RedMaistre posted:The boy who cried coup.
would have been funnier if you'd said le garçon qui criait au coup. or at least way more pretentious. i'll give you this one for free
drwhat posted:RedMaistre posted:The boy who cried coup.
would have been funnier if you'd said le garçon qui criait au coup. or at least way more pretentious. i'll give you this one for free
I am not owned and can't be owned, because nothing I have is fully my own in the first place.
Panopticon posted:national conservatism is a movement in its own right, it might weaken neoliberalism and the global village project but it doesn't have to automatically benefit progress towards communism
No one is saying that people's whose present political consciousness* could be described as nationalist and conservative will "automatically" benefit anything. Only that, as isolated national bourgeois entities become increasingly nonviable under present conditions of globalized capital and free-flowing conflict, those whose spontaneous aspirations are for that type of social arrangement will be faced with the choice of either clinging to America (whose power can not last forever) and its immediate circle of cronies or turning towards international solidarity and the aspirations of the masses. Or they will hang separately, which is of course to be welcomed.
*and political consciousness is not a static thing.
RedMaistre posted:Only that, as isolated national bourgeois entities become increasingly nonviable under present conditions of globalized capital and free-flowing conflict
ahem, peak oil and catastrophic climate change are going to reverse the effects of globalization pretty drastically. cheap oil is the lube that keeps trade flowing and it is already running out. finance just roams the digital networks, but without cheap transportation and trade it alone will be ineffective... why do you think there are growing independence movements in scotland and catalonia, among other places?
what is needed is marxism-leninism, the "Marxism of the epoch of imperialism and proletarian revolution", because only it can fully grasp what imperialism is and thus is the key to defeating it.
Oh and Mao was a Marxist Leninist. Cheers.
discipline posted:le_nelson_mandela_face posted:please dont ignore my dog question.
I like dogs
Well I just donated to Golden Dawn.. how about them capitalist running dogs
NoFreeWill posted:RedMaistre posted:Only that, as isolated national bourgeois entities become increasingly nonviable under present conditions of globalized capital and free-flowing conflict
ahem, peak oil and catastrophic climate change are going to reverse the effects of globalization pretty drastically. cheap oil is the lube that keeps trade flowing and it is already running out. finance just roams the digital networks, but without cheap transportation and trade it alone will be ineffective... why do you think there are growing independence movements in scotland and catalonia, among other places?
NoFreeWill posted:RedMaistre posted:Only that, as isolated national bourgeois entities become increasingly nonviable under present conditions of globalized capital and free-flowing conflict
ahem, peak oil and catastrophic climate change are going to reverse the effects of globalization pretty drastically. cheap oil is the lube that keeps trade flowing and it is already running out. finance just roams the digital networks, but without cheap transportation and trade it alone will be ineffective... why do you think there are growing independence movements in scotland and catalonia, among other places?
Malthus rises from the grave
discipline posted:le_nelson_mandela_face posted:please dont ignore my dog question.
I like dogs
agreed. do you like big dogs or little dogs. i like big dogs
Crow posted:the problem with non-communist, nonaligned forces isn't that they are forever tainted (rip tpaine) with impurity or something like this, it's that they're unreliable in anti-imperialism or counterhegemony. Like for example the Russian bourgeoisie, which vacillates between genuine opposition to the imperialists, and confused concessions and rapprochement with them. Or for example the opportunist forces of reaction, who occasionally align themselves with anti-imperialist and national liberation forces: these people cannot be trusted with the leadership of the struggle for they can betray it or fall far short of its consummation.
what is needed is marxism-leninism, the "Marxism of the epoch of imperialism and proletarian revolution", because only it can fully grasp what imperialism is and thus is the key to defeating it.
Oh and Mao was a Marxist Leninist. Cheers.
I certainly agree that the Russian state and Russian masses have and will continue to come into increased confrontation with its domestic capitalist class as its antagonism with Washington intensifies. And that if the oligarchs are not checked, Putin will suffer a fate similar fate to that of Milosevic or Qaddafi and the Russian people as a whole will have to pay the price for a fleeting prolongation of American predominance.
Regarding Europe specifically, the KKE and other anti systemic left 'Stalinist' factions certainly have a better analysis of the situation of the present day crisis than the National Front, Anel, UKIP, etc caught up as those groups are in Islamophobia, hatred of migrants, etc. And my gut intuition is that if such groups ever come to power (or rather, are permitted to come to power), it will be part of an American power play against Germany. What to look out for are less what the the people who have already become hardcore committed members of brown movements will do and more what direction the broad mass of the population will go who are presently sitting on the fence between rightwing and leftwing options --the latter being more tractable than the former.
Edited by RedMaistre ()
NoFreeWill posted:RedMaistre posted:Only that, as isolated national bourgeois entities become increasingly nonviable under present conditions of globalized capital and free-flowing conflict
ahem, peak oil and catastrophic climate change are going to reverse the effects of globalization pretty drastically. cheap oil is the lube that keeps trade flowing and it is already running out. finance just roams the digital networks, but without cheap transportation and trade it alone will be ineffective... why do you think there are growing independence movements in scotland and catalonia, among other places?
Could you elaborate on this? Because while the end of cheap oil certainly will harm suburbanization, reliance on cars, and the consumer life styles that accompany it in many parts of the world, I am not sure why,prima facie , it by itself would cause a return to political and economic autarky. If anything, it would seem plausible that increased competition in the future over fewer resources between more equally matched set of political players will give rise to demands for an overall authority capable of handling the planning of economies on a global scale.
The Europeon mole hill falling apart into more manageable pieces, if and when that actually happens, does not necessarily presage the triumph of centrifugal forces elsewhere.
RedMaistre posted:brown movements
NoFreeWill posted:yeah it's really crazy to think that civilization faces any threat from climate change and peak oil. the DoD recently released a speculative futures pdf where they went into detail about resource wars drought and mass climate-related migrations. they're currently funding a bunch of "clean" energy R&D so they can continue being imperialists as effectively as possible after the low-priced oil runs out. except it will get much much harder to project force, because there is simply no good replacement for oils portability and energy density. it will also get more expensive to transport things, so trade will slow down... none of this is that complicated. it's also inspired by the part from the art of not being governed where he talks about how the extent of se asian empires was determined by how far a ox-cart could travel before tax collection became uneconomic energetically.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:Petchat: my fucking cat just woke the entire house up yelling while shitting in the bathtub
my cat sleeps next to my pillow when I go to bed, waiting patiently for the day when I will die of catastrophic liver failure in my sleep and he can finally eat my delicious eyes
Petrol posted:
and then we get to retreat to feudalism and/or little tribes, and then go extinct.