
cars posted:

Journalism should be a crime, whether that’s in Tehran, Turkey, or Tennessee.

im pretty opposed to "journalism" across the board these days


cars posted:

Journalism should not be a crime, whether that’s in Tehran, Turkey, or Tennessee.

journalism no, skateboarding yes.


cars posted:

Journalism should not be a crime, whether that’s in Tehran, Turkey, or Tennessee.

The Pentagon, of course, begs to differ.

I can't be the only one thinking it's cool that 2017 is going to be a year for revolution? You know since it's a hundred years from the last big successful one? We got three elections, Canada, US and UK, two of those with pretty popular leftist people getting more popular. Either the ballot or the bullet, but socialism is coming.
And as a person who stays at home and doesn't personally get involved, I'm happy it'll make for an interesting news cycle.
I am now aware that this thread, and the article, comes from 2012. But I stand by what I said.

Red_Canadian posted:

I can't be the only one thinking it's cool that 2017 is going to be a year for revolution? You know since it's a hundred years from the last big successful one? We got three elections, Canada, US and UK, two of those with pretty popular leftist people getting more popular. Either the ballot or the bullet, but socialism is coming.
And as a person who stays at home and doesn't personally get involved, I'm happy it'll make for an interesting news cycle.

for a Che av you dont seem to give much of a damn about the Cubans and put way too much faith in the current conditions ripening.

The Cubans? I'm a fan, but 1959 isn't quite the same thing as 1917. As for the ripening, didn't Che himself advocate focoism? Small cadres that can increase the contradictions and make revolution possible.
Lol at leftists praising the whitest latin american country (cuba) and it's hereditary monarchy
I meant that an argument claiming the Cuban rev wasn't a major event seems pretty bizarre, given the example it set across latin america, their direct military aid to peoples struggling against apartheid and their role in creating the non-aligned movement. it seems pretty self-evident that it was the most important socialist event (yes i know revs arent single events) in the western hemisphere at the very least.

regarding focoism you didnt say anything about it and neither did i. what you did say is socialism is inevitable given the conditions we find ourselves in. the only canadian group i know of even remotely considering revolution is the PCR-RCP and their formulations and preparedness are flimsy and negligible, respectively. history is not a straight line.
shut up mustang

wierderrorrmustang posted:

Lol at leftists praising the whitest latin american country (cuba) and it's hereditary monarchy

"The laws of succession are clear in such a case. A son must come before a brother." - goerge rr tolkien, a song of ice and dragons


Urbandale posted:

shut up mustang


Cuba has always had the best life expextancy and infant mortality in latin america, the lead was a lot larger in 1959

The people who think Cuba is some kind of success are basing their opinions on michael moore


wierderrorrmustang posted:

Lol at leftists praising the whitest latin american country (cuba) and it's hereditary monarchy

I like ya mustang and think you should keep creating content but Cuba is definitely not A.)the whitest LA country and B.) a hereditary monarchy


TheIneff posted:

wierderrorrmustang posted:

Lol at leftists praising the whitest latin american country (cuba) and it's hereditary monarchy

I like ya mustang and think you should keep creating content but Cuba is definitely not A.)the whitest LA country and B.) a hereditary monarchy

Cuba is 64 percent white


And yes it is a US foreign aid supported hereditary monarchy as is North Korea and other US puppet states


wierderrorrmustang posted:

TheIneff posted:

wierderrorrmustang posted:

Lol at leftists praising the whitest latin american country (cuba) and it's hereditary monarchy

I like ya mustang and think you should keep creating content but Cuba is definitely not A.)the whitest LA country and B.) a hereditary monarchy

Cuba is 64 percent white


And yes it is a US foreign aid supported hereditary monarchy as is North Korea and other US puppet states

argentina and chile are like 80% and 60% cracker plagued respectively and idk about the second thing lol

But those countries are way better than Cuba so the argument still comes down to "white countries are the best at implementing Communism"
mustang is the same as that insane old orthodox jew who got jailed for going on a stabbing frenzy at a gay parade in Israel, and 10 years later upon his release went to the exact same gay parade and went on a stabbing frenzy once again.
Revolution Tomorrow!! Anime Today!!!!!!

wierderrorrmustang posted:

Urbandale posted:

shut up mustang


Cuba has always had the best life expextancy and infant mortality in latin america, the lead was a lot larger in 1959

The people who think Cuba is some kind of success are basing their opinions on michael moore

Even the article you link to (which I unfortunately can't read in full since I;m no longer a student) says that it is 'some kind of success' though, on its very first page:

Revolutionary Cuba since 1959 has outpaced most other Latin American countries at raising life expectancy and reducing infant mortality....

Cuba has done well at expanding the survival-related capabilities of its citizens.

(The fact that the strength of the labor union movement was apparently a factor in the success of pre-revolutionary Cuba is also certainly interesting )

Further, the argument of the article appears to be limited to the claim that pre-revolutionary Cuba did better than its successor at decreasing mortality rates--the abstract does not indicate that it sets out to actually prove that the socialist government was responsible for this change, as opposed to some other factor.


Revolutionary Cuba since 1959 has outpaced most other Latin American countries at raising life expectancy and reducing infant mortality. Pre-revolutionary Cuba from 1900 to 1959 did even better, however, outperforming all other Latin American countries for which data are available.

