"Once again, politicians and pundits debate what to call it. On this matter, there is rare agreement between Ismail Haniyeh, the Gaza-based leader of Hamas, and Isaac Herzog, the Israeli opposition leader: Both say that we are witnessing the beginning of the Third Intifada.

Yet it is not like the previous two revolts, led respectively by civil society and militant groups. Palestinians are more geographically and politically divided than ever; there is nobody left to lead an uprising. Young people are driving the new wave of violence, most of them without criminal records or political affiliations. The attacks are random, almost spur of the moment, many inspired by videos of past incidents that are shared widely on social media."


Sounds like the perfect conditions for Israeli provocation and the speeding up of the process of ethnic cleansing, in my opinion, imo.
maybe.... just maybe.... this new multitude will develop a horizontal leaderless democratic insurgency that uses twitter to govern the commons
Hamas needs to rein in these rogue elements and return to the 2014 strategy of limiting civilian casualties at all costs and fighting according to the laws of war. Thereby retaining the most strategic piece of terrain in palestine - the moral high ground.

stegosaurus posted:

Hamas needs to rein in these rogue elements and return to the 2014 strategy of limiting civilian casualties at all costs and fighting according to the laws of war. Thereby retaining the most strategic piece of terrain in palestine - the moral high ground.

you know who ELSE retained the moral high ground? thats right...

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
*puts on Tom-skin Halloween costume* more like the third...ENCHILADA!!!

TheIneff posted:

*puts on Tom-skin Halloween costume* more like the third...ENCHILADA!!!



gbs posted:

hello muddah
hello faddah
life is shit here