[account deactivated]
skylark i don't want to criticize you too much but you've got to be careful in encouraging the goat because he's almost as repulsive as i and the others here are and he feeds off your lols
with 10 mil bux u could get a killer sex change regime going on and have change leftover for some chicken nuggets AND pancakes
He is probably thinking of elagabalus
Whoops! Looks like you bought into the prevailing narratives of the patriarchy!!


Here - * points* - diagonally .

Pret-ty sneaky, cis!

discipline posted:
I lolled at this part of the Julia Serano book because she said she asked an audience if they'd change their gender for 10 million dollars and they all said no. Hrm akkktually I think 10 mil is about my lifetime lost earnings being born as a woman thanks Patriarchy

reminder that i would phonebooth* into grace kelly for zero dollars so basically so sorry no serano

*phonebooth is my new hip word for transitioning

one issue i have with being a meatwoman is that i don't want to deal with periods and shit like that (and rape but that's neither here nor there). i know that wasn't invented by patriarchy per se but it totally was.

discipline posted:
I lolled at this part of the Julia Serano book because she said she asked an audience if they'd change their gender for 10 million dollars and they all said no. Hrm akkktually I think 10 mil is about my lifetime lost earnings being born as a woman thanks Patriarchy

That's dumb cuz apparently you can change your gender without getting any surgery or doing much of anything

if your lifetime lost earnings due to patriarchy are ten million then you must live in space switzerland where you work for a moon bank or something

getfiscal posted:
skylark i don't want to criticize you too much but you've got to be careful in encouraging the goat because he's almost as repulsive as i and the others here are and he feeds off your lols

He needs to stop trolling that's for sure. Gender is a Sensitive topic... Im sick of the trolls but i'm down for some lols

I I wish I was born a woman so i'd have more opportunities:


Figures show that the gender pay gap has dramatically narrowed, leaving young women marginally ahead of their male counterparts for the first time.

Female workers aged between 22 and 29 earn just over £10 per hour on average, while men in the same age bracket are paid just under £10, the study found.

My new gender is the best at mariokart
one important thing is that she said people wouldn't want to transition for that dollar because of ultrasexism, and not because like well "integrity" or "personal identity"

getfiscal posted:
if your lifetime lost earnings due to patriarchy are ten million then you must live in space switzerland where you work for a moon bank or something



Crow posted:

getfiscal posted:
if your lifetime lost earnings due to patriarchy are ten million then you must live in space switzerland where you work for a moon bank or something


in khamsek's case: pallywood

i connect the dots. she's a shill for big arab.


getfiscal posted:
big arab.

Big time lady porn stars are millionaires

Goethestein posted:
Big time lady porn stars are millionaires

i'm more grossed out by you then i am when i look in the mirror

Have a bunch of hard sex, do some drugs, hang with rappers, get money, write a memoir, retire and show up in celeb reality TV until the day you die. Sounds pretty baller
On that note these videos are pretty cool

A dude interviews porn stars about their lives and shit.
[account deactivated]
It's not pornography. I think you might get something out of it. It's a woman talking about her job.

Unless you've essentialized that woman to a "porn star" so she no longer has an identity as a person....that doesn't seem fair.
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:
Yeah it's a guy interviewing a woman he's about to rape for the benefit of those complicit in her abuse... ah come on sweetie, tell us what a favor we're doing your 'high sex drive' by raping you


You should listen to what she says before projecting your own prejudices upon her I think.

love the scare quotes around high sex drive too lmao.


discipline posted:
Yeah it's a guy interviewing a woman he's about to rape for the benefit of those complicit in her abuse... ah come on sweetie, tell us what a favor we're doing your 'high sex drive' by raping you

i dont watch porn anymore but this seems like a really interesting way to think about this video

also she's absolutely right when she says that there are a lot of people who dont enjoy sex and who dont have a high sex drive

Impper posted:

discipline posted:
Yeah it's a guy interviewing a woman he's about to rape for the benefit of those complicit in her abuse... ah come on sweetie, tell us what a favor we're doing your 'high sex drive' by raping you

i dont watch porn anymore but this seems like a really interesting way to think about this video

It's basically slut-shaming: "I don't want to hear what you have to say because you're unapologetic about having sex"

[account deactivated]

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Impper posted:

discipline posted:
Yeah it's a guy interviewing a woman he's about to rape for the benefit of those complicit in her abuse... ah come on sweetie, tell us what a favor we're doing your 'high sex drive' by raping you

i dont watch porn anymore but this seems like a really interesting way to think about this video

It's basically slut-shaming: "I don't want to hear what you have to say because you're unapologetic about having sex"

shut up retard

granted im an idiot misogynist or whatever but i don't understand people telling porn actors that they don't know what they're doing, that in fact they're being exploited (and even raped?), and the fact that they claim to enjoy their job is either a product of a broken childhood, a lack of agency, or plain stupidity
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:
I did listen and it's run of the mill misogynist propaganda. Wow, a porn star who has a super high sex drive? Tee hee Daddy had one too it must be genetic... No of COurse not I was never abused! I come here to get fucked in humiliating and painful positions for a few hundred dollars, putting myself at risk of disease and pregnancy for the fun and love of the job, the thrill of making the audience at home happy jerking off to my rape and abuse

it looks more like a young woman doing an interview and discussing her job and her life. also don't get the whole "tee hee" stuff, are you saying she was put up to saying what she said? not trying to troll just trying to understand this

[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Impper posted:

discipline posted:
Yeah it's a guy interviewing a woman he's about to rape for the benefit of those complicit in her abuse... ah come on sweetie, tell us what a favor we're doing your 'high sex drive' by raping you

i dont watch porn anymore but this seems like a really interesting way to think about this video

It's basically slut-shaming: "I don't want to hear what you have to say because you're unapologetic about having sex"

shut up retard

Sorry dude that's the way it comes across. Discipline's attitude to her is pretty belittling.

Besides I never said "hey check out this video, this excuses the misogyny in porn", I just think it's interesting.


discipline posted:
Just wondering how many female sex workers you've known irl? Oh coz I've known a few and yes they've all been addicted to opiates or alcohol and yes they've all been raped. But gosh if they didn't tell the camera how mcuh they loved it!!

is this our standard of evidence now?

[account deactivated]

discipline posted:
It doesn't matter if there are a few sex workers out there who are privileged enough to enter the profession of their own free will and who truly and deeply enjoy their work and are fairly paid and treated well, there are millions of women on this planet who are literally sex slaves and I guarantee you've jerked off to at least one of them

what does this video have to do with the millions of literal sex slaves on the planet? that's another discussion imho, as well as what i've jerked off to


discipline posted:
What's so interesting? Pornographers make videos like this all the time; there are plenty of blogs and interviews out there with victims of abuse gushing about how much they 'love' their job

not everyone goes around watchin videos like this i guess


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

babyfinland posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Impper posted:

discipline posted:
Yeah it's a guy interviewing a woman he's about to rape for the benefit of those complicit in her abuse... ah come on sweetie, tell us what a favor we're doing your 'high sex drive' by raping you

i dont watch porn anymore but this seems like a really interesting way to think about this video

It's basically slut-shaming: "I don't want to hear what you have to say because you're unapologetic about having sex"

shut up retard

Sorry dude that's the way it comes across. Discipline's attitude to her is pretty belittling.

Besides I never said "hey check out this video, this excuses the misogyny in porn", I just think it's interesting.

lol the pornographer is just invisible to you isnt he

[account deactivated]