Panopticon posted:it's much more exciting to think of SJWs as a weimar paramilitary group. sozialejustizkriegern
Themselves posted:c_man posted:RedMaistre posted:The South has been the motor of some the most profound changes in the United precisely because the contradictions between black and white, countryside and city, the laboring and the propertied, have always been the most severe.
on a similar note, ive been thinking about the development of anti-racist struggle in the USA vs europe and how, in my experience at least, there seems to be a higher level of explicit racism that's "tolerated" in the mainstream in europe compared to the US. my thought is that this is due to the US being one of the places where the racist content of the development of "the West" as a political-economic community was most stark, where the core european nations exported the racist content of the political economy to, so it became the site of struggle more than europe. do you have any thoughts on this?
i think there are more people in the US willing to "stand up" for black folk, or perceived injustices against blacks - even if it isn't a call for revolution, than in europe.
but there are more people in america that also stand specifically *against* black people; a result of the historical long process of "ninjafization"
how about the context of anti-muslim sentiment? i feel like there's a strong "force/counter-force" at play with regard to black violence, even if it is twitter and SJWs vs the KKK, but violence, or stereotypes against muslims are as acceptable as ones against blacks in the 60's (1960 or 1860) were, in the US especially (can't compare to EU i don't really know enough)
stegosaurus posted:Panopticon posted:it's much more exciting to think of SJWs as a weimar paramilitary group. sozialejustizkriegern
innsmouthful posted:congrats on ruining a young man's life due to your pathological inability to deal with racial realities
lets ironically start banning Nazis from this site, now. LMFAO that would be so Ironic.
innsmouthful posted:congrats on ruining a young man's life due to your pathological inability to deal with racial realities
innsmouthful posted:congrats on ruining a young man's life due to your pathological inability to deal with racial realities
"congrats on ruining a young man's life due to your pathological inability to deal with racial realities."
c_man posted:RedMaistre posted:The South has been the motor of some the most profound changes in the United precisely because the contradictions between black and white, countryside and city, the laboring and the propertied, have always been the most severe.
on a similar note, ive been thinking about the development of anti-racist struggle in the USA vs europe and how, in my experience at least, there seems to be a higher level of explicit racism that's "tolerated" in the mainstream in europe compared to the US. my thought is that this is due to the US being one of the places where the racist content of the development of "the West" as a political-economic community was most stark, where the core european nations exported the racist content of the political economy to, so it became the site of struggle more than europe. do you have any thoughts on this?
You actually need the slave, the bondmen, the 'other' to be present to further a dialectic of recognition that tends towards freedom. Or why, at the end of the day, I have more hope for the Israelis than for the Europeon tribes.
The fact that Europe is nowhere near being an actual United States of Europe, and in fact from the point of view of the longue duree of the past 1500 years has objectively moved further and further from that being actually possible is key here. Unlike the USA (or the Zionist entity, for that matter), there is no single civic structure into which outsiders can be legally included, regardless of whether this acceptance is half-heated or not; because of this, amorphous factors like the superstitiones of the various local patriotisms and Western 'civilizational' belonging gain in greater relative importance. And the civilizational here is inevitably a euphemism for whiteness and volkish Christian religiosity.
By contrast,Its significant that you don't find Yankees using the power of the state to ban minarets and head gear. Or why not even South Park is willing to toy with some of the stereotypes that Charlie Hebdo does.
Edited by RedMaistre ()
aerdil posted:my dad is hitler's ghost but hes nice
i get this reference.
RedMaistre posted:You actually need the slave, the bondmen, the 'other' to be present to further a dialectic of recognition that tends towards freedom. Or why, at the end of the day, I have more hope for the Israelis than for the Europeon tribes.
i think i remember someone talking about hegel's master-slave dialectic in this way. i think it might have been in sex, race and class?
c_man posted:RedMaistre posted:
You actually need the slave, the bondmen, the 'other' to be present to further a dialectic of recognition that tends towards freedom. Or why, at the end of the day, I have more hope for the Israelis than for the Europeon tribes.
i think i remember someone talking about hegel's master-slave dialectic in this way. i think it might have been in sex, race and class?
Sorry, its called Women, Race and Class. My bad
drwhat posted:just sharing the people that have been murdered by cops in america that i've heard about today, obviously there are many more just like every day
post 420
Panopticon posted:it's not a sprint, it's a marathon
god damn
anyways it's likely the case that law enforcement already had the manifesto at the time but refused to release it. but by waiting even a couple months after the massacre, when it had died down as a news item, they could have successfully squelched the convo on right-wing terrorism and institutional white supremacy it ended up producing. so i consider it a victory in my own small special way.
and also this:
*plants a wet one on @HenryKrinkIe*
— Taryn Fivek (@fivek) December 15, 2016

ilmdge posted:the media desperately wants him tyo be insane because they dont want to confront white supremacy. it's like anders breivik being ruled insane while patiently telling everyone he was totally sane and just wanted to kill muslims
actually, i think you will find thata nyone who kills people is insane. i'm a liberal on the internet
ilmdge posted:im getting legit mad online every time i go on twitter adn see #blmkidnapping is trending. white racists are so fucking triggered by BLM that they just pin random crimes on them and call them terrorists
hell, same
ilmdge posted:the media desperately wants him tyo be insane because they dont want to confront white supremacy. it's like anders breivik being ruled insane while patiently telling everyone he was totally sane and just wanted to kill muslims
speaking of he's eligible for parole in five years
peepaw posted:ilmdge posted:the media desperately wants him tyo be insane because they dont want to confront white supremacy. it's like anders breivik being ruled insane while patiently telling everyone he was totally sane and just wanted to kill muslims
speaking of he's eligible for parole in five years
revolving door prisons imo