NoFreeWill posted:a lot of naked capitalism's greece reporting reflects their left-liberal bias, they are still the best coverage around but Yves is really committed to the idea of how horrible it would be to leave the Euro (like Yanis), which is true but also now they are going to be forced to leave the Euro lol.
one good point i thought she made is that the current Greek leadership is making absolutely zero preparations for any type of Grexit be it one chosen by Greeks or forced on it by the EU.
then again, there may be back door negotiations w/ Russia for a line of credit to kickstart the new Drachma. maybe it would be smart to keep such negotiations secret. idk.
Edited by HenryKrinkle ()
RedMaistre posted:
HenryKrinkle posted:then again, there may be back door negotiations w/ Russia for a line of credit to kickstart the new Drachma. maybe it would be smart to keep such negotiations secret. idk.
I assume you do but I gotta ask, you know they were apparently already doing that before right?
HenryKrinkle posted:one good point i thought she made is that the current Greek leadership is making absolutely zero preparations for any type of Grexit be it one chosen by Greeks or forced on it by the EU.
isn't preparing for this possible outcome exactly what Varoufakis is being "investigated" for high treason about
getfiscal posted:
stegosaurus posted:I recounted the standard social democratic critique of immediate proletarian exit from the Euro and the promulgation of Full Autarky to Koutsoumpas. His reply? "That is grossly mistaken. Our progra(1/79)
["The dismantling of socialism has, in a word, been a catastrophe, a great swindle that has not only delivered none of what it promised, but has wreaked irreparable harm .... Numberless voices in Russia, Romania, East Germany and elsewhere lament what has been stolen from them - and from humanity as a whole: 'We lived better under communism. We had jobs. We had security.'"
and dont you EVEN touch dat
"Our life was very secure, safe, in a quiet, non-stressful environment, absolutely free of drugs, with virtually no crime. There was quite a lot of social control: if somebody was doing something wrong, his colleagues or neighbors would set him right. Every adult was in employment, except for disabled people, family care providers - if they wished to stay at home - and retired people. Retirement age was fifty-five for women and sixty for men. Soviet people were also the most literate people in the world. All art was very easy to access. Libraries were free of charge. Books, theater plays, concerts, museums, and exhibitions were extremely cheap.
We had a guaranteed right to housing, the right to have a job, and the right to have a paid holiday. Housing costs were extremely low. People paid only for water and electricity, just three or four percent of their wages in total. The state would give people apartments free of charge, for life, and their children could stay to live there, but you were not allowed to sell it. Public transport was extremely cheap too, as well as food. Children' clothes and shoes were subsidized by the state. Schoolbooks were supplied free of charge. ... We had whole publishing houses working specially on children's books; there was an enormous amount of cartoons and feature films produced especially for children ... All sports clubs were fully free of charge. Kids were encouraged to attend them."]
listen baby doll.......once upon a time there was this cat stalin, a mover and a shaker. but heres the deal: the eternal march towards human freedom, in the process of realisation in the USSR well we aint BOUT DAT lol. grey drab, not at all chic. human rights abuses, which I can't name because I've never read a book LOL. thats black and white, old news, lose the soviets man
whys that? Lets build. human megaphone. DEMOCRACY. we're savvy - communism is old hat baby. we need a twitter friendly socialism for the new era. we need to let the inDUVIDUAL shine, YEAH!!!!! that's it, yor doing it!!!!! KEEP PUMPING
I believe the arc of the universe bends towards justice
Washington, for instance, advised Athens to avoid verbal attacks on the German government and to try to create a broad alliance including countries like the UK, France, Italy and Austria. The US made it clear that the coalition would have to convince these countries that it was serious about implementing reforms if they were to then, in turn, offer their support."
Edited by RedMaistre ()
c_man posted:did you mean to post the link to the maduro article instead of the one to the US-greek one?
...I leave you to draw your own conclusions.
Edited by drwhat ()
gyrofry posted:take it to the portugal thread fucko
oh there actually is a portugal thread lol. sorry actually
Edited by drwhat ()