inside job? unintentional blowback? just deserts? extreme response to legitimate grievances?
maybe it's all irrelevant.
Urbandale posted:chickens coming home to roost, excuse to launch multiple wars at predetermined targets
this makes sense for iraq but i'm not sure we really wanted to go to afghanistan, if we wanted the Taliban by themselves were enough excuse. i would say that we wanted any sort of war for the military-industrial complexes sake though
HenryKrinkle posted:for clarity's sake: what is the proper anti-imperialist position on 9-11 anyhow?
HenryKrinkle posted:for clarity's sake: what is the proper anti-imperialist position on 9-11 anyhow?
inside job? unintentional blowback? just deserts? extreme response to legitimate grievances?
maybe it's all irrelevant.
I think most people can agree that putting aside whether or not it was a false flag, it was used like one and the government covered for Saudis that were involved. That doesn't say much however. I think what's most important is not the event itself, but putting it into the context of a larger anti-imperialist history and analysis of terrorism. Perhaps one of the most important tasks for anti-imperialists today is trying to form a complete narrative around the deep state, cointelpro, false attributions of terrorism to groups like Hezbollah and the DPRK, zionist terrorism, operation gladio, contras, takfiris, and all the other shit.
gyrofry posted:
If you believe in any of these conspiracies theories you certainly aren’t alone. A recent Zogby public opinion poll showed that 49% of New Yorkers believed that u.s. agencies “consciously” aided the 9/11 attack. Similar opinion poll figures pop up in Germany. And certainly in the Muslim world there’s near 100% belief in 9/11 as a greater u.s.- Jewish conspiracy. Life in capitalist society makes a belief in conspiracies only rational, since we know that there are multiple layers of secret and illicit decision-making all around us reaching high up to the thrones of power. From the drug dealers paying off the police to the mafia garbage removal contracts to the Enronization of natural gas prices by the Bush clubhouse to those never-solved assassinations of so many trade unionists and journalists in the Southern Hemisphere to... It runs on without end, since by its basic soiled nature capitalism=conspiracy.
karphead posted:
the Cohen bros are part of the international Jewish conspiracy. This aggression will not stand