This is the full quote you liberal baby

I can send anyone the article of they are interested

Edited by wierderrorrmustang ()


wierderrorrmustang posted:

Revolutionary Cuba since 1959 has outpaced most other Latin American countries at raising life expectancy and reducing infant mortality. Pre-revolutionary Cuba from 1900 to 1959 did even better, however, outperforming all other Latin American countries for which data are available.

This is the full quote you liberal baby

I know that, but what you claimed was a sweeping dismissal of Socialist Cuba as a failure which one can tell right off the back isn't the actual position of the paper at all.

(Btw, still outpacing your neighbors in mortality reduction statistics despite living under an intense state of political and economic siege is pretty impressive, if you ask me)

I didn't disagree with that, the government really doesn't have any power and nothing it does really matters

A hilarious example is how the gini index usually falls during austerity

It's definitely less a matter of the futility of states than a case of both the partisans and enemies of revolutions being entranced by the romance of the Event.

I have come to increasingly to consider the French Revolution (1789-1815) as best viewed as a dramatic phase in a long process of social change which, having begun in the ancien regime and continued after 1815 through out all the succeeding regimes, reached its brilliant tragic climax in the fall of Napoleon III and the meteoric career of the Paris Commune (to be followed afterwards by the long waning of France's world historical importance).

Now you have inspired to look for ways that a similar longue durée perspective can be applied to Cuba.
What changed? Manorialism already included a complete social safety net. Lords allocated part of the fealty to providing for serfs during crop failures and old age. The French Revolution didn't invent social programs, it mainly shifted the burden from manors and the church onto the state.

Most social systems end up looking almost exactly the same in practice.

E: It's fun to look at abolition of slavery. The slaves were happy to be free until they just ended up as share coppers with less social safety net than they had before.

E: This feels like ritualistic goad-mustang-into-saying-something-unpopular-and-vote-1

Edited by wierderrorrmustang ()

Reminder that Mustang is mentally ill and is on this crusade because years ago someone made fun of his naive liberal socialism. Since then he has attempted to make thousands of accounts to spam the forum, has posted to himself obsessively about various posters in the main forum, and will attempt to stalk in real life anyone he deems responsible for his paranoid state. He has literally been in this state for years. Please do not engage him, the idea that anyone can potentially be made to see reason if given enough knowledge is the essence of liberal ideology, he should be pitied and put out of his misery while we lament the social conditions that lead to his alienation and mental instability.
[account deactivated]

babyhueypnewton posted:

Mustang is mentally ill and is on this crusade because years ago someone made fun of his naive liberal socialism

lol really what happened

iirc he posted an info document he made about What Is Trotskyism? and people made fun of him and he had a comic book villain style neurotic breakdown
i believe the first reply was impper simply saying "fuck you"
he made a "SocialismFAQ" that said the cuba and the ussr were scary and not real socialism and within like 10 posts of derision the mustang19 we know today was born
ahaha thats awesome. fuck off mustang.
{mustang driving a convertible alone down the coast} {California here we come} i guess i was finally growing up.....the world seemed a little scarier.....but at least I finally knew who i was....

{a road sign is coming up.....it reads....You Are Now Entering The Caliphate...}

babyhueypnewton posted:

Reminder that Mustang is mentally ill and is on this crusade because years ago someone made fun of his naive liberal socialism. Since then he has attempted to make thousands of accounts to spam the forum, has posted to himself obsessively about various posters in the main forum, and will attempt to stalk in real life anyone he deems responsible for his paranoid state. He has literally been in this state for years. Please do not engage him, the idea that anyone can potentially be made to see reason if given enough knowledge is the essence of liberal ideology, he should be pitied and put out of his misery while we lament the social conditions that lead to his alienation and mental instability.

imo he should accepted with Love and Understanding and his talents for disruption and destruction put to good use against our common enemies


aerdil posted:

i believe the first reply was impper simply saying "fuck you"

yeah but that was also imppers reply to like my first 2000 posts

Who was it that said mustang was like the guy you get to help you rob a bank, and then kill him afterwards. I think about that sometimes.

littlegreenpills posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

Mustang is mentally ill and is on this crusade because years ago someone made fun of his naive liberal socialism

lol really what happened


Say what you will about Mustang, I like how he is now currently inflating my Reputation points (and apparently everyone else's too).

HenryKrinkle posted:

littlegreenpills posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

Mustang is mentally ill and is on this crusade because years ago someone made fun of his naive liberal socialism

lol really what happened


tpaine posted:

It's time once again for Top Ten Things Tpaine Said Today
10) Get these fucking people outta here!
9) We're all gonna be in the papers tomorrow if these people don't leave soon.
8) Ya got me locked and loaded, toots!
7) Time to hit the trails, people, whaddaya say!
6) Get back in your gross van or your clown car or your gay limousine or whatever you fucking people rode in on and get it up the road!
5) No more! No fucking more!
4) *walking by someone who drops a box on the floor* Dumbass.
3) *sneering derisively* This is gonna be rich.
2) That's queer...
1) Make it platinum.


HenryKrinkle posted:

littlegreenpills posted:
babyhueypnewton posted:
Mustang is mentally ill and is on this crusade because years ago someone made fun of his naive liberal socialism
lol really what happened

wow, people were being surprisingly nice and engaging for the most part, despite him being a turd, but by page 4 he's completely entered some copypasta fugue state

Mustang's recent bizarre psychotic symptom is liking every post on this forum... truly a sign of delusion