
Impper posted:

Goethestein posted:
How do feminists justify the belief that pornography causes rape and violence against women in light of the fact that pornography availability has exploded to ludicrous degrees in the last 15 years and during that same time incidence of rape and domestic violence has gone down

i think it's gotten to the point where the feminists say that it's actually making men impotent in irl sexual situations. DEFINITELY TRUE

that might happen, if you're used to seeing Porn Babes with mondo fake boobs and ass jobs moaning like the souls of the dead then your boner might have to get used to the idea of the fat pasty hobgoblin from wood shop

Goethestein was probated until (March 6, 2012 13:18:01) for this post!

pornography encourages rape culture, specifically through the promotion of rape myth, so even if you want to promote some sort of rape prevention through porn theory it's indisputable that it's an imperfect solution to say the least

Impper posted:
i wouldn't be at my job either if it weren't for economic circumstances

agreed sex work is just the same as any other sort of work

when i hear the word rape culture i reach for my rape gun
[account deactivated]

Lessons posted:

Impper posted:
i wouldn't be at my job either if it weren't for economic circumstances

agreed sex work is just the same as any other sort of work

it pays better and requires less effort than other work you can get with no education

according to wikipedia, it's $400-1200 for one scene of vaginal sex for a starting performer. thats good money

Goethestein posted:

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Impper posted:
i wouldn't be at my job either if it weren't for economic circumstances

agreed sex work is just the same as any other sort of work

it pays better and requires less effort than other work you can get with no education

that's ... not even true lol. i've made more money with entry-level restaurant work than women get with entry-level pornography work, and probably put in less effort too.

i knew a girl who moved to las vegas and could make as much as $3000 a night
[account deactivated]

Lessons posted:

Goethestein posted:

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Impper posted:
i wouldn't be at my job either if it weren't for economic circumstances

agreed sex work is just the same as any other sort of work

it pays better and requires less effort than other work you can get with no education

that's ... not even true lol. i've made more money with entry-level restaurant work than women get with entry-level pornography work, and probably put in less effort too.

you made over $100 an hour to have people give you multiple orgasms? where is this restaurant and are they hiring

i've lived with several dancers (strippers for you misogynists) and they all quit because they didn't make enough money, not even minimum wage lol (plus they had to pay to dance!)
it's not misogynist to call a stripper a stripper. the whole point is that they have no clothes on. nobody would go if they were just doing the mashed potata in a parka
multiple orgasms
lol the words you use make you a misogynist yea
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

Goethestein posted:
it's not misogynist to call a stripper a stripper. the whole point is that they have no clothes on. nobody would go if they were just doing the mashed potata in a parka

at a lot of clubs they can't take their drawers off otherwise the club couldn't sell beer


Impper posted:
lol the words you use make you a misogynist yea

no they just reveal it. mostly because of what you don't know


tpaine posted:

Lessons posted:
multiple orgasms

rampart fortification

daily cries. steel reserve.


tpaine posted:

Lessons posted:
multiple orgasms

rampart fortification

Misogynists Revealed

Lessons posted:
pornography encourages rape culture, specifically through the promotion of rape myth, so even if you want to promote some sort of rape prevention through porn theory it's indisputable that it's an imperfect solution to say the least

Yeah I can buy that.

rape is not about sex. pornography is about sex. ergo, pornography does not contribute to rape. QED.

Lessons posted:

Impper posted:
what about those porn sites where its like just one lady doin thangz on her own

maybe she's pushed into it by economic circumstances. it barely even matter to me anymore because porn's gross.

hahaha, yes, "maybe" within the current economic system people don't take horrific jobs because they somehow find some enjoyment in making $2 a day to pan handle on the streets of dehli, but rather are left with no recourse in subsisting.


Goethestein posted:
How do feminists justify the belief that pornography causes rape and violence against women in light of the fact that pornography availability has exploded to ludicrous degrees in the last 15 years and during that same time incidence of rape and domestic violence has gone down

serious question, btw. its probably not hyperbole to say that the availability of pornography has increased by a factor of 100 in the period 1990-2010. if porn causes rape and violence why is it that the rate of rape has dropped 35% in that same time period, and roughly the same level can be seen in domestic violence statistics?

[account deactivated]
yeah tpaine is right. in the criminology literature this is known as the "sasha grey lightning rod effect"
[account deactivated]
sasha gray is played out by now
because of 94% of rapes occur in wars where they are not tabulated into the statistics of the rape doctors

Impper posted:
sasha gray is played out by now

no homo


Impper posted:
sasha gray is played out by now

she was pretty good in the semi-legit movie "the girlfriend experience"

i actually wanted to see that but i never got around to it. is it very good?
[account deactivated]

Goethestein posted:
How do feminists justify the belief that pornography causes rape and violence against women in light of the fact that pornography availability has exploded to ludicrous degrees in the last 15 years and during that same time incidence of rape and domestic violence has gone down

i don't really know if a consequentialist argument works for individual porn consumption (esp. if you don't pay for it).

but think of the aesthetics!

discipline posted:
there are millions of women on this planet who are literally sex slaves and I guarantee you've jerked off to at least one of them

i'm thinking this should be enough

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
we should just make a whole patriarchy. i've taken a few programming classes
if my hypothetical daughter (biological, not stolen from goatsteins house late one nite raising arizona style) actually inherits any big pats of my genes then she won't be able to do porn / prostitution because of the acne scars...