of courses the most ideologically pure filmmaker is MaoDad82 whos youtube videos on how to find good trash cans to eat out of have held a mirror up to society
c_man posted:i really liked burn after reading
Burnt after reading the script to burn after reading
You say it's addictive, I say that's misleading
aerdil posted:RedMaistre posted:(Anyway surprised nobody mentioned jim jarmusch, who is certainly both artistically and ideologically superior to folks like woody allen or paul w. anderson....)
btw that post was a joke w.s. is the bad one, t. is the better one
Thought it was one of those so-Hyper-Ironic-Its-Sincere-Faves
discipline posted:prove me wrong... oh right, you can't because he's the greatest american filmmaker alive today
actually its Brian de Palma
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:the fact that discipline didn't even try to touch mel brooks is how i know im right
i like how at the end of 12 chairs its pretty unambiguously a Good Thing that the aristocrat's family fortune got distributed to the people and he goes begging on the street as scam artist
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:the fact that discipline didn't even try to touch mel brooks is how i know im right
thats beacuse Mel Brooks is a member of the jewish oppressed nation ((pre-ascension to White status))
discipline posted:prove me wrong... oh right, you can't because he's the greatest american filmmaker alive today
prove me wrong
for the millionth time...i will NOT murder Spike Lee
corey posted:where can i talk abtout how good the new mad max is. DO NOT say gbs
General Bullshit