The Supreme Court on Friday delivered an historic victory for gay rights, ruling 5-4 that the Constitution requires that same-sex couples be allowed to marry no matter where they live and that states may no longer reserve the right only for heterosexual couples.

The court’s action marks the culmination of an unprecedented upheaval in public opinion and the nation’s jurisprudence. Advocates called it the most pressing civil rights issue of modern times, while critics said the courts had sent the country into uncharted territory by changing the traditional definition of marriage.
I think gay people should be allowed to post on tHE r H i z z o n E.

swampman posted:

I think gay people should be allowed to post on tHE r H i z z o n E.

sure why not
a coworker of mine just said that his friend has to hire immigrants because americans won't do any labor. he said no americans will accept 2 dollars an hour when they can make 7 an hour at mcdonalds doing nothing.

my head hurts, rhizzone.

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

are these Cher lyrics?

The opinion is couched in a style that is as pretentious as its content is egotistic. It is one thing for separate concurring or dissenting opinions to contain extravagances, even silly extravagances, of thought and expression; it is something else for the official opinion of the Court to do so. Of course the opinion’s showy profundities are often profoundly incoherent. “The nature of marriage is that, through its enduring bond, two persons together can find other freedoms, such as expression, intimacy, and spirituality.” (Really? Who ever thought that intimacy and spirituality were freedoms? And if intimacy is, one would think Freedom of Intimacy is abridged rather than expanded by marriage. Ask the nearest hippie. Expression, sure enough, is a freedom, but anyone in a long-lasting marriage will attest that that happy state constricts, rather than expands, what one can prudently say.)
it is so ordered
this is probably the most effective pre-wwIII propaganda coup of the obama administration. homonationalism will be the primary force of imperialism from now on if it wasnt already.

babyhueypnewton posted:

homonationalism will be the primary force of imperialism from now on

my guess is it will be the military


getfiscal posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

homonationalism will be the primary force of imperialism from now on

my guess is it will be the military

the US military hasnt won shit in 40+ years. but when you have chinese people watching Modern Family and lamenting the lack of gay rights in China, that's imperial power.


babyhueypnewton posted:

the US military hasnt won shit in 40+ years. but when you have chinese people watching Modern Family and lamenting the lack of gay rights in China, that's imperial power.

i'm glad you've become an idealist and believe that the battle for ideas is primary, which is your position now, as an idealist.

"homonationalism" is a cool word so i'd like to suggest that from now on, we call united states arms sales to african proxy forces "black nationalism"
i'm glad gays have finally gained the right to become each other's property

getfiscal posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

the US military hasnt won shit in 40+ years. but when you have chinese people watching Modern Family and lamenting the lack of gay rights in China, that's imperial power.

i'm glad you've become an idealist and believe that the battle for ideas is primary, which is your position now, as an idealist.

In Terrorist Assemblages I propose a rapproachment of Foucauldian biopolitics and Achille Mbembe’s critique of it through what I call a ‘bio-necro collaboration’, one that conceptually acknowledges biopower’s direct activity to death, while remaining bound to the optimalization of life, and necropolitics’ nonchalance towards death even as it seeks out killing as a primary aim. I allege that it is precisely within the interstices of life and death that we find the differences between queer subjects who are being folded (back) into life and the racialized queernesses that emerge through the naming of populations, thus fueling the oscillation between the disciplining of subjects and control of populations. The result of the successes of queer incorporation into the domains of consumer markets and social recognition in the post-civil rights, late twentieth-century era, these various entries by queers into the biopolitics optimalization of life mark a shift, as homosexual bodies have been historically understood as endlessly cathected to death, from being figures of death (i.e., the AIDS pandemic) to becoming tied to ideas of life and productivity (i.e., gay marriage and reproductive kinship).

The fundamental feature of necrocapitalism is accumulation by dispossession and the creation of death worlds in colonial contexts . The historical context of contemporary practices of accumulation by dispossession, violence and death is situated in the early years of European colonialism. The ideology of the new empire reflected the needs of colonial modernities where older justifications of empire through civilization were reconfigured by economic conceptions of progress and development resulting in a form of capitalist imperialism

necrocapitalism's album death worlds is the must-have of the summer

cars posted:


in queer times.


There is a now-familiar ritual performed by liberal commentators and journalists following Supreme Court decisions that go their way: The praising of Associate Justice Antonin Scalia’s blistering dissents.

Today’s dissenting opinion, objecting to the court’s ruling, in Obergefell v. Hodges, that marriage is a fundamental right, was no exception. It was anticipated with an odd eagerness even before it was published, and its zingy lines were immediately picked over and marveled at. Scalia may be wrong, the mantra went—as it always does!—but he is intelligent and witty.

This is an odd sense of wit. Scalia is not just wrong. He is wrong in the same way that the thousands of anonymous conservative Twitter accounts with default egg avatars swarming liberal politicians and pundits are. He writes his dissents using the same jokes and the same arguments. If Scalia’s ostensibly witty writing displays a keen legal mind, then we are witnessing the blossoming of a new age of legal scholarship in Hillary Clinton’s at-replies. Because Antonin Scalia is, essentially, a Twitter egg.
Somebody on my facebook posted Obama getting heckled by a transgender latino activist for his unprecedented deportation of immigrants. But instead of being like "yeah fuck obama" it was like "obama is so cool talking down to that person with some catchphrase and all the rich white liberals in suits starting an Obama chant." Shows you how much these people care about LGBT rights, even within their own homonationalist ideology.

e: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/06/24/politics/obama-heckler-white-house-lgbt/ if you want to see Obama acting out Kay and Peele jerking him off
i love the *shield eyes from light and squint, emphasizing how worthless the questioner is* move

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

This is an odd sense of wit. Scalia is not just wrong. He is wrong in the same way that the thousands of anonymous conservative Twitter accounts with default egg avatars swarming liberal politicians and pundits are. He writes his dissents using the same jokes and the same arguments. If Scalia’s ostensibly witty writing displays a keen legal mind, then we are witnessing the blossoming of a new age of legal scholarship in Hillary Clinton’s at-replies. Because Antonin Scalia is, essentially, a Twitter egg.

antonin scalia is a fascist aligned with a fascist layer at the mid-level leadership of the roman catholic church, a sedevacantist-friendly strain that assisted u.s. central intelligence agency death squads in asia. but thanks gawker.

