression to the will expressed by the Portuguese people in the October 4 elections, putting an end to policies of destruction, impoverishment and national decline.
As we have stated, PSD and CDS have no conditions to govern, there being a majority of MPs in the Assembly which is enough condition for the formation of a government of the PS initiative, which enables the presentation of the Programme, its taking office and the adoption of a policy to ensure a lasting solution.
The PCP reaffirms its commitment to fight for a policy that responds to the rights of the workers and the people, the rise of their living conditions, the fight against social injustice and inequalities, the necessary economic growth and an effective employment policy.
matos in luta popular, pctp/mrpp "central organ":
But yesterday's speech moron president took the dictatorship to the extreme. In the words of the speaker of Bethlehem macaw, the best interests of the nation is Cavaco, as Salazar and Caetano in his day, who now defines it. In the words of our troglodyte yesterday spat on the screens are not accurate elections, n and m are necessary parties or parliament to know what the higher interest of the nation, for the best interests of the nation is Brussels of interest, the German capital, debt, lenders, markets and the euro, and this interest is Cavaco who defines and advocates.
As of yesterday's speech of our cockatoo, we learned that there are three parties in Sao Bento - four conno sco, a fortiori, even though we are outside the Chamber - which are not Portuguese and who are now and for all the effects excluded from access to government peacefully, even as a whole have obtained the most votes of the voters.
Ah! But if the thing is so, if a majority of Portuguese, even democratically winning the elections, shall be in Portugal prevented from accessing peacefully to the government, by order of a freak who is president of the republic, so we can only take up weapons to stop the right-wing dictatorship that rmal year - and I declare myself already willing to take them for this purpose.
"After we carried out an onerous programme of financial assistance, entailing heavy sacrifices, it is my duty, within my constitutional powers, to do everything possible to prevent false signals being sent to financial institutions, investors and markets,” he said.
my mind is blown, and so are what we have been thinking of as independent european states. there is no power outside of Financial Institutions, Investors And Markets
Mr Tavares said the president has invoked the spectre of the Communists and the Left Bloc as a “straw man” to prevent the Left taking power at all, knowing full well that the two parties agreed to drop their demands for euro-exit, a withdrawal from Nato and nationalisation of the commanding heights of the economy under a compromise deal to the forge the coalition.
President is a moron. He should have let them become another SYRIZA and destroy the left from the inside. Instead this is a great opportunity for the communists who made the huge mistake the KKE avoided by being part of an austerity government. Thank god for stupid conservatives who reach the heights of power because they believe in their own nonsense and appeal to a dumb constituency.
if you want to talk about democracy in some broader sense then it's also probably true that a lot of voters might have changed their minds if they thought a broad left coalition was going to happen. which isn't a constitutional rationale but like it's part of what the president said, which was like that he doesn't believe all these MPs are going to stick by the government and it is a thin majority. i don't think that's really his place though, he should just go by what people actually say to him.
My mom also says my aunt is lying and she went to Brazil instead because my mom thinks my aunt thinks Brazil is too gross a place to lose your v-card or something. (That happened to her too btw)
wow it really looks like im trashing my cousin here. I actually love the shit out of her, i just wouldn't live with her or run a business with her or anything haha.
tsinava posted:I don't know much about Portugal but my cousin from the wealthier side of my family went over there on a student exchange program and she didn't properly study or learn the language she was supposed to and wouldn't do any of the activities or go to school while she was there and would just hole herself up in her room inside the huge mansion she was in and the super wealthy family she was staying with was mega pissed at her for flaking on everything and were being really passive aggressive and bitchy at her until she was able to leave (when her parents came and get her).
My mom also says my aunt is lying and she went to Brazil instead because my mom thinks my aunt thinks Brazil is too gross a place to lose your v-card or something. (That happened to her too btw)
wow it really looks like im trashing my cousin here. I actually love the shit out of her, i just wouldn't live with her or run a business with her or anything haha.![]()