as far as the UN being overwhelmingly (controlled by) imperialists the answer is yes, regardless of votes on Israel. the USSR doesnt exist anymore. the nonaligned movement is dead. the EU is the same, regardless of how many idealists want it to be some democratic metropolitan utopia.

Red_Canadian posted:

This post is long enough. But it doesn't look to me like his voting record's that shitty? Yeah, voting for Kosovo and Afghanistan are pretty shitty, but maybe that's what his constituents wanted? Besides both of those had a UN resolution, so it's not like it was completely imperialist. Unless you think the UN is overwhelmingly imperialist? Kind of hard to explain all those votes condemning Israel then.

[account deactivated]

TheIneff posted:

Bernie is the best lesser Daemon coming from the perverted reliquary in ages. He promises to decrease the blood tithe for his conjurers by at least %5, hex 30 additional pylons to strengthen plane continuity, and continue the eternal construction of The Siphon

the real Irony here is that spades are trumps

walkinginonit posted:

It's funny that so many Americans are bandwagoning on Social Democracy at the same historical moment that its completely failing all over the world.

You forgot Corbyn

what ill give corbyn is that hes what sanders supporters wish sanders was
a meaningless figurehead for a centrist conservative party?
an anti-war social democrat
no thats hillary clinton
Honestly I'd vote for Hillary if I wasn't so concerned about how she has emails.
how lol is it that Biden is gonna get drafted and people will vote for him over Hillary despite him being basically Hillary
Biden is 500% funnier than Clinton
I bet if you let a group of five-year olds watch the Republican debate and polled them on who they liked best they would be overwhelmingly pro-Trump.
welcome to hell who gives a shit

FSAD posted:

I bet if you let a group of five-year olds watch the Republican debate and polled them on who they liked best they would be overwhelmingly pro-Trump.

i bet theyd like the black guy because he looks like a friendly bear


vampirarchist posted:

how lol is it that Biden is gonna get drafted and people will vote for him over Hillary despite him being basically Hillary

i believe the answer is.. wait... it's coming... ok yeah here it is. they say... it's because he's not an uppity bitch

*paul schafer starts playing a dumb thing on the keyboard as i stroll to the desk*


FSAD posted:

I bet if you let a group of five-year olds watch the Republican debate and polled them on who they liked best they would be overwhelmingly pro-Trump.

but 5 year olds are objectively better human beings than the majority of US voters


http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/donald-trump-bowe-bergdahl-executed-34353578 posted:

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Thursday that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl should have been executed for leaving his post in Afghanistan.

"We're tired of Sgt. Bergdahl, who's a traitor, a no-good traitor, who should have been executed," Trump said to cheers at a rowdy rally inside a packed Las Vegas theater at the casino-hotel Treasure Island.

"Thirty years ago," Trump added, "he would have been shot."

finally i understand where trump is coming from: 1975

(psst that was 40 years ago, but B+ post otherwise)
if Trump wants to start shooting soldiers hes got my vote
Wow... what kind of guy would call for the shooting of deserters.
I was referring to Stalin, by the way. Stalin is the guy who shoots dissenters. I mean during the war he had snipers at the back of the armies to shoot anyone who ran away.
I don't think anyone here supports Joe Stalin? He broke with norms on socialist legality, which is fucked up beyond belief.
I heard stalin chained his soldiers to their posts so they couldnt run away and instead were killed by nazis but to me its like a 50/50 stalin / nazi split for who gets kill credit.

getfiscal posted:

I don't think anyone here supports Joe Stalin? He broke with norms on socialist legality, which is fucked up beyond belief.

wow just wow

grover furr sighed as he drew his katana
Glad joel can take some time off from his computer repair business to letd us know how bad communism is

Keven posted:

I heard stalin chained his soldiers to their posts so they couldnt run away and instead were killed by nazis but to me its like a 50/50 stalin / nazi split for who gets kill credit.

Timmy "Big Kev" Synder

American Communists in the 1930s expressed their devotion to the socialist homeland and Uncle Joe by fighting for the political and civic rights of minorities and toilers within the electoral system of the United States. Food for thought.
William Cobbett, in his radical phase, cheered Bonaparte as the hammer of the ancien regime on the continent while fighting against the erosion of an Englishman's right to a trial by jury under Pitt's hawkish wartime administration. He grasped both that emancipation often must necessarily take on forms other than parliamentarianism, and that liberalism must be saved from its own complicity in imperialist oligarchy. And in turn he realized, at least intuitively, that the struggles of the "iron democrats" abroad and those of the advocates for civil liberty at home were interconnected, being as they were the external and internal enemies, respectively of the same foe.
i've seen canadian maoists argue recently that the third period was right to the point that they suggest popular frontism was a totally wrong right-wing deviation by stalin. which i guess they need to believe since they essentially call for red unions and such. like they are proliferating tiny mass organizations of a dozen or so people each or something all over the country which call for a total break with the mainstream student and labour organizations, let alone parliamentary elections.
in the last ontario election, conservative operators funded an online astroturf campaign that targeted progressive voters which said there was no difference between the major parties and that people should refuse to vote. which seems instructive to me.
Refusal to vote, considering the options on the table, is one thing. Voting for the far-right candidate because you just like walls and shooting deserters as a matter of principle, on the other hand....
Stang: Orwell's problem was that he didn't recognize that it pretty impressive, if you think about it, that barnyard animals could successfully rebel and begin to govern in their own name at all.
a couple grassroots democrat types showed up in front of my apartment today trying to tell me how to vote on the propositions on the table in SF this month and they knew my name which was kinda creepy
[account deactivated]
parties/groups tend to document interactions now for a lot of reasons, to the point of sometimes making sure canvassers have tablets. which is sort of fine with me because somewhere there's a file where an intern has entered in my erratic behaviour towards the reformists here, ranging from my emailing telling them i swore an oath of loyalty to stalin and wish to be removed from their membership rolls to the various donations i've made due to sluggishly progressing schizophrenia

aerdil posted:

a couple grassroots democrat types showed up in front of my apartment today trying to tell me how to vote on the propositions on the table in SF this month and they knew my name which was kinda creepy

voter records