turkey is going to flatten everything in that rectangle and then pour in all the newly trained recruits (foreign paramilitaries) so that they can cause the lion assad to join moammar and saddam in jannah.
Fuck to Stink turk
How will we create the dead zone? With napalm?? Drones??? Agricultural effluent????
cars posted:
is that isis-free zone or isis free-zone
Turkey and U.S. Plan to Create County of Edessa, Install George Bush and his Heirs as Vassals to Barrack Obama in Perpetuity
meme for distribution
they're also bombing the PKK lol
r/picsofdeadcommunists is going to get some fresh content
dead zone for rebels is my favorite mumblecore cover band of deathcab for cutie
dont compare saddam to gaddafi and assad OP it's intellectually dishonest
yeah especially since the main difference is that the US was complicit in everything saddam did throughout the 80s
Edited by aerdil ()
Saddam has been martyred
ISIS-free zones??? Great, now whenever some bad guy with an ISIS shows up none of the good guys inside will have their own ISIS to stop him with. FUcking liberal "logic" strikes again
No, this is just the press screwing up again, it's actually a "Free ISIS Zone"
They're just trying to create an ISIS exchange program where you can turn in your old CIA manufactured insurgency and get an upgrade to the latest model at no cost.
They're just trying to create an ISIS exchange program where you can turn in your old CIA manufactured insurgency and get an upgrade to the latest model at no cost.