I also like how Obama casually pushed through the TPP, probably the greatest piece of legislation in history for accelerationists. But gotta retweet the rainbow white house!

thirdplace posted:

The opinion is couched in a style that is as pretentious as its content is egotistic. It is one thing for separate concurring or dissenting opinions to contain extravagances, even silly extravagances, of thought and expression; it is something else for the official opinion of the Court to do so. Of course the opinion’s showy profundities are often profoundly incoherent. “The nature of marriage is that, through its enduring bond, two persons together can find other freedoms, such as expression, intimacy, and spirituality.” (Really? Who ever thought that intimacy and spirituality were freedoms? And if intimacy is, one would think Freedom of Intimacy is abridged rather than expanded by marriage. Ask the nearest hippie. Expression, sure enough, is a freedom, but anyone in a long-lasting marriage will attest that that happy state constricts, rather than expands, what one can prudently say.)

i have goatstein on ignore and id thank you not to quote his posts

i want to troll my facebork so bad right now
go do that
freddie's at it again


corey posted:

i have goatstein on ignore and id thank you not to quote his posts

one of the best things about posting or tweeting or whatever within the Great LF Dyspora is that you can call something "goony as fuck" and everyone knows what you mean


babyhueypnewton posted:

the US military hasnt won shit in 40+ years

fucked up how all these countries keep destroying themselves right?


babyhueypnewton posted:

the US military hasnt won shit in 40+ years.



Guyovich posted:

freddie's at it again




Themselves posted:

i love the *shield eyes from light and squint, emphasizing how worthless the questioner is* move

actually he's nearsighted from years of reading from a teleprompter, so his long distance vision is impaired. this is also why he will never be allowed behind the wheel of a car for the rest of his life.

where are y'all gonna get hitched now that marriage is legal? i got my eyes on www.nixonfoundation.org/weddings
alright take a look at this... this is Just Coming Into the Situation Room... Awful Situation...

A heckler!

Interrupting the President of the United States just a little while ago during an LGBT, pride, uh, month, event.. in the East Room at the White House.

Drawing a very sharp rebuke from The President, let me play that for you

will no one rid this gay activist President of these troublesome queers??

Guyovich posted:

freddie's at it again

those comments on his "proof i'm a leftist" manifesto

i feel like it must hurt someone's head to be a left liberal in the U.S. i believe all these things and they're pretty popular ideas! not radical at all! and in this beleagured land of the free and freedom's liberal heritage and true democracy they can't even get a hearing! this is preposterous and then all analysis ends. they turn on the TV and rachel maddow and the young turks and various comedy central twerps are all nodding manically, yes it's preposterous! ridiculous! you're totally right so the left liberal figures hmm, i better check with some sympathetic authority figures to parse this impossible situation & see what i can do to help... not that person though, they're too weird to be on cable next to henry kissinger.. okay it says here that the problem is "money in politics" and that we need to vote for democrats to get "money out of politics"..

then maybe they get hit on the head Daffy-Duck-style and get all their missing memories back and they think, huh, we already tried that & the democrats are funded by investment bankers, and when they passed campaign finance legislation the supreme court shut it down... well we'll have to just keep electing Democrats then! forever, so that they're in power when someone in a lifetime position goes senile or dies... and in the meantime, i guess the democrats have to take money from all these extremely wealthy and powerful capitalists (who will never ever give up their grip on power & will always circumvent legislation preemptively because their employees wrote it) but we need to elect those democrats and man, think how awful it would be if the supreme court justice death wheel showed my number but it paid out to the conservatives and what i don't get is how you can live like that and consider yourself interested in politics, it's like a Rube Goldberg machine for self-harm. it would hurt you less as a bourgeois-valued Westerner to fuck off and go fishing.

its probably more accurate to say that the us military has been fairly effective but us imperialism is so weak that it cant leverage that particular tool with full efficacy. hence color revs, the failure in yugoslavia and somalia, the imperialist schism over iraq 2 and the inability to create an effective puppet state there, etc
there are a number of assumptions there, like: 1) the bourgeois state perceives that order is preferable to disorder in those regions at the time, 2) the bourgeois state perceives its interests are best served by long-term stability in those regions, rather than intermittent short- or-medium-term stability with high turnover of any undesirable elements, 3) that you can even have an imperialist state that can project power effectively and constantly, yet can be described as "weak" in any way... further, i think the history of u.s. and western "intervention" shows that capitalists are just as happy to foment chaos, weakness and instability as they are to put their own people in power, if the cost-benefit analysis suggests that course of action. i think that democrats and other educated liberals are especially prone to the idea of "well we'll just fix things every few years with some more 'democratic' 'revolutions'" because they consider themselves too clever and humble for big plans and "strong men". add to that the facts of petroleum policy for the U.S. gov't: they have guaranteed supply and their goal is to choke off china.