discipline posted:chances of BHPN and COINTELBRO both posting separately from Korea: probably nil
COINTELBRO is me o_O. that is realy weird lol
xipe posted:Ireland passedgay marriage by popular vote and the left & working class were fully behind it
We'll see what it means for the other ongoing struggles, but im hopeful
Gssh posted:xipe posted:Ireland passedgay marriage by popular vote and the left & working class were fully behind it
We'll see what it means for the other ongoing struggles, but im hopeful
yep, i'll be looking at assistance lent to the abortion rights campaign and more energisation & focus for the housing, water and general anti-austerity campaigns.
also see what happens to bougie ngos like GLEN
aerdil posted:i'm mustang, maggotmaster, and the pink ninja guy, but im smart enough to use proxies
im gay
swirlsofhistory posted:Oh nm it's probably your reddit account. I've seen gross names get lots of upvotes in the comments on the frontpage, maybe that was what you were going for here?
discipline posted:stegosaurus posted:the IP's dont lie bro
yah the one who openly says he's in korea masks his IP and the other who says nothing about it does not hmmm
you think this is revelatory, wait until you discover that you are me
Urbandale posted:i am not saying that the CIA isnt an integral aspect of the ability of the US to project its power. but what i am saying is that there is a reason its using the very inexpensive (in manpower, due to presunk costs into NGOs in the country and domestic NGOs funding them, like the AFL-CIO's international committee) methods they are using and not the military option. the strongarm military doesnt work and hasnt for decades.
the US military works perfectly well if you know that its actually a massive money laundering scheme and drug corridor security force. Its goal is not to "conquer" countries or "win" "wars"
discipline posted:chances of BHPN and COINTELBRO both posting separately from Korea: probably nil
wait wait wait... are you telling me that both the best posters on this forum are huey?
c_man posted:lol at anyone seriously engaging baby newton about gay people
fuck offward
c_man posted:tho i guess it makes sense if you're a catholic, since the official line of the catholic church is basically that cointelbro post
e: i mean idk where you go to mass but that's what we got in mass and confirmation class and its not like the catholic church is that decentralized
Edited by c_man ()
c_man posted:im pretty sure homosex is right up there with contraception in the "culture of death" that i was always inveighed to battle with all my might, maybe the Cool Pope says gay sex is cool now but i havent paid attention since i haven't been forced to
whatever you're talking about is still not some sadistic shit about how gay bashing secures the manhood of a bunch of horn-rimmed white commie dorks
c_man posted:im pretty sure homosex is right up there with contraception in the "culture of death" that i was always inveighed to battle with all my might, maybe the Cool Pope says gay sex is cool now but i havent paid attention since i haven't been forced to
IRL, I have never heard the term 'culture of death' being used regarding homosexuality specifically, let alone as one of its major manifestations. And I have known pretty much the full spectrum of Catholics in my area, from Catholic Worker veterans in DC to a shut-in nonegenerian whose son became a priest of the SSPX. Even the most hard-line appear to treat it as a different issue. I can cede though that your experience may have varied, because in fact the Church is pretty "decentralized" in practice.
If we are talking about official lines, contrary to certain secondary sources out there, what your saying doesn't correspond to how the "culture of death" is used by the Vatican's formal documents. Here are the parts of Evangelium Vitae in which definitions of the phrase are provided:
This reality is characterized by the emergence of a culture which denies solidarity and in many cases takes the form of a veritable "culture of death". This culture is actively fostered by powerful cultural, economic and political currents which encourage an idea of society excessively concerned with efficiency. Looking at the situation from this point of view, it is possible to speak in a certain sense of a war of the powerful against the weak: a life which would require greater acceptance, love and care is considered useless, or held to be an intolerable burden, and is therefore rejected in one way or another. A person who, because of illness, handicap or, more simply, just by existing, compromises the well-being or life-style of those who are more favoured tends to be looked upon as an enemy to be resisted or eliminated. In this way a kind of "conspiracy against life" is unleashed....
Here we are faced with one of the more alarming symptoms of the "culture of death", which is advancing above all in prosperous societies, marked by an attitude of excessive preoccupation with efficiency and which sees the growing number of elderly and disabled people as intolerable and too burdensome. These people are very often isolated by their families and by society, which are organized almost exclusively on the basis of criteria of productive efficiency, according to which a hopelessly impaired life no longer has any value.
Note that the primary emphasis is not on sexuality at all, and what is listed as 'the most alarming symptom.'
Edited by RedMaistre ()
cars posted:.custom284446{}c_man posted:im pretty sure homosex is right up there with contraception in the "culture of death" that i was always inveighed to battle with all my might, maybe the Cool Pope says gay sex is cool now but i havent paid attention since i haven't been forced to
whatever you're talking about is still not some sadistic shit about how gay bashing secures the manhood of a bunch of horn-rimmed white commie dorks
yyeah, it's worse because the catholic church has actual power and control over people's beliefs and actions towards gay people.
Edited by walkinginonit ()
cars posted:c_man posted:im pretty sure homosex is right up there with contraception in the "culture of death" that i was always inveighed to battle with all my might, maybe the Cool Pope says gay sex is cool now but i havent paid attention since i haven't been forced to
whatever you're talking about is still not some sadistic shit about how gay bashing secures the manhood of a bunch of horn-rimmed white commie dorks
no it secures more catholic babies for the upcoming race war spiritually trying times
RedMaistre posted:If we are talking about official lines, contrary to certain secondary sources out there, what your saying doesn't correspond to how the "culture of death" is used by the Vatican's formal documents. Here are the parts of Evangelium Vitae in which definitions of the phrase are provided:
This reality is characterized by the emergence of a culture which denies solidarity and in many cases takes the form of a veritable "culture of death". This culture is actively fostered by powerful cultural, economic and political currents which encourage an idea of society excessively concerned with efficiency. Looking at the situation from this point of view, it is possible to speak in a certain sense of a war of the powerful against the weak: a life which would require greater acceptance, love and care is considered useless, or held to be an intolerable burden, and is therefore rejected in one way or another. A person who, because of illness, handicap or, more simply, just by existing, compromises the well-being or life-style of those who are more favoured tends to be looked upon as an enemy to be resisted or eliminated. In this way a kind of "conspiracy against life" is unleashed....
Here we are faced with one of the more alarming symptoms of the "culture of death", which is advancing above all in prosperous societies, marked by an attitude of excessive preoccupation with efficiency and which sees the growing number of elderly and disabled people as intolerable and too burdensome. These people are very often isolated by their families and by society, which are organized almost exclusively on the basis of criteria of productive efficiency, according to which a hopelessly impaired life no longer has any value.
this is a pretty standard theological move tho. making broad universalizing claims about how the weak are abused by the strong and material and economic pressure blah blah whatever, when the actual practice of the church is to promote anti-communist propaganda and opposition to anything that threatens the patriarch as the center of social life. anyway my interest in the theological presentation of the church's regressive and awful sexual politics is only academic much like exactly which laws are invoked to deny black people housing and livelihood. it will take whatever form is convenient for the moment.