aerdil posted:randomly redistribute all avatars and usernames amongst the posters to test the validity of rawl's veil of ignorance
even for a liberal, john rawls is a fucking moron. there's a significant difference between subscribing to a prescribed state ideology and trying to make a coherent philosophical justification for it, and oh my god he has to be the biggest sucker on the god damn planet
rawls is intelligent in an abstracted academy sense, just totally fucking wrong and harmful in practice, like everything else that comes out of an institution deliberately constructed to support the status quo
shriekingviolet posted:i just felt some kind of narcissistic compulsion to elaborate on where i'm coming from
dipshit420 posted:the wire wasn't a very good show
The Wire’s failure to adequately represent Baltimore’s Jews and other religious and ethnic groups is in fact a powerful statement that representations of urban multicultural diversity are an irrelevance if parts of the city have become so degraded. Through their disconnection from West Baltimore, Jews on The Wire become either sinister stereotypes or a barely differentiated part of an entirely ‘other’ world that is homogeneous in its ignorance of the wound lying in the heart of the city.
Edited by babyhueypnewton ()
tpaine posted:rhizzone loves: it's always sunny in philadelphia, gangsta rap music, grimes
hates: arrested development, the wire, probably the fucking sopranos too. oh and i bet emaonlanouo has written pages of hate in his zine for the princess bride or some other movie that only the wrongest and lowest savage on the planet could dislike, you people are heinous
I'm assuming that's where the term comes from
TG posted:Whats with kids born after the matrix came out calling themselves red pillers
I'm assuming that's where the term comes from
piece of shit kid google "why dont girls like me" ""girl fcall me a dork " and they find MRA forums due to their super autism powered search engine optimization
shriekingviolet posted:yeah i acknowledge that i don't really evaluate philosophical arguments and discourse by a "fair" metric anymore, and i've lost the ability to assess a system of thought on its own merits, a product of alienation from my home discipline. back in my youth i skirted around this by considering philosophy a field of abstract arts and assessing thought systems by some strangled metric of internal consistency yielding beauty lol.
rawls is intelligent in an abstracted academy sense, just totally fucking wrong and harmful in practice, like everything else that comes out of an institution deliberately constructed to support the status quo
Rawls is a useful retard in that he provides an obvious reductio ad absurdum without liberalism's opponents having to lift a finger
fuckin lol
dipshit420 posted:i forgot about grimes. time is fleeting
what does the rhizzone think of her new single released today
Themselves posted:red pill salute
Fucked up but true.
tpaine posted:how does someone like that become a pitchfork darling while they ignore actual music being made by people?
because her last album, visions, was a smash hit. pitchfork is shitty and dumb and often grade albums based on how much indie good will the artist currently has built up, hence why the biggest name currently out there, beach house, gets over an 8 automatically even when they release two albums in eight weeks, while currents by tame impala, or reflektor by arcade fire, get massively inflated scores as well. by the times those groups have their next releases and the hype has burned off a bit, expect much lower scores. similarly, if this grimes album doesnt do super well, her album after this wont score well. but this album probably will by default, based on visions, the rhizzone album of the year 2012. theyll go back retroactively and fix the scores based on how history has judged the releases when the reissues come out